Unveiling the Secrets: Hacking With ChatGPT

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Unveiling the Secrets: Hacking With ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About Mike Takahashi
  3. Getting Started in Cyber Security
  4. The Evolution of Cyber Security
  5. The Role of AI in Cyber Security
  6. Understanding Google Dorking
  7. Leveraging Chat GPT for Bug Hunting
  8. Using AI to Summarize Bug Bounty Reports
  9. Building a JavaScript Analysis Tool with GPT
  10. The Future of Cyber Security
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will Delve into the world of cyber security with a focus on bug hunting and offensive security. We will be joined by Mike Takahashi, also known as "toxic," a renowned pen tester and AI Whisperer. Mike will share his insights and tips on various topics related to cyber security, including getting started in the field, the role of AI, leveraging Google Dorking, using Chat GPT for bug hunting, and building a JavaScript analysis tool with GPT. Additionally, we will discuss the evolution of cyber security, the future of the industry, and much more. Whether You're a beginner or an experienced professional, this article will provide you with valuable information and actionable advice in the constantly evolving field of cyber security.

About Mike Takahashi

Mike Takahashi, also known as "toxic," is a highly skilled pen tester and AI Whisperer. He is widely recognized for his contributions to the cyber security community through his extensive writing and teaching endeavors. Mike's expertise lies in exploring cutting-edge technologies, harnessing AI to its full potential, and applying his knowledge to the world of hacking. He is an active member of the bug hunting and offensive security community, sharing his insights and experiences through his Medium articles and Twitter posts. Mike's passion for the field and his relentless pursuit of knowledge make him a valuable resource for anyone interested in cyber security.

Getting Started in Cyber Security

Are you intrigued by the world of cyber security and want to know how to get started? Mike Takahashi shares his Journey into the field and offers valuable advice for aspiring professionals. His fascination with security began at an early age, driven by a Curiosity for hacking and a desire to push the boundaries of what technology allows. If you possess a similar mindset and find joy in exploring the unknown, cyber security may be the perfect industry for you. Mike recommends immersing yourself in the community, staying up to date with the latest developments, and continuously honing your skills. Bug bounty programs can be a great entry point for beginners, as they offer an opportunity to learn and earn simultaneously. With dedication and a thirst for knowledge, you can forge a successful career in the exciting field of cyber security.

The Evolution of Cyber Security

Over the past decade, cyber security has undergone significant transformations, influenced by various factors such as technological advancements and the ever-present threat landscape. In this section, we will explore the evolution of cyber security and look ahead to what the future holds. One constant throughout the history of security is human error and vulnerability. As new technologies and protocols emerge, new vulnerabilities are discovered and exploited. This ongoing battle between defenders and attackers ensures that the demand for security professionals remains high. Ethical hackers, armed with their knowledge and skills, play a crucial role in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. As we enter the era of AI and machine learning, these technologies are set to revolutionize the field of cyber security. AI-powered tools, such as Chat GPT, can aid bug hunters and security professionals in their Quest for vulnerabilities, accelerating the process and enhancing efficiency. However, the human element remains essential, as the ability to pilot and design these tools requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles. With AI and human expertise working in tandem, the future of cyber security looks promising.

Understanding Google Dorking

Google Dorking is a technique used by security professionals and bug hunters to leverage Google's search capabilities for reconnaissance and vulnerability discovery. In this section, we will explore the basics of Google Dorking and discuss some quick Google Dorks that can yield valuable results. By fine-tuning your search queries, you can narrow down the results to specific domains or subdomains, enabling you to uncover Hidden information and potentially identify vulnerabilities. Mike Takahashi shares his recommended Google Dorks, including techniques like site search, subdomain depth, and negative search. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of starting with a wide search and gradually narrowing it down to find the desired results. Google Dorking is a powerful tool in the hands of a skilled bug hunter, enabling them to uncover potentially valuable information that may have been missed by automated scanners. Understanding and effectively utilizing Google Dorking can significantly enhance your reconnaissance and vulnerability discovery efforts.

Leveraging Chat GPT for Bug Hunting

Chat GPT, powered by OpenAI's language model, is an invaluable resource for bug hunting and offensive security. In this section, Mike Takahashi demonstrates how Chat GPT can be leveraged to streamline the bug hunting process and provide valuable insights. By utilizing Chat GPT, bug hunters can receive customized recommendations and guidance Based on their specific needs. For example, Mike showcases a prompt that lists the top ten easiest bug bounty programs to start with, taking into consideration factors such as scope, competition, and reputation. This personalized approach helps bug hunters focus their efforts on programs that Align with their skill sets and interests. Additionally, Chat GPT can assist in understanding complex vulnerabilities, generating proof-of-concepts (POCs), and summarizing bug bounty reports. Its ability to comprehend and explain code makes it a valuable tool for bug hunters and security professionals alike. By harnessing the power of AI, bug hunters can optimize their bug hunting process and increase their chances of success.

