Accelerate Encryption and Compression with Intel Quick Assist Technology

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Accelerate Encryption and Compression with Intel Quick Assist Technology

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Overview of Quick Assist Technology
  • Encryption and Hardware Acceleration
  • Compression Hardware Acceleration
  • Benefits of Quick Assist Technology
  • Hardware Support for Quick Assist
  • Applications of Quick Assist Technology
    • OpenSSL Integration
    • Nginx Infrastructure
    • Other Software Integration
  • Securing Keys with Quick Assist
  • Intel Key Protection Technology
  • How to Identify Quick Assist Usage
  • Operating System Support
  • Conclusion


Introduction 💡

In this article, we will delve into the world of Quick Assist Technology and explore its applications, benefits, and hardware support. Quick Assist Technology offers encryption and hardware acceleration as well as compression hardware acceleration to enhance performance in various applications. We will discuss its integration with OpenSSL and the Nginx infrastructure, as well as other software compatibility. Additionally, we will explore the security measures available for securing keys and how to identify Quick Assist usage on specific platforms. Let's begin by understanding the overview of Quick Assist Technology.

Overview of Quick Assist Technology 📚

Quick Assist Technology, developed by Intel, provides powerful hardware acceleration for encryption and compression tasks. It allows for efficient utilization of CPU cores by offloading these workloads to dedicated hardware. The technology utilizes PCIe devices and offers a comprehensive API for developers to interface with the hardware. With Quick Assist, developers can achieve higher performance, parallelism, and enhanced throughput by harnessing the power of specialized hardware.

Encryption and Hardware Acceleration 🔒

One of the key features of Quick Assist Technology is its ability to accelerate encryption tasks. By offloading encryption workloads to the dedicated hardware, CPU cores can be freed up for other computational tasks, resulting in improved performance and efficiency. Quick Assist supports various encryption algorithms, including AES and RSA, allowing developers to seamlessly integrate encryption capabilities into their applications.

Compression Hardware Acceleration 🗄️

In addition to encryption acceleration, Quick Assist Technology offers hardware acceleration for compression tasks. This enables applications to perform compression and decompression operations with increased speed and efficiency. With support for algorithms like Deflate and Inflate, Quick Assist can significantly enhance the performance of compression-intensive applications.

Benefits of Quick Assist Technology ✅

Using Quick Assist Technology offers several benefits for developers and system administrators. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Improved Performance: By offloading encryption and compression tasks to dedicated hardware, developers can achieve higher throughput and reduced latency, resulting in improved application performance.

  • Enhanced Security: Quick Assist Technology provides hardware support for secure key storage, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information. This eliminates the need to store keys in system memory, reducing the risk of security breaches.

  • Efficient Resource Utilization: By utilizing specialized hardware for encryption and compression tasks, CPU cores are freed up for other computational workloads. This enables developers to fully leverage the parallelism capabilities of modern processors.

Hardware Support for Quick Assist 💻

Quick Assist Technology is available in select Intel CPUs, chipsets, and accelerator cards. Some notable hardware platforms that support Quick Assist include Cave Creek, Caneland, Rangeley, Denverton, and Broadwell. These platforms offer different levels of compatibility and performance for Quick Assist applications. Intel provides detailed documentation and technical collateral for each supported hardware platform, allowing developers to integrate Quick Assist seamlessly.

Applications of Quick Assist Technology 📲

Quick Assist Technology finds applications in various domains where encryption and compression are critical. Let's explore some of the key software integrations and use cases where Quick Assist can provide significant performance enhancements.

OpenSSL Integration

OpenSSL, a widely used cryptographic library, can be integrated with Quick Assist Technology to leverage hardware acceleration for encryption and decryption operations. Developers can utilize the OpenSSL interface to make calls to Quick Assist API, enabling faster and more efficient cryptographic operations. This integration is particularly useful for applications that heavily rely on encryption, such as secure web servers and VPN gateways.

Nginx Infrastructure

Nginx, a high-performance web server and reverse proxy, can be optimized for Quick Assist Technology to enhance its SSL/TLS capabilities. By utilizing Quick Assist API calls within the Nginx configuration, developers can offload SSL/TLS encryption and decryption tasks to dedicated hardware, improving performance and reducing latency. This integration is beneficial for high-traffic websites and applications that require secure communication.

