Advancements in NWM: Intel Xeon Phi Integration & GPU Acceleration

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Advancements in NWM: Intel Xeon Phi Integration & GPU Acceleration

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Background
  • NWM: A Molecular Science User Facility
  • NWM's Emphasis on Molecular Science
  • The Portability of NWM's Code
  • NWM's Use of Global Arrays
  • Overview of Computational Chemistry Methods
  • Scaling of NWM's Methods on GPUs
  • The Implementation of NWM on Intel Xeon Phi
  • Performance Benchmarks and Results
  • Conclusion



🔍 Welcome to this article that explores the recent advancements and developments in the molecular science field. In particular, we will be focusing on the Pacific Northwest National Lab's (PNNL) computational chemistry software, known as NWM. Developed as an integral part of the Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory project, NWM aims to study the molecular aspects of environmental sciences. In this article, we will delve into the features, achievements, and potential future applications of NWM, including its compatibility with the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor.


🔍 Before we dive into the specifics of NWM, let's first set the stage with a bit of background information. The Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory, established in the mid-90s, is a renowned user facility located in the picturesque region of Washington State. Its primary focus lies in understanding and studying the molecular aspects of various environmental phenomena. As part of this endeavor, a state-of-the-art computing center was constructed to facilitate computational chemistry research. This paved the way for the development of NWM, a robust computational chemistry software designed to run efficiently on Parallel computers.

NWM: A Molecular Science User Facility

🔍 NWM's primary objective is to act as a user facility for computational chemistry researchers. It provides a platform for scientists from around the world to contribute to the ongoing efforts in understanding molecular structures and dynamics. NWM's strength lies in its ability to study a wide range of molecules, including materials, by leveraging the power of parallel computing. The software is constantly evolving and is made available to users on a yearly basis, ensuring that the latest developments and enhancements are accessible to the community.

NWM's Emphasis on Molecular Science

🔍 The heart of NWM lies in its emphasis on analyzing the electronic structure and energetics of molecules. The software employs various methods, including the widely used Gaussian DFT, to achieve accurate results. Gaussian DFT, which earned a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, is just one of the many computational chemistry methods supported by NWM. These methods form a hierarchy, ranging from cost-effective yet reasonable quality methods to more computationally expensive approaches that promise higher accuracy. This versatility allows researchers to choose the most suitable and efficient method for their specific needs.

The Portability of NWM's Code

🔍 A unique feature of NWM is its commitment to code portability. As new hardware becomes available, the developers strive to ensure that NWM performs optimally on the latest platforms. For example, close attention has been given to leveraging the power of GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. By optimizing the code for these hardware architectures, NWM can take advantage of their parallel computing capabilities. Furthermore, the developers have made a conscious effort to release new functionalities to the user community on a regular basis, fostering a collaborative and rapidly advancing environment.

NWM's Use of Global Arrays

🔍 NWM sets itself apart by utilizing the Global Arrays library for parallelization, as opposed to the more commonly used MPI. This dedicated library allows for efficient distribution of dense matrices, a prevalent data structure in computational chemistry, across the available physical memory of the system. By utilizing this memory distribution technique, NWM minimizes communication overheads and maximizes data reuse opportunities. This, in turn, leads to improved performance and scalability on parallel systems.

Overview of Computational Chemistry Methods

🔍 To better understand the advancements made by NWM, let's first explore the wide range of computational chemistry methods available in the field. These methods allow researchers to study the electronic structure and energetics of molecules, providing valuable insights into their behavior. Gaussian DFT, as Mentioned earlier, is one of the most widely used methods due to its relatively low cost and reasonable quality results. However, there are more advanced approaches, such as the Coupled Cluster method, that offer greater accuracy at a higher computational expense.

Scaling of NWM's Methods on GPUs

🔍 GPUs have played a crucial role in accelerating the performance of computational chemistry software, including NWM. The parallel architecture of GPUs allows for efficient processing of the computationally intensive calculations involved in these methods. NWM has successfully implemented its code on GPUs, ensuring significant speedups compared to traditional CPU-based calculations. Benchmarks have demonstrated remarkable performance gains, showcasing the potential of GPUs in pushing the boundaries of molecular science research.

The Implementation of NWM on Intel Xeon Phi

🔍 One of the main highlights of this article is the integration of NWM with the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. Leveraging the power of this specialized hardware, NWM has optimized its code to run effectively on the Xeon Phi architecture. The implementation involved using the Intel proprietary directive language, Leo, which provided the necessary flexibility for data transfer and parallelization. By offloading the computationally intensive calculations to the Xeon Phi, NWM achieved significant performance improvements.

Performance Benchmarks and Results

🔍 To assess the effectiveness of the NWM implementation on the Intel Xeon Phi, comprehensive performance benchmarks were conducted. These benchmarks compared the performance of the hybrid CPU-Xeon Phi approach with CPU-only and Xeon Phi-only implementations. The results showcased impressive scaling and speedups, highlighting the advantages of utilizing the Xeon Phi coprocessor in conjunction with CPUs. By harnessing the computational power of both architectures, NWM achieved remarkable performance gains, making it a promising tool for researchers in the molecular science field.


🔍 In conclusion, NWM stands as a testament to the remarkable advancements in computational chemistry. Through its emphasis on molecular science and portability, NWM has become a valuable resource for researchers worldwide. Its ability to study a wide range of molecules and materials, combined with efficient scaling on GPUs and integration with the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, sets NWM apart as a powerful tool in the field. As the molecular science community continues to expand its horizons, NWM will undoubtedly play a crucial role in furthering our understanding of the molecular world.


  • NWM is a computational chemistry software developed by the Pacific Northwest National Lab.
  • NWM's primary focus is on studying the molecular aspects of environmental sciences.
  • The software is constantly evolving and shares new functionalities on a yearly basis.
  • NWM's code is designed to be portable and optimized for parallel computing architectures.
  • GPUs have been successfully utilized to accelerate NWM's performance in computational chemistry calculations.
  • NWM has integrated its code with the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, resulting in significant performance improvements.
  • Comprehensive benchmarks have demonstrated the exceptional scaling and speedups achieved by NWM on the hybrid CPU-Xeon Phi approach.


Q: What is NWM? A: NWM is a computational chemistry software developed by the Pacific Northwest National Lab. It focuses on studying the molecular aspects of environmental sciences.

Q: What methods does NWM support? A: NWM supports various computational chemistry methods, including Gaussian DFT and Coupled Cluster, which allow for studying the electronic structure and energetics of molecules.

Q: How does NWM achieve code portability? A: NWM's code is designed to be portable, ensuring it performs optimally on the latest hardware platforms. Developers strive to release new functionalities regularly, keeping the user community up to date.

Q: Can NWM leverage GPU acceleration? A: Yes, NWM has successfully utilized GPUs to accelerate computational chemistry calculations. This has resulted in significant speedups compared to traditional CPU-based calculations.

Q: What is the integration of NWM with the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor? A: NWM has optimized its code to run effectively on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. By offloading computationally intensive calculations to the Xeon Phi, NWM achieves significant performance improvements.

Q: What are the benefits of using the hybrid CPU-Xeon Phi approach with NWM? A: The hybrid CPU-Xeon Phi approach provides remarkable scalability and speedups, making NWM a powerful tool for molecular science research. By combining the computational power of both architectures, NWM achieves exceptional performance gains.


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