Unlocking the Power of AI: Chat and Summarizer in Action

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Unlocking the Power of AI: Chat and Summarizer in Action

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Improvements in Logs
  3. Implementation of Chat History
  4. Adding a Summarizer
  5. Visual Explanation of the Chat Context
  6. Short-Term Memory Creation
  7. Using Meta Messages in the Chat
  8. Temperature Setting for Responses
  9. Delete Last Message Functionality
  10. Replay and Delete Last Chunk Functions
  11. Edit Mode for Fine-Tuning
  12. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the various improvements made to a chat application. These enhancements include the implementation of a chat history, the addition of a summarizer, temperature settings for responses, and fine-tuning capabilities. We will Delve into each of these features in Detail, providing a comprehensive understanding of how they contribute to the overall functionality of the chat application.

Improvements in Logs

To begin, we will discuss the improvements made to the logs. These updates include enhancing the available information by adding the token count for the prompt and the total tokens for each OpenAI API request. This additional data aids in understanding possible ways to improve the application, especially when dealing with large Prompts or the need for more frequent summarization.

Implementation of Chat History

Next, we will explore the implementation of chat history in the application. This feature allows the chat assistant to have contextual awareness, much like the Current chat GPT and other available chat bots. By passing the chat history to every prompt, the chat assistant can maintain a short-term memory of the conversation. This short-term memory is crucial for understanding the ongoing discussion and ensuring appropriate responses.

Adding a Summarizer

In order to further enhance the chat history, a summarizer has been integrated into the application. The summarizer analyzes the previous chat history and generates a summary. This summary is then included in the next prompt along with the chat messages. By utilizing the summarizer, the chat assistant can better grasp the main points of the conversation and construct more contextually Relevant responses.

Visual Explanation of the Chat Context

To provide a more visual understanding of the chat context, a Diagram is presented. This diagram illustrates the flow of the conversation, with user prompts shown in Blue and AI assistant responses in red. Additionally, the diagram showcases the prompt history and demonstrates how the summarizer is injected at appropriate points. By visualizing the chat context, it becomes easier to comprehend the organization and structure of the conversation.

Short-Term Memory Creation

The implementation of chat history and the incorporation of a summarizer work together to Create a short-term memory for the chat application. This short-term memory allows the chat assistant to keep track of the ongoing conversation, understanding the main points that have been discussed. By maintaining this contextual awareness, the chat assistant can provide more coherent and relevant responses.

Using Meta Messages in the Chat

The chat application also utilizes meta messages, which are messages that provide meta information about the chat but are not written by the user or the AI assistant. By enabling the display of meta messages, users can gain insights into the prompts and summaries that are being sent to the AI. This transparency allows for a better understanding of the data being utilized in the chat application.

Temperature Setting for Responses

Another improvement in the chat application is the addition of a temperature setting for responses. This feature allows users to adjust the temperature of the AI responses, enabling them to test different response variations. By exploring different temperature settings, users can determine the ideal balance between creativity and consistency in the AI-generated responses.

Delete Last Message Functionality

The chat application now includes a "delete last" function, which allows users to delete the last message sent. Whether it is a user message, an AI response, or a meta message, the "delete last" action removes the most recent message. This functionality is particularly helpful for testing purposes and provides users with the flexibility to refine their chat interactions.

Replay and Delete Last Chunk Functions

In addition to the "delete last" function, the chat application offers a "replay" feature. This feature allows users to replay the last message sent, as if it were a new message being introduced. By replaying messages, users can experiment with different prompts and observe how the AI responds. Furthermore, the application provides a "delete last chunk" function, which deletes all messages until the last user message. This feature is useful for deleting entire blocks of conversations, including any meta messages.

Edit Mode for Fine-Tuning

The chat application includes an edit mode that allows users to fine-tune the AI responses. Users can edit and modify the messages in real-time, ensuring that the responses Align with their desired outcomes. This edit mode is particularly advantageous for fine-tuning the AI's output, especially when preparing the data for the fine-tuning process. With this feature, users can create high-quality conversations that can be exported for training the AI model.


In conclusion, the chat application has undergone significant improvements to enhance its functionality and provide users with a more interactive and personalized experience. By implementing features such as chat history, summarization, temperature settings, and fine-tuning capabilities, the application is now better equipped to understand and respond contextually to user prompts. These improvements pave the way for more dynamic and engaging conversations with AI assistants.

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