Other Software Integration

Apart from OpenSSL and Nginx, Quick Assist Technology can be integrated into other software applications that require encryption and compression capabilities. Several software solutions, such as HAProxy, DPDK, and CDK Crypto Dev, have enabled Quick Assist support, allowing developers to offload cryptographic operations and achieve significant performance gains. The compatibility and integration options for Quick Assist are continuously expanding, with Intel actively collaborating with software vendors and communities.

Securing Keys with Quick Assist 🔑

Security is of paramount importance when dealing with encryption and cryptographic operations. Quick Assist Technology offers Intel Key Protection Technology, which allows for secure key storage and management. By leveraging trusted platform modules (TPM) and key wrapping mechanisms, developers can ensure that private keys are not exposed in system memory, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or key theft. Quick Assist provides robust security measures to protect sensitive information, complementing its powerful hardware acceleration capabilities.

How to Identify Quick Assist Usage 🖥️

To determine if Quick Assist is being utilized on a particular platform, developers can monitor firmware counters and performance metrics. These counters provide insights into the usage of Quick Assist hardware and help identify potential bottlenecks or performance optimization opportunities. Additionally, operating system support plays a crucial role in enabling Quick Assist functionality. Linux-based distributions, such as Red Hat, CentOS, and FreeBSD, offer comprehensive support for Quick Assist. Windows Server 2016 and 2012 also provide drivers and support for Quick Assist, expanding compatibility across different operating systems.

Conclusion ✨

Quick Assist Technology offers developers a powerful tool for accelerating encryption and compression operations. By leveraging specialized hardware, developers can achieve enhanced performance, improved throughput, and efficient resource utilization. The integration of Quick Assist with software applications like OpenSSL and Nginx further extends its capabilities, enabling seamless integration into existing infrastructure. With the added security of Intel Key Protection Technology, Quick Assist provides a holistic solution for developers and system administrators seeking to optimize cryptographic workloads. As software ecosystems continue to embrace encryption and compression, Quick Assist Technology proves to be an invaluable asset, empowering applications with enhanced performance and security.

Highlights 🌟

  • Quick Assist Technology provides hardware acceleration for encryption and compression tasks, improving performance and efficiency.
  • Quick Assist supports various encryption algorithms like AES and RSA, and compression algorithms like Deflate and Inflate.
  • Offloading encryption and compression tasks to dedicated hardware frees up CPU cores for other computational workloads.
  • Quick Assist Technology enhances security by providing secure key storage mechanisms and leveraging trusted platform modules (TPM).
  • Integration with software applications like OpenSSL and Nginx optimizes SSL/TLS capabilities and improves overall performance.
  • Monitoring firmware counters and performance metrics can help identify Quick Assist usage on specific platforms.
  • Quick Assist is supported by select Intel CPUs, chipsets, and accelerator cards, offering varying levels of compatibility and performance.


Q: How does Quick Assist Technology improve application performance? A: By offloading encryption and compression tasks to specialized hardware, Quick Assist frees up CPU cores for other computations, resulting in improved performance and efficiency.

Q: Can Quick Assist be used with other cryptographic libraries apart from OpenSSL? A: Yes, Quick Assist can be integrated with various cryptographic libraries and software applications that support hardware acceleration, allowing developers to leverage its capabilities beyond OpenSSL.

Q: Does Quick Assist support symmetric encryption algorithms? A: Yes, Quick Assist supports symmetric encryption algorithms like AES, allowing for hardware acceleration of symmetric cryptographic operations.

Q: What are some additional security measures provided by Quick Assist Technology? A: In addition to secure key storage, Quick Assist Technology also offers features like API-level access control, hardware-based random number generation, and secure data transmission between the application and the Quick Assist hardware.

Q: Is Quick Assist Technology supported on all operating systems? A: While Quick Assist is primarily supported on Linux-based operating systems like Red Hat, CentOS, and FreeBSD, there are also drivers and support available for Windows Server 2016 and 2012. Support for other operating systems may vary.


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