Unveiling the Flawed Design Process of Dragon Ball Legends Units

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Unveiling the Flawed Design Process of Dragon Ball Legends Units

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Design Process of Units in Dragon Ball Legends
    • Picking and Choosing the Source Material
    • Creating the Bulk of the Kit
    • Buffing the Unit
  3. Examples of Units in Dragon Ball Legends
    • Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
    • Shallot
  4. The Challenges and Solutions in Unit Design
    • Evaluating the Top Ranked Players
    • Addressing Team Balance and Gatekeeping
  5. Conclusion

The Design Process of Units in Dragon Ball Legends

Dragon Ball Legends is a popular mobile game that features characters from the Dragon Ball franchise. One of the key aspects of the game is the design of the units, which includes their character design, kits, and abilities. While some units are well-received by players, there are others that leave much to be desired. In this article, we will explore the design process of units in Dragon Ball Legends and discuss the challenges faced by developers in creating balanced and effective units.

Picking and Choosing the Source Material

The first step in designing a unit is selecting the character or characters to work on. The developers Gather source material from the anime to ensure accuracy and faithfulness to the original depiction. For example, let's consider the units Ultra Vegeta Blue and Ultra Gogeta Blue. Both of these units have unique abilities and moves that are Based on specific moments from the anime. This step involves analyzing and understanding the character's key traits and iconic scenes to Create a kit that reflects their abilities and personality.

Creating the Bulk of the Kit

Once the source material has been chosen, the developers move on to creating the bulk of the kit. This involves translating the character's abilities and moves from the anime into the game. They carefully consider the balance between offense and defense, as well as the overall playstyle of the character. This includes determining values such as damage output, defense stats, and the number of hit cards available. The goal is to create a kit that feels authentic to the source material while also providing a satisfying gameplay experience for the players.

Buffing the Unit

After the bulk of the kit has been created, the next step is to buff the unit. This involves adding additional abilities and buffs that enhance the unit's effectiveness in battle. The developers consider various factors such as vanish reduction, card draw speed, and main abilities to make the unit more powerful and competitive. However, striking the right balance is crucial as overpowered units can disrupt the game's meta and negatively impact the overall gameplay experience.

Examples of Units in Dragon Ball Legends

Unfortunately, not all units in Dragon Ball Legends live up to player expectations. There have been instances where units have been underwhelming or poorly designed. Let's take a look at a couple of examples to better understand this.

  • Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta: Despite being a highly anticipated unit, Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta failed to deliver on player expectations. The timing of his release was poor, as there were already strong units available on the team he belonged to. Additionally, he was quickly overshadowed by newer and more powerful units, rendering him obsolete in the meta.

  • Shallot: Shallot, a character with immense potential, suffered from regression when he was upgraded to a sparking unit. While his previous forms, such as Super Saiyan 3, had shown promise, the release of Super Saiyan God Shallot was underwhelming. The upgrade failed to capitalize on his previous growth and fell short of player expectations.

The Challenges and Solutions in Unit Design

The process of designing units in Dragon Ball Legends comes with its fair share of challenges. Balancing the units to ensure fair gameplay, addressing the needs of different teams, and keeping the game meta interesting are some of the key challenges faced by the developers. However, there are potential solutions that can help improve unit design and overall gameplay experience.

Evaluating the Top Ranked Players

To better understand the needs of the players and the state of the game, developers should closely evaluate the top-ranked players in ranked PVP. These players compete at the highest level and have a deep understanding of the game mechanics. By analyzing their strategies and preferences, developers can gain valuable insights into what makes a unit valuable and competitive.

Addressing Team Balance and Gatekeeping

Another important factor to consider is team balance. A well-designed unit should not only be powerful on its own but also contribute to the overall strength and synergy of its team. Developers can focus on creating units that fill gaps in team compositions or provide unique abilities that enhance team performance.

Gatekeeping, or the ability to control or restrict opponents' actions, is also crucial in creating balanced gameplay. Units that can disrupt opponents' strategies or limit their options can add depth and complexity to the game.


Designing units in Dragon Ball Legends is a complex process that involves carefully selecting the source material, creating the bulk of the kit, and buffing the unit to make it competitive. While some units may fall short of player expectations, it's important to consider the challenges faced by developers and the potential solutions they can implement. By evaluating top-ranked players and focusing on team balance and gatekeeping, developers can create units that provide an engaging and balanced gameplay experience for players.


  • The design process of units in Dragon Ball Legends involves selecting the source material, creating the bulk of the kit, and buffing the unit for gameplay.
  • Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta and Shallot are examples of units that did not meet player expectations.
  • Evaluating top-ranked players and focusing on team balance and gatekeeping can improve unit design.


Q: Why are some units in Dragon Ball Legends underwhelming? A: Some units may be underwhelming due to poor timing of their release, being overshadowed by newer units, or regression in their abilities.

Q: How can unit design in Dragon Ball Legends be improved? A: Unit design can be improved by evaluating the strategies and preferences of top-ranked players, addressing team balance, and incorporating gatekeeping mechanics.

Q: What is gatekeeping in Dragon Ball Legends? A: Gatekeeping refers to the ability of a unit to control or restrict opponents' actions, adding depth and complexity to the gameplay.

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