Boost Visual Quality and Performance with Lossless Upscaler

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Boost Visual Quality and Performance with Lossless Upscaler

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About Lossless Upscaler
  3. Native vs Injected FSR
  4. Performance at Native 1080p
  5. Performance at Native 720p
  6. Lossless Upscaler and AA
  7. Optimized Renderer for Low-End Systems
  8. Performance Comparison with Native 720p
  9. Limitations on APU Systems
  10. Potential for Future Improvement
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will take a look at a program called Lossless Upscaler and explore its potential benefits for gaming. Lossless Upscaler is a program available on Steam that aims to improve the visual quality and performance of games by supporting FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR). FSR is a graphics upscaling technique that enhances image quality while maintaining high frame rates. We will analyze the performance of Lossless Upscaler on the game Watch Dogs 2 and discuss its implications for different system configurations.

About Lossless Upscaler

Lossless Upscaler is a program that allows users to inject FSR into games that do not natively support it. By leveraging FSR, Lossless Upscaler aims to enhance the visual quality of games and improve performance on compatible systems. The program can be downloaded from Steam at an affordable price and offers the flexibility to adjust settings based on individual preferences.

Native vs Injected FSR

Before delving into the performance analysis, it is important to understand the difference between native and injected FSR. Native FSR refers to games that have built-in support for FSR, allowing for optimized performance and visual quality. Injected FSR, on the other HAND, involves using a program like Lossless Upscaler to add FSR functionality to games that do not have native support. However, injected FSR may introduce additional overhead, particularly on systems with lower-end hardware.

Performance at Native 1080p

To establish a baseline, we first assessed the performance of Watch Dogs 2 at its native 1080p resolution with the lowest graphical settings and no anti-aliasing (AA). The results were underwhelming, with significant frame rate drops and inconsistent frame times. While the Game was playable, the overall experience was far from optimal, indicating the need for performance improvements.

Performance at Native 720p

Next, we explored the performance of Watch Dogs 2 at a lower resolution of 720p with no upscaling. At this resolution, the visual quality suffered, with a blurry image and noticeable jagged edges due to the lack of AA. However, the trade-off was a significant improvement in frame rates, making the game more playable. The frame times were more consistent, contributing to a smoother gaming experience overall.

Lossless Upscaler and AA

Lossless Upscaler offers the option to enable AA, which can enhance the visual quality of upscaled images. However, on systems with integrated graphics, such as APUs, enabling AA introduces a considerable drop in performance. The program is primarily designed for dedicated GPUs, which can handle the additional processing requirements of AA. For APUs, the lack of power makes it challenging to render AA effectively, limiting the benefits of Lossless Upscaler in these systems.

Optimized Renderer for Low-End Systems

Lossless Upscaler includes an optimized renderer specifically designed for low-end systems. This renderer aims to improve visual quality on systems with limited hardware capabilities. Running the game at 720p in windowed mode, the optimized renderer stretches the image to 1080p. While there is a modest improvement in visual quality compared to native 720p, the performance takes a hit. The frame rates and frame times suffer, making the gameplay less enjoyable, particularly for users sensitive to frame drops.

Performance Comparison with Native 720p

When comparing the performance of Lossless Upscaler with the native 720p resolution, significant trade-offs become apparent. While Lossless Upscaler provides a slightly improved visual quality, it fails to justify the performance hit. The frame rates drop further, with one percent lows falling below 30 fps. This puts the gameplay experience in an uncomfortable territory, making it less appealing for users seeking smooth gameplay.

Limitations on APU Systems

Unfortunately, Lossless Upscaler's performance on APU systems is underwhelming. The lack of dedicated graphics power and limited rendering capabilities hinder its ability to provide a seamless gaming experience with injected FSR. Developers must natively support FSR in their games to achieve optimal results. Injecting FSR through programs like Lossless Upscaler on APUs introduces significant overhead, making it less desirable for this specific hardware configuration.

Potential for Future Improvement

While the current performance of Lossless Upscaler on APUs is disappointing, there is potential for future improvements. As technology advances and APUs become more capable, the program may offer a viable solution for enhancing visual quality and performance on these systems. Additionally, exploring alternative options, such as running Lossless Upscaler on systems with RDNA 2's integrated graphics, may yield different results and provide a more satisfying gaming experience.


In conclusion, Lossless Upscaler shows promise for enhancing visual quality and performance in games through injected FSR. However, its current performance on APU systems is limited by hardware constraints and the lack of native support from game developers. While Lossless Upscaler performs well on dedicated GPUs, its performance on APUs is subpar, leading to compromised frame rates and inconsistent frame times. Future advancements in hardware capabilities and native FSR integration may hold the key to unlocking the full potential of Lossless Upscaler.

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