AMD FX 9590 vs Intel Core i9-9900KS: A Battle of Processors

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AMD FX 9590 vs Intel Core i9-9900KS: A Battle of Processors

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Comparison: AMD FX 9590 vs Intel Core i9-9900KS
  3. Thermal Grizzly Carbonate Pads
  4. The Relevance of AMD FX 9590
  5. The Architecture of Intel Core i9-9900KS
  6. Performance Differences between 9900K and 9900KS
  7. Power Consumption and Temperature
  8. The Debate on Value for Money
  9. The Importance of BIOS Update
  10. Conclusion

Comparison: AMD FX 9590 vs Intel Core i9-9900KS

In the world of processors, AMD and Intel have been competitors for years, constantly vying for the crown of the best gaming CPU. In this article, we will delve into the comparison between the AMD FX 9590 and Intel Core i9-9900KS. Both processors have their own strengths and weaknesses, but it's essential to understand which one stands out in terms of performance, value, and overall user experience.


Processors are the heart and soul of any computer system, responsible for executing instructions and completing tasks efficiently. With the advancement of technology, more powerful processors are being released into the market, catering to the demands of avid gamers, content creators, and professionals alike. The competition between AMD and Intel remains fierce, with each brand constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Thermal Grizzly Carbonate Pads

Before we dive into the comparison, it's worth mentioning the Thermal Grizzly Carbonate Pads. These pads offer ease of installation and industry-standard performance, providing a safe and consistent membrane between the CPU and cooler. Their thermal conductivity and reusability make them a popular choice among enthusiasts and professionals alike.

The Relevance of AMD FX 9590

The AMD FX 9590, released as a rehashed piledriver aim 3 plus chip, boasted higher clock speeds than its counterparts. However, it faced stiff competition and limited attention due to its higher price and the performance gap compared to the blue team's offerings. While it excelled in gaming performance, it lacked in single-core performance, which was a significant drawback for many users.

The Architecture of Intel Core i9-9900KS

The Intel Core i9-9900KS, on the other HAND, falls under the same 14-nanometer architecture as its predecessor, the 9900K. This "rehash" of the architecture raised questions about Intel's ability to innovate and bring something new to the table. With stepping tweaks to address security vulnerabilities, Intel attempted to mitigate the effects of software patches and offer a safer experience for users.

Performance Differences between 9900K and 9900KS

When comparing the performance of the Intel Core i9-9900KS with the AMD FX 9590, it becomes apparent that the former offers better single-core performance while still maintaining excellent gaming capabilities. However, the benefits of the 9900KS over the plain 9900K raise an important question about value for money. Is the Incremental improvement worth the extra cost?


  • Superior single-core performance
  • Excellent gaming capabilities

Power Consumption and Temperature

Thermal management plays a crucial role in the overall performance and longevity of a processor. The 9900KS, despite boosting to 5 gigahertz all core out of the box, still runs relatively hot, requiring beefy cooling solutions. While power draw is lower than expected, there have been reports of thermal throttling when overclocked to higher frequencies. It is essential to find the right balance between performance and temperature control.

The Debate on Value for Money

One of the critical factors when considering a high-end CPU is value for money. While the 9900KS offers exceptional performance, it comes at a steep price. With AMD's Zen 2 lineup providing competitive offerings at lower price points, it becomes challenging to recommend the 9900KS for the majority of consumers. The decision ultimately depends on individual needs and budget constraints.


  • Exceptional performance
  • Ideal for overclocking enthusiasts


  • Relatively expensive compared to AMD's offerings

The Importance of BIOS Update

One aspect that caught many users off guard is the requirement of a BIOS update to ensure proper functionality with the 9900KS. Intel recommends updating the BIOS due to architectural differences, which could impact the CPU's performance and compatibility. Overlooking this step can lead to unexpected issues and instability.


In conclusion, the AMD FX 9590 and Intel Core i9-9900KS stand as representatives of their respective generations and the intense competition between AMD and Intel. While the 9900KS offers outstanding single-core performance and gaming capabilities, its higher price and incremental improvements may not justify the investment for the average consumer. Ultimately, the choice between these CPUs comes down to individual preferences and requirements.


  • The AMD FX 9590 and Intel Core i9-9900KS represent fierce competition between AMD and Intel in the processor market.
  • The Thermal Grizzly Carbonate Pads provide ease of installation and industry-standard performance for thermal management.
  • The AMD FX 9590 excelled in gaming performance but lacked in single-core performance compared to the Intel Core i9-9900KS.
  • The Intel Core i9-9900KS is a rehash of the 9900K architecture, addressing security vulnerabilities and attempting to offer a safer experience.
  • The 9900KS offers superior single-core performance and excellent gaming capabilities, but the incremental improvement may not justify the higher price for most users.
  • Proper thermal management is crucial for the 9900KS, as it runs relatively hot and requires efficient cooling solutions.
  • Value for money becomes a critical factor when considering the 9900KS, as AMD's Zen 2 lineup offers competitive alternatives at lower price points.
  • A BIOS update is essential for proper functionality of the 9900KS, highlighting the importance of keeping software up to date.
  • The choice between the AMD FX 9590 and Intel Core i9-9900KS ultimately depends on individual needs, preferences, and budget constraints.


Q: Is the Intel Core i9-9900KS worth the higher price compared to the 9900K? A: The incremental improvements in performance may not justify the higher cost for most users, especially considering AMD's competitive offerings at lower price points.

Q: Does the Intel Core i9-9900KS run hot? A: The 9900KS does run relatively hot, requiring efficient cooling solutions to maintain optimal performance.

Q: Can the 9900KS be overclocked? A: Yes, the 9900KS can be overclocked, but it is essential to prioritize temperature control and keep voltage adjustments within safe limits.

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