Unlock Your Full Potential: 7 Secret Tips to Become a Pro

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Unlock Your Full Potential: 7 Secret Tips to Become a Pro

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating an Elongated Format 2.1 Horizontal Format 2.2 Vertical Format
  3. Sending Push-ups in a Private Message
  4. Analyzing the Newbies Lounge
  5. Exploring the Mid-days Website
  6. Using the Pompshot Tool
  7. Listening to Conversations in the Living Rooms
  8. Customizing Prompts with Parameters
  9. Examining the Result
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore some incredible tricks on using mid-days to generate high-quality images. We will cover various techniques and features of the platform that can help You Create visually appealing designs. Whether you are looking to create elongated formats, analyze market trends, or customize prompts, this article will provide you with valuable insights and tips to optimize your use of mid-days.

Creating an Elongated Format

To start, let's learn how to create an elongated format for your designs. Mid-days allows you to create both horizontal and vertical formats, which are suitable for various purposes such as t-shirts, mobile wallpapers, and more.

To create a horizontal format, simply put a prompt with the slash "imagine," followed by the desired aspect ratio. For example, to create an 8:6 horizontal format, you would Type "imagine AR 8:6" in your prompt. On the other HAND, to create a vertical format, add an extra space and then specify the aspect ratio. For instance, "imagine 6:8" would create a 6:8 vertical format.

Sending Push-ups in a Private Message

One useful feature of mid-days is the ability to send push-ups in a private message. Instead of sharing your push-up publicly in the main chat, you can send it directly to a specific user. This allows you to avoid distractions and focus on your conversation with the recipient. To send a push-up privately, simply right-click on the recipient's name and select the option to send a private message.

Analyzing the Newbies Lounge

If you want to stay updated on the latest trends and preferences within the mid-days community, the Newbies Lounge is a great place to explore. By observing conversations and analyzing what users are typing, you can gain valuable insights into popular graphic styles, requests, and interests. This information can inform your own designs and help you cater to the preferences of the market.

Exploring the Mid-days Website

The mid-days website is a valuable resource for finding inspiration and expanding your creative possibilities. By visiting the website from your Google Chrome browser, you can access a range of features and explore different trends. The website offers various categories, including hot, new, and top, allowing you to discover popular designs and trending topics. By analyzing the pumps and taking note of the elements that resonate with you, you can Gather ideas and inspiration for your own designs.

Using the Pompshot Tool

If you ever find yourself struggling to come up with parameters for your prompt, you can turn to the Pompshot tool. This tool, which is discussed in Detail in one of my previous videos, allows you to configure various settings to achieve specific styles and effects. By following the instructions provided in the video, you can customize your prompt and generate high-quality designs with ease.

Listening to Conversations in the Living Rooms

The living rooms in mid-days are spaces where users engage in conversations and share ideas. By occasionally tuning in and listening to the discussions, you can gain valuable insights into what users are saying, sharing, and learning. This can help you stay updated on the latest trends, identify popular topics, and discover new ideas to incorporate into your own designs. Just make sure you have a basic understanding of English, as most conversations in the living rooms are conducted in this language.

Customizing Prompts with Parameters

One of the key features of mid-days is the ability to customize prompts by adding parameters. By including specific elements and details in your prompt, you can achieve more precise and tailored results. Experiment with different parameters, styles, and characteristics to find the perfect combination that matches your vision.

Examining the Result

After creating a prompt, it's essential to examine the results and make any necessary adjustments. Sometimes, the initial rendering may not be ideal, especially when dealing with complex elements like hands or intricate details. In such cases, you can use the "Make veration" feature to generate variations of the prompt. By iterating and refining the prompt, you can achieve the desired outcome and produce high-quality designs.


In conclusion, mid-days is a powerful platform for generating high-quality images. By utilizing various features and techniques, such as creating elongated formats, sending push-ups privately, analyzing market trends, and customizing prompts, you can enhance your design process and produce visually appealing results. Remember to experiment, stay updated on the latest trends, and take AdVantage of the community and resources available to you. Happy designing!


  1. Learn how to create elongated formats for different purposes.
  2. Send push-ups privately to stay focused and avoid distractions.
  3. Analyze the Newbies Lounge for valuable insights into market trends.
  4. Explore the mid-days website for inspiration and popular designs.
  5. Use the Pompshot tool to customize prompts and achieve desired styles.
  6. Listen to conversations in the living rooms to stay updated on the latest trends.
  7. Customize prompts with parameters to achieve precise and tailored results.
  8. Examine and refine prompt results to create high-quality designs.
  9. Experiment, stay updated, and utilize available resources for optimal design outcomes.


Q: Can I create both horizontal and vertical formats on mid-days? A: Yes, mid-days allows you to create both horizontal and vertical formats by specifying the desired aspect ratio in your prompt.

Q: Can I send push-ups privately to specific users on mid-days? A: Absolutely! Simply right-click on the recipient's name and select the option to send a private message.

Q: How can I find trending designs on mid-days? A: You can explore the mid-days website and browse through categories such as hot, new, and top to discover popular designs and trending topics.

Q: What is the Pompshot tool and how can it help me? A: The Pompshot tool is a handy feature that allows you to customize prompts by specifying parameters for different styles and effects. It helps you achieve tailored and high-quality designs.

Q: How can I stay updated on market trends and popular styles? A: By analyzing conversations in the Newbies Lounge and listening to discussions in the living rooms, you can gain valuable insights into market trends and popular styles.

Q: Are there any tips for refining prompt results on mid-days? A: Yes, if the initial rendering is not satisfactory, you can use the "Make veration" feature to generate variations of the prompt. Iterate and refine until you achieve the desired outcome.

Q: What should I do if I need inspiration for my designs on mid-days? A: Explore the mid-days website, analyze popular pumps, and take note of elements that resonate with you. This can provide inspiration and spark ideas for your own designs.

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