AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.3.1 vs 21.Q1: Which is the Best?

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AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.3.1 vs 21.Q1: Which is the Best?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Comparison of Radeon Pro Software 21.3.1 and 21.q1
  3. Rendering Performance Comparison
  4. DirectX 12 Performance Comparison
  5. Graphics Scores Comparison
  6. Gaming Experience and FPS Drops
  7. Changes in Pro Software vs Gaming Software
  8. The Neck to Neck Challenge
  9. Pros and Cons of Radeon Pro Software
  10. Conclusion


Hey there, tech fans! In this exciting segment, we're going to dive into a driver face-off between the brand new Radeon Pro Software 21.3.1 and 21.q1. Both of these workstations developed by AMD are equipped with the latest UI design, making them stand out from their previous versions. We'll be focusing on their performance, rendering times, DirectX 12 capabilities, graphics scores, gaming experience, and more. So, let's jump right into it and see how these two software versions stack up against each other!

Comparison of Radeon Pro Software 21.3.1 and 21.q1

To begin our comparison, let's take a look at the rendering times. The impressive thing is that both the 21.3.1 and 21.q1 versions offer similar rendering speeds. Gone are the days when you needed to switch between different software versions to achieve faster rendering. Now, with the new Adrenaline rendering pro that can be integrated with tools like Blender, you can enjoy accelerated rendering without the hassle of switching between software.

Rendering Performance Comparison

When it comes to rendering performance, the Radeon Pro Software proves to be highly capable. In previous versions, the rendering time used to be around a minute and six seconds. However, with the new adrenaline software, AMD has managed to significantly reduce the rendering time. The improvements made not only benefit professional editing, but also gaming. Although the gaming software does take a slight hit in terms of performance, it's still impressive to see how the new adrenaline software performs in both areas.

DirectX 12 Performance Comparison

Moving on to DirectX 12 performance, both the 21.q1 and 21.3.1 versions exhibit differences in graphics scores. While the gaming software manages to beat the pro software by a small margin in terms of graphics scores, there are other aspects to consider. The combined scores provide a more comprehensive view of the software's capabilities. The key point to note here is that you don't need to sacrifice gaming performance if you're an editor, thanks to the excellent performance of the Radeon Pro Software in DirectX 12 rendering.

Graphics Scores Comparison

Comparing the graphics scores, we can see that both the gaming and pro software versions from AMD offer similar results. Although there aren't any groundbreaking changes in the scores, this means that if you are both an editor and a gamer, you don't need to constantly switch between software versions to enjoy the best of both worlds. However, it's worth noting that there may be some FPS drops in certain applications or games, as these synthetic tests are designed to push the limits and reveal any weaknesses in specific drivers or parts of the Windows OS.

Gaming Experience and FPS Drops

If you're primarily a gamer, it's recommended to stick with the adrenaline software (21.3.1). While the pro software does have its advantages, the gaming software provides a better overall experience for gaming, especially when it comes to achieving higher FPS. However, if you Notice any sudden FPS spikes in specific games while using the pro software, make sure to share your feedback in the comments. It's always interesting to know how certain games perform with different software configurations.

Changes in Pro Software vs Gaming Software

As we continue this neck-to-neck challenge between the pro and gaming software versions, it's clear that the pro software from AMD takes the lead in terms of overall performance. However, when looking at the finer details, such as graphic scores, it becomes evident that the gaming version is better suited for gaming purposes. Although there is a small drop in performance, the combination of the pro software and DirectX 11 rendering still delivers excellent quality. It's important to embrace the changes that each release brings, as AMD continues to develop and improve their software with each installment.

The Neck to Neck Challenge

Throughout this face-off between drivers, we see a consistent pattern in performance. The graphic scores for both the 21.q1 and 21.3.1 versions remain almost at a dead tie. This means that you can expect comparable results from both software versions, allowing you to choose the one that suits your specific needs. For editors, the 21.q1 pro software is highly recommended, while gamers will find the 21.3.1 gaming software to be the optimal choice.

Pros and Cons of Radeon Pro Software


  • Impressive rendering times
  • Integration with adrenaline rendering pro
  • Improved rendering performance in both editing and gaming
  • Comparable graphics scores
  • Suitable for both editors and gamers


  • Possible FPS drops in certain applications or games
  • Need for improved toggling options between different software versions


In conclusion, the Radeon Pro Software 21.3.1 and 21.q1 are both exceptional options for professionals in the editing and gaming industries. While the pro software outperforms the gaming software overall, both versions offer impressive rendering times, DirectX 12 performance, and graphics scores. Whether you're an editor, a gamer, or both, AMD's software releases provide a range of choices to suit your preferences and needs. With continuous improvements and the promise of a brand new UI coming soon, AMD is definitely evolving and establishing itself as a strong contender in the industry.


  • Radeon Pro Software 21.3.1 and 21.q1 go head-to-head in a driver face-off
  • Both versions feature a new UI design and improved performance
  • Rendering times have significantly reduced with the new adrenaline rendering pro integration
  • DirectX 12 performance is impressive, with slight variations in graphics scores
  • Gaming software offers a better gaming experience overall, but pro software excels in rendering
  • FPS drops may occur in certain applications or games with the pro software
  • Options available for both editors and gamers, with pros and cons for each software version
  • Continuous improvements and a brand new UI in the pipeline for AMD's software

【FAQ】 Q: Can I switch between the Radeon Pro Software and the gaming software for different purposes? A: Yes, you can switch between the software versions based on your needs. However, it's important to note that each version has its strengths and it's recommended to choose the software that aligns with your primary usage.

Q: Are there any significant differences between the 21.3.1 and 21.q1 versions? A: While there are some differences in terms of performance and graphics scores, the overall experience and capabilities of both versions are quite similar. It ultimately depends on your specific requirements and preferences.

Q: Does the adrenaline rendering pro integration improve gaming performance? A: While the adrenaline rendering pro integration can offer accelerated rendering, it may not necessarily lead to significant improvements in gaming performance. The gaming software (21.3.1) is still the preferred choice for optimal gaming experience.

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