Unlocking Design System Secrets: Overcoming Figma Library Limits

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Unlocking Design System Secrets: Overcoming Figma Library Limits

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Inception of the Problem
  3. Building the Figma Library for Gloss
  4. The Complexity of Gloss
  5. Challenges and Solutions
  6. Splitting the Library into Multiple Files
  7. The Benefits of Component Properties
  8. Refactoring and Optimization
  9. Tips for Working Efficiently
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the Journey of building a complex Figma library and the challenges faced along the way. We will discuss the inception of the problem and how it led to the development of the Gloss library. We will also Delve into the intricacies and complexities of Gloss, including its multi-brand support and modular components. Additionally, we will explore the solutions implemented to overcome the performance issues and the adoption of component properties. Throughout the article, we will share valuable tips for working efficiently and offer insights into the refactoring process. By the end, You will have a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of building and maintaining a Figma library and the strategies employed to ensure success.

The Inception of the Problem

The journey begins with the development of the Figma library for Gloss, a Website Design System that is part of the larger Corner Design System. As the team embarked on this endeavor, they encountered a problem that was both unexpected and challenging. The complexity of the library and the high number of variants it contained posed significant performance issues. With over 68 components and multiple breakpoints, managing the library became a formidable task. The team quickly realized that they needed to find a solution to ensure the smooth functioning of the library and the optimal browsing experience for users.

Building the Figma Library for Gloss

To tackle the challenges posed by the complexity of Gloss, the team employed a base component architecture. This approach involved creating a base component and building variants from it to avoid repetitive changes across multiple instances. By utilizing this architecture, developers could make changes to the base component, such as border radius or default color, and have those modifications reflected in all the variants. This approach Simplified the component creation process and resulted in a more efficient library structure.

The Complexity of Gloss

Gloss, being a multi-brand website design system, presented unique challenges in terms of scalability and adaptability. It supported various brands within the business, each with specific requirements and styles. Additionally, Gloss featured a clipboard functionality, pre-built pages, starter pages, and numerous templates, further adding to its complexity. The library also utilized the React framework, enhancing its versatility and compatibility with the development process. However, the increased complexity and the proliferation of Hidden layers within the components resulted in a heavy and memory-intensive library.

Challenges and Solutions

As the library grew in complexity, the team encountered several challenges regarding performance, scalability, and maintainability. The heavy memory usage of the library led to crashes and affected the overall browsing experience for users. The team realized that they needed to find a solution that would address these issues effectively. After careful consideration, they decided to split the library into multiple files and leverage Figma's component properties feature. This allowed them to optimize performance, reduce the number of hidden layers, and streamline the overall functionality of the library.

Splitting the Library into Multiple Files

Splitting the library into multiple files proved to be an effective strategy to mitigate performance issues. By organizing the components into separate files, the team reduced the memory load and made the library more manageable. Additionally, this approach enabled easier navigation and improved the overall browsing experience. However, it required clear communication and coordination among team members to ensure seamless integration and alignment between the different files.

The Benefits of Component Properties

By utilizing component properties in Figma, the team was able to simplify and optimize the library further. Component properties reduced the number of variants, making them easier to maintain and update. This new approach also benefited content designers, allowing them to make changes without delving into complex layer structures. With the introduction of nested components, the power of component properties extended to even more intricate designs. The alignment between Figma and React component structures facilitated seamless collaboration between designers and developers.

Refactoring and Optimization

Refactoring the library and optimizing its performance required careful planning and execution. The team had to analyze each component and determine the best approach for migration to the new structure. This process involved updating and aligning component names and properties, as well as addressing any compatibility issues. By taking a systematic and iterative approach, the team successfully refactored the entire library to utilize component properties and achieve optimal performance.

Tips for Working Efficiently

Throughout the journey, the team discovered several techniques and tools that enhanced their productivity and efficiency. Leveraging Figma plugins, such as Filter, Select Layers, and Automator, allowed the team to automate repetitive tasks and speed up their workflow. Batching changes and working smarter, not harder, proved to be effective strategies for faster completion of tasks. Clear communication and transparency with stakeholders played a vital role in managing expectations and mitigating the impact of failures. Embracing vulnerability and openly acknowledging mistakes created an environment of learning and growth.


Building and maintaining a complex Figma library comes with its fair share of challenges. However, by leveraging the right strategies and tools, teams can overcome these obstacles and achieve success. This journey provided valuable insights into the importance of scalability, performance optimization, and effective collaboration between designers and developers. By embracing continuous improvement and adopting best practices, teams can build efficient and user-friendly design systems that empower both Creators and consumers.


  • Building a complex Figma library requires careful planning and optimization to ensure optimal performance.
  • Splitting the library into multiple files and utilizing component properties can significantly improve performance and maintainability.
  • Clear communication, transparency, and collaboration between designers and developers are key to successfully managing a complex library.
  • Leveraging Figma plugins can automate repetitive tasks and streamline the workflow.
  • Embracing vulnerability and learning from failures contribute to personal and professional growth.


Q: How did splitting the library into multiple files help improve performance?

A: Splitting the library into multiple files reduced the memory load and allowed for easier navigation and management. By dividing the components into separate files, the team mitigated performance issues and improved the overall browsing experience.

Q: What are the benefits of utilizing Figma's component properties feature?

A: Utilizing component properties in Figma reduces the number of variants, simplifies maintenance, and allows for easier updating. It also enhances collaboration between content designers and other stakeholders, as changes can be made without navigating complex layer structures.

Q: How can Figma plugins enhance productivity in building a complex library?

A: Figma plugins, such as Filter, Select Layers, and Automator, can automate repetitive tasks and streamline the workflow. By utilizing these plugins, teams can save time and increase efficiency in managing and updating the library.

Q: How important is collaboration between designers and developers in building a complex Figma library?

A: Collaboration between designers and developers is crucial in ensuring the successful development and maintenance of a complex library. Clear communication and coordination between the two groups facilitate seamless integration and alignment, leading to an efficient and user-friendly design system.

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