Unraveling Decoder-Only Transformers: A Clear Explanation

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Unraveling Decoder-Only Transformers: A Clear Explanation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Decoder-Only Transformer?
  3. Word Embedding: Converting Words into Numbers
  4. Positional Encoding: Keeping Track of Word Order
  5. Masked Self-Attention: Determining Word Relationships
  6. Residual Connections: Easier Training for Complex Networks
  7. Fully Connected Layer: Generating the Next Word
  8. Softmax Function: Determining Word Probabilities
  9. Generating the Output: Decoding the Prompt
  10. Encoder-Decoder Transformers vs. Decoder-Only Transformers
  11. Differences Between Normal Transformers and Decoder-Only Transformers
  12. Training with Masked Self-Attention
  13. Conclusion



In the world of natural language processing, Transformers have become a prominent tool for tasks like language translation, text generation, and chatbots. One specific Type of Transformer that has gained attention recently is the Decoder-Only Transformer. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Decoder-Only Transformers, their components, and how they differ from normal Transformers.

What is a Decoder-Only Transformer?

A Decoder-Only Transformer is a type of neural network model used for language generation tasks, such as chatbots or text completion. Unlike traditional Transformers that consist of separate encoder and decoder units, Decoder-Only Transformers have a single unit responsible for both encoding the input and generating the output. This design allows for efficient processing and faster training.

Word Embedding: Converting Words into Numbers

Before we dive into the workings of a Decoder-Only Transformer, let's first understand the process of converting words into numbers, a technique known as word embedding. Word embedding is crucial for neural networks because they typically only accept numerical inputs. In the Context of the Decoder-Only Transformer, word embedding is performed using a simple neural network with one input for each word in the vocabulary.

Positional Encoding: Keeping Track of Word Order

Word order plays a vital role in language understanding and generation. To keep track of word order, Decoder-Only Transformers employ positional encoding. This technique uses a sequence of alternating sine and Cosine functions, with each function assigning specific position values to word embeddings. By incorporating positional encoding, the Decoder-Only Transformer can accurately capture the relationships between words in the input prompt.

Masked Self-Attention: Determining Word Relationships

The Core mechanism that allows Decoder-Only Transformers to understand word relationships is masked self-attention. With masked self-attention, each word in the input prompt analyzes its similarity to itself and the preceding words. This analysis assists in encoding the input words with context and establishes Meaningful relationships among them. The calculations involve dot product similarities, softmax functions, and scaled values.

Residual Connections: Easier Training for Complex Networks

To facilitate training and improve the efficiency of the model, Decoder-Only Transformers incorporate residual connections. These connections add the position-encoded values to the self-attention values, enabling the model to efficiently establish relationships among input words without losing important information from the word embeddings and positional encoding.

Fully Connected Layer: Generating the Next Word

Once the input prompt is encoded, the Decoder-Only Transformer moves on to generate the output. A fully connected layer, consisting of weights and biases, is used to generate probabilities for the next word. These probabilities are determined by passing the encoded input through the fully connected layer and applying a softmax function. The highest probability word is then selected as the next output.

Softmax Function: Determining Word Probabilities

The softmax function is an essential part of the Decoder-Only Transformer's output generation. It takes the output values from the fully connected layer, which represent word probabilities, and converts them into numbers between 0 and 1. The output values are preserved in the same order, allowing for easier interpretation and determining the percentage of each input word to use when generating the next word.

Generating the Output: Decoding the Prompt

Decoding the prompt involves using the same components used for encoding but in reverse. The word embeddings and positional encoding are recreated for each prompted word, starting with the EOS (end of sequence) token. This process continues until the EOS token is predicted, indicating the end of the response generation.

Encoder-Decoder Transformers vs. Decoder-Only Transformers

One key distinction between Decoder-Only Transformers and traditional Encoder-Decoder Transformers is the structure of the model. Encoder-Decoder Transformers consist of separate units responsible for encoding the input and decoding the output. In contrast, Decoder-Only Transformers use a single unit for both tasks, resulting in faster processing and training.

Differences Between Normal Transformers and Decoder-Only Transformers

Normal Transformers and Decoder-Only Transformers differ not only in their structure but also in their attention mechanisms. Normal Transformers use both self-attention and encoder-decoder attention to determine word relationships, while Decoder-Only Transformers rely solely on masked self-attention. Additionally, during training, normal Transformers use masked self-attention on the output, allowing them to learn how to generate the correct output.

Training with Masked Self-Attention

During training, Decoder-Only Transformers utilize masked self-attention in a slightly different manner than during inference. Instead of including all the input tokens, they only include the tokens in the known output. This enables the model to learn how to generate the correct output without accessing future tokens, avoiding any cheating or lookahead.


Decoder-Only Transformers offer an efficient and effective approach to language generation tasks. By using a single unit for both encoding and decoding, these models streamline the process and achieve faster training. With their unique components like word embedding, positional encoding, masked self-attention, residual connections, and fully connected layers, Decoder-Only Transformers provide a powerful tool for generating coherent and context-aware responses.


  • Decoder-Only Transformers have a single unit for both encoding and decoding.
  • Word embedding converts words into numerical representations.
  • Positional encoding helps maintain word order in the model.
  • Masked self-attention determines word relationships within the input.
  • Residual connections facilitate training and improve efficiency.
  • Fully connected layers generate the next word probabilities.
  • Softmax function converts probabilities into numbers that add up to one.
  • Decoder-Only Transformers handle Prompts of different lengths using reused components.
  • Training with masked self-attention enables the model to learn how to generate correct outputs.
  • Decoder-Only Transformers offer efficient and effective language generation capabilities.


Q: How do Decoder-Only Transformers handle prompts of different lengths?

A: Decoder-Only Transformers handle prompts of different lengths by reusing the components for word embedding, positional encoding, and masked self-attention. This allows the model to handle prompts with varying numbers of words efficiently.

Q: Can Decoder-Only Transformers be used for language translation tasks?

A: Yes, Decoder-Only Transformers can be used for language translation tasks. By providing input in one language and generating output in another, these models can effectively translate text.

Q: How does positional encoding help with maintaining word order?

A: Positional encoding assigns specific position values to word embeddings using alternating sine and cosine functions. By incorporating these position values, the model can accurately capture and maintain the relationships between words Based on their positions in the input sequence.

Q: What is the role of residual connections in Decoder-Only Transformers?

A: Residual connections are used in Decoder-Only Transformers to make training easier for complex neural networks. These connections allow the model to establish relationships among input words without losing important information from the word embeddings and positional encoding.

Q: Can Decoder-Only Transformers generate coherent and context-aware responses?

A: Yes, Decoder-Only Transformers are designed to generate coherent and context-aware responses. Through word embedding, positional encoding, masked self-attention, and fully connected layers, these models can generate responses that are contextually related to the input prompt.

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