Unveiling the Epic Battle: Me vs ChatGPT in Programming!

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Unveiling the Epic Battle: Me vs ChatGPT in Programming!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Challenge 1: Spawning a Drivable Car
    1. Human's Approach
    2. Chat GPT's Approach
    3. Comparison and Results
  3. Challenge 2: Extracting Player's Coordinates
    1. Human's Approach
    2. Chat GPT's Approach
    3. Comparison and Results
  4. Challenge 3: Car Self-Driving to a Waypoint
    1. Human's Approach
    2. Chat GPT's Approach
    3. Comparison and Results
  5. Conclusion



Artificial Intelligence has made significant advancements in recent years, and one area it has shown great promise is in programming. In this article, We Are going to witness an exciting 1v1 showdown between a human programmer and Chat GPT, an AI-powered chatbot, in the realm of Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA 5) Mods. The challenges presented will test the capabilities of both the human and the AI, determining who comes out on top.

Challenge 1: Spawning a Drivable Car

Human's Approach

The first challenge involves writing a script to spawn a drivable car on command. With his three years of experience working in 5m, the main modding platform on GTA 5, the human programmer feels confident. He implements a script that ensures the car model is loaded before spawning it, considering an essential aspect that will ensure the script functions correctly.

Chat GPT's Approach

Chat GPT surprises everyone by generating a script strikingly similar to the human programmer's implementation. It even goes above and beyond by incorporating arguments, allowing players to spawn any car, not just those Mentioned in the prompt. This additional functionality showcases the impressive ability of Chat GPT to surpass expectations.

Comparison and Results

Upon testing the scripts, the human programmer's implementation successfully spawns the car. However, a minor issue arises with warping the PED (Player Entity Data) into the car. Nevertheless, since this was not part of the prompt, it doesn't affect the outcome. In contrast, Chat GPT's version fails to run due to a crucial oversight – the omission of loading the car model before spawning it. The omission renders the script unusable, giving the human programmer one point and Chat GPT zero points for challenge one.

Challenge 2: Extracting Player's Coordinates

Human's Approach

The Second challenge involves creating a script that extracts the player's coordinates and copies them to the clipboard. The human programmer perceives this to be a more complicated script and anticipates Chat GPT struggling with it. Nevertheless, he implements a solution that utilizes a web page layer to write to the clipboard, ensuring the player's coordinates are copied accurately.

Chat GPT's Approach

Surprisingly, Chat GPT generates a script that closely resembles the human programmer's solution. It creates a command that allows the player to copy their Current coordinates into their local machine's notepad for pasting into other applications. Although Chat GPT didn't define a function called "set clip," which is required for the script to work, it demonstrates the potential to handle practical scenarios.

Comparison and Results

Chat GPT acknowledges the limitation of not being able to Interact with external sources, citing security concerns. However, from the code it generated, it is apparent that if the "set clipboard" function were defined, the script would work correctly. Considering this, Chat GPT earns a half-point for its attempt. On the other HAND, the human programmer's implementation flawlessly outputs the player's coordinates, granting him two points while Chat GPT receives half a point for striving to achieve the desired outcome.

Challenge 3: Car Self-Driving to a Waypoint

Human's Approach

The final challenge is the most ambitious one – creating a script that makes a car drive itself to a selected waypoint. The human programmer expresses doubt about his own script, as it primarily uses functions designed for NPCs (Non-Playable Characters). However, he proceeds with his implementation, hoping for the best.

Chat GPT's Approach

Remarkably, Chat GPT generates code with the same command name as the human programmer's script. However, it relies on an external library, which the human programmer believes is unnecessary. He suggests using in-game blips to accomplish the task and asks Chat GPT to modify its approach accordingly.

Comparison and Results

Unfortunately, Chat GPT's script fails to achieve the desired outcome. It navigates the player to their current location, placing a blip there, but it doesn't set the waypoint accurately. The human programmer's script also falls short, but considering the effort put into building the skeleton of the code and the external library constraint, Chat GPT earns another half-point. Ultimately, humans secure two points, while Chat GPT receives one point, highlighting the complexities of self-driving in the gaming environment.


In this epic 1v1 programming showdown, the human programmer and Chat GPT battled it out through a series of challenges in the realm of GTA 5 mods. While the human programmer demonstrated a deep understanding of the game mechanics and nuances, Chat GPT showcased its ability to generate code and adapt to the given tasks. In the end, humans emerged victorious, but the impressive capabilities displayed by Chat GPT hint at a future where AI and human collaboration can lead to even greater possibilities in the world of programming.

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