Using AI to Summarize Bug Bounty Reports

Bug bounty reports often contain a wealth of information, but deciphering and understanding them can be a time-consuming task. In this section, Mike Takahashi demonstrates how AI, specifically GPT, can be used to summarize bug bounty reports and extract key insights. By providing GPT with the prompt to summarize a report, bug hunters can receive a concise summary that highlights the vulnerabilities, analysis, and potential impact. This AI-powered summarization can save bug hunters significant time and effort, allowing them to focus on high-priority vulnerabilities. Additionally, GPT can be utilized to analyze and paraphrase complex vulnerability reports, making them more accessible to a wider audience. By leveraging AI to automate the report summarization process, bug hunters can streamline their workflow and increase their overall efficiency.

Building a JavaScript Analysis Tool with GPT

JavaScript analysis is a crucial aspect of web pen testing, and having the right tools can greatly enhance this process. In this section, Mike Takahashi demonstrates how GPT can be utilized to build a JavaScript analysis tool. By feeding GPT with JavaScript code, it can analyze and identify potential vulnerabilities, such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF). The tool generates detailed explanations and proof-of-concepts (POCs) for the identified vulnerabilities, helping pen testers understand and address these issues more effectively. This powerful combination of GPT and JavaScript analysis empowers pen testers to uncover hidden vulnerabilities and strengthen their web application security. While the tool is still in its alpha stage, its potential to revolutionize JavaScript analysis is evident. As the field of cyber security continues to evolve, leveraging AI Tools like GPT can significantly aid pen testers in their quest for secure applications.

The Future of Cyber Security

In this section, we take a glimpse into the future of the cyber security industry. As technology advances, so do the threats posed by malicious actors. However, with advancements in AI and machine learning, cyber security professionals can equip themselves with powerful tools to combat these threats. The use of AI in malware detection, web application firewalls, and vulnerability discovery is expected to reshape the field. An arms race between AI-generated attacks and AI-powered defenses will likely ensue, revolutionizing the offensive and defensive capabilities in cyber security. Additionally, the prevalence of vulnerabilities, such as broken access control and IDOR (Insecure Direct Object Reference), highlights the need for continued vigilance and mitigation measures. Human error and oversight will always be present, necessitating the expertise of ethical hackers and security professionals to safeguard sensitive data. The future of cyber security promises exciting opportunities and challenges, and with the right tools and knowledge, professionals can stay ahead of emerging threats.


In conclusion, cyber security is a constantly evolving field that demands continuous learning and adaptation. The insights and tips shared by Mike Takahashi provide valuable guidance for aspiring professionals and seasoned veterans alike. The role of AI, epitomized by tools like Chat GPT, offers immense potential for bug hunting and offensive security. By leveraging AI-powered techniques like Google Dorking, bug hunters can delve into the depths of the web and uncover hidden vulnerabilities. Additionally, building JavaScript analysis tools with GPT can enhance pen testing efforts and strengthen web application security. As the cyber security industry evolves, it is crucial to stay abreast of the latest developments and Continue honing your skills. By combining human expertise with the power of AI, professionals can tackle the increasingly complex challenges of securing digital assets in a rapidly changing world.


  • Mike Takahashi, renowned pen tester and AI Whisperer, shares valuable insights and tips on bug hunting and offensive security.
  • AI-powered tools like Chat GPT revolutionize the bug hunting process, providing personalized recommendations and guidance.
  • Google Dorking is a powerful technique for reconnaissance and vulnerability discovery, enabling bug hunters to uncover hidden information.
  • JavaScript analysis tools built with GPT enhance pen testing efforts, identifying vulnerabilities and generating insightful explanations.
  • The future of cyber security lies in the arms race between AI-generated attacks and AI-powered defenses, reshaping the industry.
  • Continuous learning, adaptation, and a combination of human expertise and AI tools are vital for success in the dynamic field of cyber security.


Q: Can anyone use the JavaScript analysis tool with GPT?
A: While the tool is currently live, it is still in its early stages of development. It is best suited for individuals with a background in pen testing and JavaScript analysis.

Q: How can AI help summarize bug bounty reports?
A: AI, particularly GPT, can analyze bug bounty reports and generate concise summaries, saving bug hunters time and effort in understanding and prioritizing vulnerabilities.

Q: Is Google Dorking a reliable method for finding vulnerabilities?
A: Google Dorking is a powerful technique, but it should be used in conjunction with other reconnaissance methods. It can help uncover hidden vulnerabilities by narrowing down search results based on specific queries.

Q: What is the role of AI in the future of cyber security?
A: AI is expected to play a significant role in the future of cyber security. Its applications range from malware detection to vulnerability discovery, empowering both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Q: How can bug hunters get started in the field of cyber security?
A: Bug bounty programs are a great entry point for beginners. By immersing yourself in the cyber security community, staying informed, and continuously developing your skills, you can forge a successful career in the field.

Q: How accurate are the results generated by the JavaScript analysis tool with GPT?
A: The accuracy of the results depends on several factors, including the complexity of the code and the specific vulnerabilities being analyzed. It is recommended to cross-validate the results with other tools and techniques for better accuracy.

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