Unveiling the Worst League of Legends Comp with Snapchat AI

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Unveiling the Worst League of Legends Comp with Snapchat AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Worst League of Legends Team Composition
  3. Top Soraka: An Unconventional Choice
  4. Jungle Teemo: Utility or Useless?
  5. Mid Nunu: A Tanky Surprise
  6. ADC Ergot: The Sustained Damage Dealer
  7. Support Yasuo: A Risky Support Pick
  8. Strategies for Playing the Worst Team Comp
  9. Pros and Cons of the Worst Team Comp
  10. Conclusion

The Worst Team Composition in League of Legends

League of Legends is a game that revolves around building the perfect team composition, with each role serving a specific purpose. However, what happens when You intentionally Create the worst team comp possible? We asked Snapchat AI to generate the worst team comp, and it came up with top Soraka, jungle Teemo, mid Nunu, ADC Ergot, and support Yasuo.

1. Introduction

League of Legends is known for its diverse and strategic gameplay, where team compositions can make or break a match. But what happens when you throw all strategies out the window and assemble the worst team composition possible? In this article, we will explore the AI-generated worst team composition and Delve into the strengths and weaknesses of each champion in this unusual lineup.

2. The Worst League of Legends Team Composition

The worst team comp generated by Snapchat AI consists of top Soraka, jungle Teemo, mid Nunu, ADC Ergot, and support Yasuo. When you look at this composition, it's easy to see why it would be considered the worst. Each champion brings a unique set of challenges and limitations that make it difficult to work together as a Cohesive unit.

3. Top Soraka: An Unconventional Choice

Soraka is primarily known as a support champion, providing healing and utility to her team. Placing her in the top lane brings several disadvantages, as she lacks the damage and durability to compete with traditional top laners. However, her ability to sustain herself and her teammates could potentially be a saving grace in dire situations.

4. Jungle Teemo: Utility or Useless?

Teemo is notorious for his map control and stealth capabilities, but as a jungler, he faces numerous challenges. Teemo lacks the natural sustain and crowd control necessary for successful jungle clears, making him an unconventional and potentially weak choice. However, his ability to set up traps and control vision might provide some strategic advantages.

5. Mid Nunu: A Tanky Surprise

Nunu is typically played in the jungle, where he excels at objective control and disruption. Placing him in the mid lane adds an unexpected element to this team comp. Nunu's tankiness and crowd control might provide some survivability in trades with enemy mid laners, but his lack of traditional burst damage might pose a challenge when it comes to securing kills.

6. ADC Ergot: The Sustained Damage Dealer

As an ADC, Ergot is expected to deal consistent damage from a safe distance. However, Ergot's lack of mobility and vulnerability to all-ins make him a suboptimal choice for this role. His sustained damage output might be decent in team fights, but his survivability and lack of escape tools could make him an easy target for assassins and divers.

7. Support Yasuo: A Risky Support Pick

Yasuo is primarily seen as a mid or top laner, renowned for his high-risk, high-reward playstyle. Playing Yasuo as a support adds an element of surprise, but it also comes with its fair share of risks. Yasuo lacks the utility and crowd control typically associated with support champions, making him a more aggressive and fragile choice for the role.

8. Strategies for Playing the Worst Team Comp

While the worst team comp may seem doomed from the start, there are strategies that players can employ to maximize their chances of success. Communication, coordination, and focusing on objective control rather than head-on team fights can help mitigate the weaknesses of this lineup. Adapting playstyles, capitalizing on individual champion strengths, and focusing on split-pushing can also create opportunities for victory.

9. Pros and Cons of the Worst Team Comp


  • Surprising and unexpected for opponents
  • Potential for unconventional strategies and plays
  • Can catch enemies off-guard and disrupt their game plan


  • Lack of synergy and coordination
  • Weaknesses in early laning phase and dueling potential
  • Vulnerability to traditional team compositions and strategies

10. Conclusion

While the worst team comp in League of Legends may seem destined for failure, it offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience. Playing with this lineup requires creativity, adaptability, and a focus on unconventional strategies. Whether it's the thrill of taking on a seemingly impossible challenge or the desire to experiment with different playstyles, embracing the worst team comp can offer a fresh and exciting perspective on the game.


  • Snapchatt AI generates the worst League of Legends team composition
  • Top Soraka, jungle Teemo, mid Nunu, ADC Ergot, and support Yasuo make up the worst team comp
  • Each champion brings unique challenges and limitations to the composition
  • Strategies such as split-pushing and focusing on objective control can maximize the team's chances of success
  • The worst team comp offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience


Q: Can the worst team comp still win games? A: While it may be challenging, the worst team comp can still win games through unconventional strategies and surprise tactics.

Q: What are the main weaknesses of this team comp? A: The main weaknesses include a lack of synergy, vulnerability to traditional team compositions, and a weak laning phase for some champions.

Q: Are there any advantages to playing with the worst team comp? A: Playing with the worst team comp offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience, the element of surprise, and the opportunity to experiment with unconventional strategies.

Q: What should be the focus when playing with the worst team comp? A: Players should focus on communication, coordination, objective control, and adapting their playstyles to maximize the team's chances of success.

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