Upgrading from 4090 to 7900 XTX - A Game-Changing Decision

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Upgrading from 4090 to 7900 XTX - A Game-Changing Decision

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why I'm Selling my RTX 4090
  3. Display Compatibility Issues with Nvidia
  4. DisplayPort 2.1 vs HDMI 2.1
  5. Benefits of DisplayPort 2.1 for Reviewing Displays
  6. Issues with DSC Monitors or TVs on RTX 4090
  7. Trying out AMD's RX 7900 XTX
  8. Giving AMD a Fair Chance
  9. Overclocking the RX 7900 XTX
  10. Synthetic Performance Comparison
  11. Gaming Performance Comparison
  12. Conclusion


In this article, we'll Delve into the reasons why I have made the decision to sell my RTX 4090 graphics card and permanently switch to an RX 7900 XTX. While some may question my choice, I will explain the various factors that led me to this decision. From display compatibility issues to the benefits of DisplayPort 2.1, I will provide a detailed analysis of why the RX 7900 XTX seems to be a better fit for my needs. Additionally, I will share my experience with overclocking the RX 7900 XTX and how it compares to the RTX 4090 in terms of synthetic and gaming performance. So, let's dive in and explore the pros and cons of each graphics card to understand why I made this switch.

Why I'm Selling my RTX 4090

There are several reasons why I have decided to part ways with my RTX 4090 and make the switch to the RX 7900 XTX. Firstly, I have been experiencing a range of display compatibility issues with Nvidia graphics cards. As someone who reviews TVs and monitors, these issues have been a significant problem for me. From displays freezing up my entire computer to limitations with certain connectors, these compatibility issues have become increasingly frustrating. Consequently, I have been drawn towards exploring alternative options that may offer improved compatibility and functionality.

Display Compatibility Issues with Nvidia

One of the biggest drawbacks I have encountered with the RTX 4090 is its compatibility with displays. I have faced numerous issues when connecting certain displays to my computer, often resulting in system freezes or other inconveniences. This is a considerable problem, especially since I rely on display quality and performance for my job. Despite my attempts to work around these issues, it has become evident that the display compatibility offered by Nvidia is not up to par. Hence, this serves as a primary motivation for exploring other graphics card options.

DisplayPort 2.1 vs HDMI 2.1

The RX 7900 XTX offers a notable AdVantage over the RTX 4090 in terms of display connectivity. While the RTX 4090 utilizes DisplayPort 1.4 connectors, the XTX features DisplayPort 2.1. This difference in connectors translates to higher bandwidth, especially when compared to HDMI 2.1. DisplayPort 2.1 enables the use of higher resolution and high refresh rate displays without compromising quality or performance. Moreover, its compatibility with different monitors and TVs makes it much more versatile for a variety of display setups.

Benefits of DisplayPort 2.1 for Reviewing Displays

As someone involved in reviewing displays, having access to DisplayPort 2.1 connectivity is incredibly beneficial. It allows for seamless setup and simultaneous review of multiple displays without the need to constantly switch cables. Moreover, the ability to use DisplayPort 2.1 for TVs, which often lack support for Display Stream Compression (DSC), enables a greater range of options and flexibility. With the RX 7900 XTX, I can effortlessly review multiple high-resolution, high-refresh-rate displays without any cumbersome adjustments.

Issues with DSC Monitors or TVs on RTX 4090

One of the major issues I have encountered with the RTX 4090 relates to its compatibility with displays that use Display Stream Compression (DSC). DSC is a feature commonly employed by monitors or TVs to compress display streams, allowing for higher resolutions and refresh rates. Unfortunately, the RTX 4090 seems to have difficulties when used with DSC devices. These issues include the inability to downsample from higher resolutions and the lack of custom resolution capabilities. In contrast, the RX 7900 XTX does not suffer from these limitations, making it a more suitable choice for those working with DSC displays.

Trying out AMD's RX 7900 XTX

While I initially opted for Nvidia's RTX 4090, I have decided to give AMD a try by switching to the RX 7900 XTX. The decision was primarily driven by frustration with the RTX 4090's issues and a desire to explore alternatives. Additionally, the RX 7900 XTX received driver updates that have significantly improved its stability since its initial launch. This encouraged me to take a chance on AMD and assess whether it could provide a more satisfactory user experience.

Giving AMD a Fair Chance

It is essential to give AMD a fair chance in the competitive graphics card market. While many enthusiasts complain about Nvidia's high prices, few are willing to try AMD as a viable alternative. With the improved stability of the RX 7900 XTX and an overclocking BIOS update that closes the performance gap with the RTX 4090, it was an opportune moment to explore AMD's offerings. It is time to move beyond mere complaints and take action by supporting AMD if they can truly deliver a comparable or even superior experience.

Overclocking the RX 7900 XTX

As an enthusiast, I couldn't resist experimenting with overclocking the RX 7900 XTX. By pushing the limits of this graphics card, I was able to unleash its full potential and increase its performance significantly. While the guaranteed boost speed is around 2.5 GHz, I managed to achieve an impressive 3.3 GHz in-game. This overclocking endeavor resulted in a substantial performance upgrade, which was noticeable during my testing and benchmarking Sessions.

Synthetic Performance Comparison

To assess the synthetic performance of the RX 7900 XTX and compare it to the RTX 4090, I conducted benchmark tests using tools like Time Spy. Surprisingly, the overclocked RX 7900 XTX scored higher than my stock RTX 4090. While it is worth noting that this is not a direct comparison due to the overclock on the XTX, it still provides valuable insights into the respective performance capabilities of these graphics cards.

Gaming Performance Comparison

Gaming performance is a critical consideration for many users when choosing a graphics card. I chose a selection of games that I currently play and utilized various settings, including native 4K resolution and maximum graphics settings. The RTX 4090 consistently offered higher average frame rates in these games compared to the overclocked RX 7900 XTX. However, it is important to consider the one percent and 0.1 percent lows, as they indicate the level of consistency and smoothness during gameplay. Surprisingly, the RX 7900 XTX performed competently in this regard, showcasing similar or even better low-end performance than the RTX 4090. While the average frame rate may favor the RTX 4090, the overall gaming experience provided by the RX 7900 XTX is not far behind.


In conclusion, the decision to sell my RTX 4090 and permanently switch to the RX 7900 XTX was not made lightly. Frustration with display compatibility issues, the advantages of DisplayPort 2.1, the urge to give AMD a fair chance, and the overall gaming performance of the RX 7900 XTX were the key factors that contributed to this choice. Understanding my specific needs and experiences, I found that the RX 7900 XTX offered a compelling alternative that met my requirements while providing a more satisfactory user experience. Ultimately, the decision between these two graphics cards depends on individual preferences, priorities, and usage scenarios.

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