Unraveling the Risks of ChatGPT

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Unraveling the Risks of ChatGPT

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Scenario 1: Content Creation for Marketing
    • Data Storage or Data Processing
    • User and Environment Considerations
    • Risks and Mitigation Strategies
  3. Scenario 2: Code Creation for Web Apps
    • The Role of Under-resourced or Underskilled Developers
    • Introduction of Vulnerabilities and Threats
    • Security and Stability Implications
    • Risk Assessment and Control Measures
  4. Scenario 3: Business Case Creation
    • The Need for a Convincing Proposal
    • Potential Exposure of Confidential Information
    • Risks Related to Data Subjects
    • Evaluating and Addressing Risks in Business Case Creation
  5. Conclusion


1. Introduction

Hi, I'm Adam, an information security manager. Today, I'm going to explore the use of Vigilant Software's Cyber Comply tool for conducting a risk assessment of a hot topic software called Chat GTP. In this article, we will Delve into three different scenarios to understand the risks associated with the use of this software within a specific organization. I will be joined by Gary, a product specialist and customer success manager from Vigilant Software, who will demonstrate the Cyber Comply tool by visualizing examples and scenarios.

2. Scenario 1: Content Creation for Marketing

In this scenario, we will focus on using Chat GTP for content creation for marketing purposes, including emails, Website and blog content, and general marketing copywriting. Before diving into the risk assessment, let's consider some important factors:

Data Storage or Data Processing

The first step is to identify whether the system will be used for data storage or data processing. This distinction is crucial for understanding the associated risks. We need to assess how sensitive data will be handled and protected within the software.

User and Environment Considerations

Next, we should determine who will use the piece of software and in what environments. Understanding the user base and the various environments they operate in will help us identify potential vulnerabilities and threats.

Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Once we have gathered the necessary information about the use case, users, and environments, we can proceed with assessing the risks. Some of the potential risks in content creation for marketing include:

  • Unauthorized access to sensitive marketing data
  • Breach of confidentiality in marketing campaigns
  • Inadequate data protection measures
  • Vulnerabilities in email response templates

To mitigate these risks, we can implement various control measures such as:

  • Role-Based access control for marketing data
  • Encryption of sensitive marketing content
  • Regular security audits and penetration testing
  • Training programs to educate users about data protection best practices

By identifying and addressing these risks, organizations can ensure the secure creation and management of marketing content.

3. Scenario 2: Code Creation for Web Apps

Our Second scenario involves utilizing Chat GTP for code creation in web applications and software. This use case is particularly Relevant for under-resourced or underskilled developers who need to quickly deploy fixes and code without extensive expertise. However, using AI-driven code generation introduces certain risks that need to be carefully evaluated:

The Role of Under-resourced or Underskilled Developers

When under-resourced or underskilled developers rely on AI-generated code, there is a potential for introducing unforeseen vulnerabilities and threats into the source code and the software itself. These developers may not fully comprehend the implications of the changes they are implementing, which can lead to security and stability issues.

Introduction of Vulnerabilities and Threats

The reliance on AI-generated code poses the risk of introducing unauthorized or untested code. Changes made without proper change management procedures can lead to vulnerabilities and threats. Additionally, inadequate or incorrect access control policies can further compromise the security of the web applications or apps.

Security and Stability Implications

It is crucial to assess the impact of these risks on the security and stability of the software. Evaluating potential vulnerabilities and threats allows organizations to implement appropriate control measures. These measures may include:

  • Code reviews and quality assurance processes
  • Strict change management policies
  • Thorough testing and debugging procedures
  • Continuous education and training for developers

By addressing the risks associated with code creation in web apps, organizations can ensure the integrity and security of their software.

4. Scenario 3: Business Case Creation

The third scenario revolves around using Chat GTP for creating business cases within an organization. Often, middle managers need to build a compelling case to support their proposals or solutions. However, this introduces specific risks that need to be considered:

The Need for a Convincing Proposal

When using AI-driven tools for business case creation, confidential information about the organization's plans and strategies may be exposed. The use of Chat GTP could potentially generate or reproduce business cases that have already been created by other users. This duplication of business cases undermines the uniqueness and confidentiality of the proposals.

Potential Exposure of Confidential Information

It is essential to assess the risks associated with the exposure of confidential information. The unintended disclosure of valuable data can have significant consequences for the organization. Evaluating and implementing measures to protect the confidentiality of internal business cases is crucial.

Risks Related to Data Subjects

When AI is involved in business case creation, there may be risks related to data subjects. Personal information of individuals within the organization may be exposed or mishandled. Organizations must ensure compliance with privacy regulations and take appropriate measures to protect data subjects' information.

Evaluating and Addressing Risks in Business Case Creation

To address these risks, organizations can establish robust protocols and controls, such as:

  • Clear guidelines for handling confidential information
  • Non-disclosure agreements for business case Creators
  • Data anonymization techniques to protect personal information
  • Regular audits to identify and mitigate risks associated with business case creation

By adopting these measures, organizations can protect confidential information, maintain the integrity of business cases, and minimize the risks associated with their creation.

5. Conclusion

In this article, we explored three different scenarios for using Chat GTP and conducted a risk assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats. By understanding the specific risks associated with content creation, code creation, and business case creation, organizations can take proactive steps to mitigate these risks. Vigilant Software's Cyber Comply tool provides valuable assistance in visualizing and managing these risks effectively, helping organizations safeguard their data and operations.


  • Assessing the risks associated with using Chat GTP for content creation
  • Mitigating risks through control measures and data protection strategies
  • Evaluating the security and stability implications of AI-generated code
  • Implementing control measures to minimize vulnerabilities in web apps
  • Addressing risks in creating compelling business cases
  • Protecting confidential information and complying with privacy regulations
  • Benefit from Vigilant Software's Cyber Comply tool for risk assessment and management


  1. How does Chat GTP help in content creation for marketing purposes?

    • Chat GTP can assist in generating marketing emails, website content, blog posts, and marketing copy, streamlining the content creation process.
  2. What are the risks associated with AI-generated code in web apps?

    • Risks include the introduction of unauthorized or untested code, inadequate access control, and potential security and stability issues in the software.
  3. How can organizations protect confidential information in business case creation?

    • Measures such as non-disclosure agreements, data anonymization, and regular audits can help mitigate the risk of exposing confidential information.
  4. Can Vigilant Software's Cyber Comply tool assist in risk assessment and management?

    • Yes, Cyber Comply provides a visual platform to identify, evaluate, and manage risks effectively, saving time and ensuring compliance with security standards.
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