Unlock Your GIF Potential: Get GIPHY Verified and Share on Instagram Stories

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Unlock Your GIF Potential: Get GIPHY Verified and Share on Instagram Stories

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Verified on Giphy.com
  3. How to Create Gifts on Giphy.com
  4. Using Procreate for Creating Gifts
  5. Uploading and Sharing Your Gifts on Giphy.com
  6. Tips for Getting Verified on Giphy.com
  7. Additional Tools and Software for Gift Creation
  8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Getting Verified on Giphy.com

Giphy.com has become a popular platform for creating and sharing GIFs on various social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Getting verified as an artist on Giphy.com allows You to share your own GIF creations with a wider audience. In this article, we will guide you through the process of getting verified on Giphy.com and also Show you how to create your own GIFs using Procreate. So let's dive in!

Step 1: Creating an Account and Uploading GIFs

The first step in becoming a verified artist on Giphy.com is to create an account. Once you have created your account, you need to upload at least five GIFs that you have created. It is important to add specific hashtags to each GIF, including one for your own brand or name. This will make it easier for users to find your GIFs when searching on platforms like Instagram.

Step 2: Verifying Your Artist Account

After uploading your GIFs, you are ready to Apply for verification. Visit the Giphy.com Website and navigate to the "Facts" page. Look for the section on verification for artists and follow the instructions on the artist application page. Provide all the necessary details and wait for a response from Giphy.com.

Step 3: Turnaround Time and Acceptance

The verification process usually takes about a week. However, it is important to note that you may not receive an acceptance email if you are approved. You can check if you have been verified by searching for your GIFs on platforms like Instagram using your specific hashtags. If you are not accepted, Giphy.com may provide you with tips to improve your chances in the future.

Step 4: Using Your Verified Artist Account

Once you have been verified, you can start using your GIFs on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Any new GIFs you upload will be automatically accepted, without the need for another week-long approval process. The turnaround time for new GIFs to be available on platforms is usually around a day.

How to Create Gifts on Giphy.com

Creating GIFs on Giphy.com is a fun and creative process. With a few simple steps, you can bring your ideas to life and share them with the world. In this section, we will walk you through the process of creating your own GIFs using Procreate.

Step 1: Setting Up the Animation Canvas

To start creating your GIF, open Procreate on your iPad and create a new canvas. Click on the wrench icon in the top left corner and navigate to the "Canvas" settings. Select "Animation Assist" to turn your canvas into an animation canvas.

Step 2: Drawing the Basic Shape

Choose the Shape tool in Procreate and select the shape you want to use for your GIF. For example, if you want to create a sun GIF, choose the ellipse shape. Use the color drop tool to fill the shape with your desired color.

Step 3: Adding Dimension with Clipping Masks

To add dimension to your GIF, create a new layer and enable the clipping mask feature. This allows you to draw or add details to your shape without going outside its boundaries. Experiment with different colors and effects to enhance the appearance of your GIF.

Step 4: Creating Animation Frames

To create animation frames, duplicate the layer with your shape and make slight changes to its position or rotation. Repeat this process to add more frames and create a smooth animation. Adjust the frames per Second to control the speed of the animation.

Step 5: Exporting Your GIF

Once you are satisfied with your GIF, remove the background and export it as a transparent GIF. Change the canvas background to transparent in the settings. Use the export feature in Procreate to save your GIF as an animated GIF file. You can then upload it to Giphy.com and share it with others.

Creating GIFs using Procreate offers endless possibilities for expressing your creativity. Experiment with different shapes, colors, and effects to create unique and captivating GIFs.

Tips for Getting Verified on Giphy.com

  • Be consistent in uploading high-quality GIFs regularly.
  • Interact with the Giphy.com community by liking, commenting, and sharing other artists' GIFs.
  • Utilize Relevant hashtags to increase discoverability of your GIFs.
  • Collaborate with other artists to create GIFs that appeal to a wider audience.
  • Engage with your followers and encourage them to use your GIFs.
  • Take AdVantage of Giphy.com's resources and guidelines to improve your chances of getting verified.

Remember, getting verified on Giphy.com is not guaranteed, but by following these tips and being dedicated to creating high-quality GIFs, you increase your chances of success.

Additional Tools and Software for Gift Creation

While Procreate is a popular choice for creating GIFs, there are other tools and software available that can enhance your GIF creation process. Here are a few alternatives you can explore:

  1. Adobe Photoshop: An industry-standard graphics editing software that offers powerful animation tools.
  2. Canva: A user-friendly online platform with pre-designed templates and animation features.
  3. Pixlr: A free online photo editor with animation capabilities.
  4. GIMP: A free and open-source image editing software that supports animation.
  5. Adobe After Effects: A professional motion graphics and visual effects software for creating complex and dynamic GIFs.

Experiment with different tools and find the one that suits your style and requirements the best. Each software has its own set of features and learning curve, so take the time to explore and practice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I get verified as a brand on Giphy.com? A: Yes, Giphy.com offers verification for both artists and brands. The process may differ slightly, but you can follow the brand application page instructions to get verified as a brand.

Q: How long does it take for new GIFs to be approved on Giphy.com? A: The approval process for new GIFs can vary, but for most people, it takes about a day. However, once you are verified, any new GIFs you upload are automatically accepted without the need for approval.

Q: Can I edit my GIFs after uploading them on Giphy.com? A: Yes, if you forgot to include specific hashtags or made any other mistakes, you can edit your GIFs on the Giphy.com website. Simply visit the Giphy.com website, log in to your account, and make the necessary changes.

Q: What are some popular hashtags I can use to increase the visibility of my GIFs? A: Popular hashtags you can use are #GIF, #animation, #art, #funny, #meme, #design, and #creative. You can also use hashtags that are specific to the theme or subject of your GIF to target a relevant audience.

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