Unveiling the Epic Story of League of Legends

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Unveiling the Epic Story of League of Legends

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Origins of Runeterra
    • The Watchers and the Birth of Reality
    • The Creation of Runeterra
    • The Celestial Beings and the Purpose of Mortals
  3. The Rise and Fall of the Darkin
    • The Corruption of Lissandra and the Watchers' Invasion
    • The Battle of Freljord and the Ascended Warriors
    • The Sealing of the Darkin and the Great Darkin War
  4. The Era of Men and the Rune Wars
    • The Brutal Reign of Mordekaiser
    • The Conflict of the Rune Wars
    • The Celestials' Attempts to Mitigate the Wars
  5. The Current State of Runeterra and Future Possibilities
    • The Watchers' Threat and the Void Rifts
    • The War between East and West Valoran
    • The Fate of the Blessed Isles and the Rise of Ionia
    • The Uncertain Future and the Role of Mortals

The Complete Story of League of Legends


League of Legends, the immensely popular online video game, has captured the Attention of millions of players worldwide. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is its Lore, which encompasses a rich and vast Universe known as Runeterra. In this article, we will Delve into the complete story of League of Legends, from its origins to its current state, exploring the epic battles, ancient beings, and complex narratives that define this fantastical world.

The Origins of Runeterra

The story begins in a time before time itself, where darkness reigned supreme. Within this darkness existed the Watchers, shapeless creatures adrift in the void. Unaware of their own existence, the Watchers were awakened by a spark of light, revealing a universe teeming with dragons, cosmic beings, and death itself. This spark of light birthed the realm of Runeterra, a planet carefully crafted by the Celestials to serve as a battleground against the Watchers.

While the Celestials observed the birth of Runeterra, they also introduced life to the realm. The Celestials created the celestial aspects, Anivia, Volibear, and the Seal Sister, who Shaped the mountains and guided the evolution of life. These beings held a purpose in the grand design of the Celestials, fortifying the relationship between mortals and the divine.

However, the Watchers were not idle during this time. They sought to understand the Fabric of reality and find a way to eradicate it. Through corrupting mortal beings and plunging their world into chaos, they aimed to weaken the very foundation of Runeterra. Their infiltration began with Lissandra, one of the ruling sisters of Freljord, who fell under the influence of the Watchers. Lissandra struck a deal with the Watchers, granting them access to their world in return for immortality for her people.

The Watchers' invasion of Freljord brought destruction and suffering, as their twisted forms emerged from the abyss. Lissandra, realizing her grave mistake, sacrificed her sisters and froze the remaining Watchers deep beneath the ice. This decisive battle marked the first victory against the Watchers, but their threat still loomed over Runeterra.

The Rise and Fall of the Darkin

As the world of Runeterra recovered from the Watchers' invasion, a new conflict arose. The Celestials sought to Create an army of powerful beings known as the Ascended to combat the encroaching darkness of the Void. They bestowed the power of immortality upon selected mortals, granting them extraordinary abilities and shaping them into godlike beings.

Among these Ascended were Azir, Nasus, and Renekton, who became the pillars of the mighty Shuriman Empire. Led by the Ascendant Sun Disc, the Ascended warriors, also known as God Warriors or Sunborn, fought against the rising tide of the Void. However, their efforts were in vain, as a power struggle and betrayal within their ranks caused the Sun Disc to be shattered, leaving the Ascended without a leader.

With their immortality untethered and their minds plagued by the whispers of the Void, the Ascended descended into madness and became known as the Darkin. These Darkin warlords fought amongst themselves, wreaking havoc upon the world. In a final attempt to contain the Darkin, the Celestials sent the Aspect of Twilight to aid the people of Ionia in sealing the Darkin away within their weapons.

The Era of Men and the Rune Wars

Following the fall of the Darkin, the world entered an era dominated by mortal conflicts. The powerful warlord Mordekaiser rose to power, conquering Valorant and establishing a brutal reign. However, he was eventually defeated by a united force of nations.

But peace was short-lived as the discovery of magical artifacts called the World Runes ignited the Rune Wars. These runes held immense power, potentially capable of reshaping the world. Nations fought over these runes, triggering a series of devastating conflicts that ravaged the lands of Runeterra. The Celestials made attempts to mitigate the wars, employing the Darkin Aspects and the celestial guardian Bard to confiscate the runes and prevent further catastrophe.

The Current State of Runeterra and Future Possibilities

Presently, Runeterra finds itself in a precarious state. The Watchers still Seek a way to invade the realm, while the frozen Void rift beneath Freljord threatens to unleash untold terrors. East and West Valoran remain embroiled in war, and the Blessed Isles have been destroyed, save for the resilient nation of Ionia. The Celestials' plans for mortals have become unpredictable, as they struggle to regain control over the course of events.

The future of Runeterra holds many possibilities. The Watchers may find a way to breach the defenses of Runeterra, prompting a cataclysmic battle against the forces of light. The Darkin, once sealed away, may attempt to regain their power and wreak havoc on the world once again. It is a world filled with uncertainty and opportunity, where individual champions and their unique stories intertwine with the greater narrative of League of Legends.

In conclusion, the story of League of Legends is a tapestry of epic battles, cosmic powers, and intricate narratives. From the origins of Runeterra and the ancient conflict with the Watchers, to the rise and fall of the Darkin, and the tumultuous era of mortal wars, the world of Runeterra is a captivating and ever-evolving setting. The future of Runeterra remains uncertain, offering endless possibilities for new adventures, alliances, and conflicts.


  • The origins of Runeterra and the birth of reality
  • The celestial aspects and their purpose in the grand design
  • The invasion of the Watchers and the corruption of Lissandra
  • The rise and fall of the Ascended warriors and the Darkin
  • The Rune Wars and the discovery of the World Runes
  • The current state of Runeterra and the looming threats
  • The uncertain future and the potential for new conflicts and alliances


Q: Is the lore of League of Legends connected to the gameplay? A: While the lore provides the backstory and context for the champions and their abilities, the gameplay itself is not directly tied to the lore.

Q: Will there be more updates to the lore in the future? A: Yes, the lore of League of Legends is constantly evolving, and new stories and events are regularly released to expand the narrative.

Q: Can I start reading the stories and lore of League of Legends anywhere? A: Yes, each champion's story can be read independently, so you can choose to explore the lore based on your interests or favorite champions.

Q: Are there plans for a League of Legends movie or TV series? A: Riot Games, the creator of League of Legends, has expressed interest in expanding the universe into other media formats, but no specific plans have been announced as of now.

Q: Can I play as the Watchers or the Darkin in the game? A: Currently, there are no playable champions representing the Watchers or the Darkin, but new champions are regularly added to the game, so it is possible that they may be introduced in the future.

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