Unlocking Midjourney: 11 Experimental Hacks

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Unlocking Midjourney: 11 Experimental Hacks

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Permutations
  2. How to Use Permutations for Aspect Ratios
  3. Exploring Different Stylize and Chaos Values
  4. Testing Different Colors
  5. Trying Out Different Art Styles
  6. Testing Different Seeds
  7. Adding Multiple Words to Permutations
  8. Using Permutations for Multiple Prompts
  9. Using Permutations to Test Different Weight Values
  10. Using Permutations to Explore Different Algorithm Versions
  11. Conclusion

Introduction to Permutations

In this article, we will explore the powerful feature of permutations in the Mid-Journey AI Tool. Permutations allow You to input multiple outcomes into one prompt, saving you time and effort while experimenting. We will discuss various use cases, including aspect ratios, stylize and chaos values, colors, art styles, seeds, multiple words, multiple prompts, weight values, and algorithm versions. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to use permutations effectively in your creative journey with Mid-Journey AI.

How to Use Permutations for Aspect Ratios

One of the most common use cases for permutations is testing different aspect ratios. By using a special permutation command, you can input multiple aspect ratios into a single prompt without having to Type them out individually. This feature saves you time and allows you to quickly explore how different aspect ratios can affect your visual creations. We will walk you through the step-by-step process of using permutations for aspect ratios and Show you the resulting prompts.

Exploring Different Stylize and Chaos Values

Permutations are not only limited to aspect ratios; you can also utilize them to test different stylize and chaos values. By inputting various values for stylization and chaos, you can quickly see how these parameters impact your prompts. We will guide you through the process of using permutations for stylize and chaos values and showcase the generated prompts for each value. This will help you gain insights into how different combinations of these values can enhance your visual creations.

Testing Different Colors

Another exciting application of permutations is testing different colors in your prompts. Whether you are creating sticker art, designing t-shirts, or working on character clothing, trying out various color combinations can be time-consuming. With permutations, you can input multiple colors into one prompt and see the results Instantly. We will show you how to use permutations for testing different colors and present the visually stunning prompts generated with each color combination.

Trying Out Different Art Styles

Permutations can also be used to explore different art styles in your prompts. Whether you want to Create Pencil sketches, watercolor paintings, Clay sculptures, or even Unreal Engine renders, permutations can help you achieve the desired effects. We will walk you through the process of using permutations for different art styles, allowing you to unleash your creativity and experiment with various visual aesthetics.

Testing Different Seeds

When generating prompts with Mid-Journey AI, the seed parameter plays a crucial role in determining the output. Permutations can be employed to test different seed numbers and observe the variations in the resulting prompts. We will guide you on how to use permutations for testing different seeds and showcase the unique prompts generated by each seed number. This will enable you to find seed numbers that resonate with your creative vision.

Adding Multiple Words to Permutations

Permutations can also accommodate multiple words within one prompt. By using a special technique involving backslashes and commas, you can add multiple words to your permutations without separating them into different prompts. This feature is particularly useful when you want to incorporate multiple words in art styles or other parameters. We will demonstrate the process of adding multiple words to permutations and showcase the enticing prompts generated with these combinations.

Using Permutations for Multiple Prompts

Did you know that you can combine multiple permutations within one prompt? This advanced technique allows you to multiply the number of prompts generated and explore various combinations of parameters simultaneously. We will provide examples of using multiple permutations for different parameters, such as stylize values, chaos values, and aspect ratios, and show you how the number of prompts increases exponentially. This will save you time and efficiently fuel your creative experimentation.

Using Permutations to Test Different Weight Values

Permutations can also be used to explore different weight values in the Mid-Journey AI tool. By testing various weight values for specific parameters, such as style or intensity, you can observe how these values affect your prompts. We will guide you through the process of using permutations for testing different weight values and showcase the impactful prompts influenced by each weight value. This tool will aid in fine-tuning your prompts according to your creative preferences.

Using Permutations to Explore Different Algorithm Versions

Permutations can also help you explore different algorithm versions in Mid-Journey AI. By testing prompts generated by different algorithm versions, you can gain insights into the nuances and improvements brought by each version. We will demonstrate how to use permutations to explore different algorithm versions and present the visually distinct prompts generated by each version. This will allow you to compare and choose the algorithm version that best aligns with your creative goals.


In conclusion, permutations are a transformative feature in the Mid-Journey AI tool that saves you time and fuels your creativity. By utilizing permutations for aspect ratios, stylize and chaos values, colors, art styles, seeds, multiple words, multiple prompts, weight values, and algorithm versions, you can experiment and explore the vast possibilities of visual creation. With the knowledge gained from this article, you are equipped to leverage the power of permutations and embark on an exciting creative journey with Mid-Journey AI.


  • Permutations in Mid-Journey AI save time and enhance experimentation
  • Explore different aspect ratios with ease using permutations
  • Harness the power of permutations for testing stylize and chaos values
  • Test out vibrant color combinations using permutations
  • Dive into various art styles with the help of permutations
  • Discover the impact of different seed numbers through permutations
  • Combine multiple words within permutations for expanded creativity
  • Multiply the number of prompts generated with multiple permutations
  • Fine-tune your prompts with permutations for different weight values
  • Explore different algorithm versions with permutations


Q: Can I use permutations in relax mode? A: No, permutations can only be used during active sessions and consume your fast hours.

Q: How many concurrent jobs can I have with standard plan? A: With the standard plan, you can have up to three concurrent jobs running simultaneously.

Q: Can I use permutations to test Custom Image weights? A: Yes, you can use permutations to test different weight values in Custom Image prompts.

Q: How do I add permutations as a suffix? A: To add permutations as a suffix, use the forward slash (/) followed by "prefer suffix" and the desired permutation values.

Q: Are there any drawbacks to using permutations? A: Permutations can consume your fast hours quickly, and you can only have a limited number of concurrent jobs on the standard plan.

Q: How can I explore different algorithm versions with permutations? A: By using permutations, you can specify different algorithm versions and observe the variations in the generated prompts.

Q: How can I share my thoughts and suggestions with the author? A: You can fill out the form provided in the description to share your feedback and ideas for the author's podcast.

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