Acer's Improved Entry-Level Gaming PC: A Detailed Review

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Acer's Improved Entry-Level Gaming PC: A Detailed Review

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Previous Acer Nitro Suckface Edition
  • Acer's Release of the New Nitro Suckface Edition
  • Unboxing and First Impressions
  • Exterior Design and Ventilation
  • Interior Layout and Components
  • Gaming Performance and Upgrades
  • RAM and its Impact on Performance
  • Heating Issues and Temperature Management
  • Possessed or Ghostly Issues
  • Conclusion

An In-depth Look at the Acer Nitro Suckface Edition Gaming PC

In this article, we are going to take a detailed look at the new Acer Nitro Suckface Edition, a pre-built gaming system that aims to fix some of the issues that plagued its predecessor. With improved hardware and design, it promises to deliver better performance and a more reliable gaming experience. Join us as we unbox the new Nitro Suckface Edition, explore its features and components, test its gaming performance, and evaluate its pros and cons. Strap in, because we are about to embark on an exciting journey into the world of gaming PCs.


Gaming PCs have become increasingly popular over the years, offering gamers a powerful and customizable platform to experience their favorite games. However, not all gaming PCs are created equal, and some may come with their fair share of problems. One such example is the previous Acer Nitro Suckface Edition, which was plagued with software crashes, performance glitches, and an eerie presence that some believe could be supernatural. Determined to redeem themselves, Acer has released a new version of the Nitro Suckface Edition, claiming to have addressed these issues. In this article, we will examine whether Acer has delivered on its promise or if the new Nitro Suckface Edition is just another haunting experience waiting to happen.

The Previous Acer Nitro Suckface Edition

Before we dive into the new Nitro Suckface Edition, let's take a look back at its predecessor and the problems that made it infamous. Users of the previous version reported numerous software crashes, performance glitches, and even blue screens of death. Some even went as far as claiming that their PCs were haunted, prompting them to move to different apartments to escape the malevolent presence unleashed by their computers. With such a problematic history, it is no wonder that users were skeptical when Acer announced the release of the new Nitro Suckface Edition.

Acer's Release of the New Nitro Suckface Edition

Despite the negative reputation of the previous model, Acer decided to give the Nitro Suckface Edition another shot. With the release of the new version, Acer aimed to fix the issues that plagued its predecessor and provide gamers with a more refined and reliable gaming experience. With bated breath, gamers and tech enthusiasts eagerly awaited the arrival of the new Nitro Suckface Edition to see if Acer had indeed redeemed themselves or if they were in for another haunting experience.

Unboxing and First Impressions

The moment of truth finally arrives as we unbox the new Nitro Suckface Edition. The first thing that catches our attention is the updated packaging, featuring a mech warrior gameplay screenshot that sets the stage for an immersive gaming experience. As we delve further into the box, we are greeted with a bag of stickers and the usual e-waste peripherals that come with pre-built systems. Finally, we reach the centerpiece—the new Nitro Suckface Edition PC itself.

Exterior Design and Ventilation

Taking a closer look at the exterior design of the new Nitro Suckface Edition, we Notice some similarities to its predecessor. The front of the case still lacks sufficient airflow, although there are minor improvements with added ventilation and gaps for better cooling. The top panel features a red lip, reminiscent of the previous version, and the front I/O includes a USB 3 Type-C port and a microphone headphone jack, offering a reasonable level of functionality. However, concerns arise when we examine the placement of the power supply, which is now located in the basement of the case, with minimal clearance and limited airflow.

Interior Layout and Components

As we venture inside the new Nitro Suckface Edition, we discover both improvements and areas of concern. The inclusion of an exhaust fan and enhanced ventilation on the side panel bode well for improved airflow and temperature management. However, when we encounter the power supply facing downward, we are immediately worried about its ability to draw in sufficient airflow, potentially resulting in overheating issues. The GPU, a GTX 1660 Super, is securely fastened with a large backplate and ample cooling, providing some reassurance.

Gaming Performance and Upgrades

Now, let's address the primary purpose of a gaming PC—the gaming performance. After all, that's what gamers are most interested in. We put the new Nitro Suckface Edition through its paces, testing its capabilities on various games. Surprisingly, the performance is decent on games like Battlefield 5 and esports titles, running smoothly and providing an enjoyable experience. However, a closer look reveals that the one percent lows, a crucial factor in gaming performance, are less than ideal, resulting in occasional stutters. One possible explanation for this is the inclusion of a single 8GB stick of RAM, which puts a strain on the system and limits its performance potential.

RAM and its Impact on Performance

As we investigate the impact of RAM on gaming performance, we discover that the single 8GB stick provided with the Nitro Suckface Edition falls short. In games like Escape from Tarkov, the lack of sufficient RAM becomes apparent, leading to a more stuttery gaming experience. To test the difference, we upgrade the system to 16GB of RAM, which significantly improves the gaming performance in titles like Battlefield 5 and GTA 5. However, it is worth noting that Assassin's Creed Valhalla shows little improvement, suggesting that certain games may not fully utilize the extra RAM.

Heating Issues and Temperature Management

Despite Acer's efforts to improve ventilation in the new Nitro Suckface Edition, overheating remains a concern. The increased number of ventilation holes and an included exhaust fan provide some relief, but it is not enough to combat the limited cooling surface area on both the CPU and GPU. During gameplay Sessions, the CPU temperatures quickly reach 83 degrees Celsius, which is uncomfortably high even in a room with an ambient temperature of 22 degrees Celsius. Dust accumulation and worsening airflow Patterns over time may further exacerbate the overheating issues, making it a cause for concern.

Possessed or Ghostly Issues

One aspect that cannot be ignored when discussing the Nitro Suckface Edition's past and Present is the presence of supernatural occurrences. Users of the previous version reported strange hauntings and unexplained phenomena, leading to the belief that the system was possessed. As we explore the new Nitro Suckface Edition, we keep an eye out for any signs of ghostly activity or unexplained glitches. While our time with the system has been relatively short, we remain cautious about potential ghostly encounters and will provide updates on any unusual experiences.


In conclusion, the new Acer Nitro Suckface Edition is undoubtedly an improvement over its predecessor. Acer has addressed some of the issues, such as software crashes and performance glitches, making this version more reliable and refined. However, there are still areas of concern, including heating issues, limited cooling, and potential ghostly encounters. If you are considering purchasing the Nitro Suckface Edition, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons and determine if the improvements outweigh the remaining issues. Acer has taken a step in the right direction, but they still have some work to do before this gaming PC can be wholeheartedly recommended.


  • The new Acer Nitro Suckface Edition promises improved performance and reliability.
  • Unboxing reveals updated packaging and minor enhancements to the design.
  • Exterior design features better ventilation, but still lacks sufficient airflow.
  • Interior layout shows improved ventilation and easier access to components.
  • Gaming performance is decent, but stuttering issues persist with single-Channel RAM.
  • Upgrading to 16GB of RAM improves performance in most games.
  • Overheating and temperature management remain a concern despite some improvements.
  • Ghostly occurrences and unexplained glitches are potential issues to watch for.
  • The new Nitro Suckface Edition is an improvement, but some issues still need addressing before recommending it.
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