AMD Ryzen 5 2500U: The Good and the Bad

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AMD Ryzen 5 2500U: The Good and the Bad

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Pros of the Rising Mobile
  3. Cons of the Rising Mobile
  4. Performance and Specifications
  5. Gaming Experience
  6. Issues with Drivers
  7. Limited Dedicated VRAM
  8. Compatibility Issues with Games
  9. Effect of DirectX12 on Games
  10. Conclusion

💡 Highlights

  • IMD HP made significant improvements by using dual-Channel DDR2 NT 400 memory.
  • The Rising Mobile's AMD CPU provides a noticeable boost in performance compared to previous models.
  • The Vega eight name GPU offers impressive capabilities for gaming.
  • The Rising Mobile outperforms other APUs in the 25 Watts configuration.
  • However, outdated drivers and limited dedicated VRAM pose significant issues for users.
  • Compatibility issues with games, especially DirectX12 titles, need to be addressed by AMD.


The Rising Mobile by HP has gained considerable attention in the market as a highly viewed and versatile convertible device. This article aims to provide an in-depth review of the Rising Mobile, highlighting both the positive and negative experiences encountered during usage.

Pros of the Rising Mobile

The Rising Mobile shines in several aspects, demonstrating the improvements made by IMD HP in its design. Two notable positives are the utilization of dual-channel DDR2 NT 400 memory and the impressive 25 Watts headroom allotted to the SOC. These enhancements significantly contribute to the device's performance, particularly during CPU and GPU-intensive tasks.

Cons of the Rising Mobile

While the Rising Mobile boasts a range of impressive features, it does suffer from a few drawbacks. The most notable one is the outdated drivers available in the market, with the latest compatible drivers being two months old. This can lead to compatibility issues and suboptimal performance, especially with newer games. Additionally, the device has a fixed amount of dedicated VRAM, resulting in limitations when running certain games.

Performance and Specifications

CPU Performance

Previous users of laptops equipped with AMD CPUs are likely familiar with their subpar performance and slower loading times. However, with the Rising Mobile, AMD has made significant improvements in this area. The AMD CPU in the Rising Mobile provides a noticeable boost in performance, especially when multitasking or performing resource-intensive tasks.

GPU Performance

The Vega eight name GPU featured in the Rising Mobile is surprisingly capable, boasting 512 shader units and a frequency of 1.1 GHz under load. In terms of power allocation, the GPU takes precedence over the CPU, resulting in impressive gaming performance. The Rising Mobile's GPU outperforms its predecessors and even surpasses the performance of certain dedicated GPUs like the AMD RX 580 in CPU-heavy multiplayer games such as Battlefield 1.

Gaming Experience

The Rising Mobile offers a satisfactory gaming experience overall. Thanks to its improved CPU and GPU capabilities, it surpasses previously released AMD laptops. Its performance in gaming, especially in CPU-heavy multiplayer titles, is superior. However, the Rising Mobile's gaming experience is marred by a few factors, including the outdated drivers and limited dedicated VRAM discussed in the following sections.

Issues with Drivers

One of the significant challenges users face with the Rising Mobile is the lack of up-to-date drivers. The available drivers are often outdated, sometimes by up to two months. This has a direct impact on gaming performance, with certain games like Wolfenstein 2 running without optimizations or failing to run altogether. AMD needs to prioritize driver updates to ensure a smooth and optimized experience for users.

Limited Dedicated VRAM

The Rising Mobile suffers from a limitation in dedicated VRAM, with only 256 megabytes available in the BIOS. While the device can access an additional four gigabytes of shared memory, the way this is allocated varies from Game to game. As a result, some games may crash, fail to start, or run with subpar performance due to insufficient VRAM. It is essential for HP to release a BIOS update that allows users to increase the dedicated VRAM amount to mitigate this issue.

Compatibility Issues with Games

The Rising Mobile faces compatibility issues with several games, including popular AAA titles. The combination of outdated drivers and limited dedicated VRAM often leads to crashes, unplayable experiences, or activation of low-spec mode. Games such as Overwatch, Forza Motorsport 7, FIFA 18, and Doom are among those affected. AMD should address these compatibility issues promptly to ensure a satisfying gaming experience for Rising Mobile users.

Effect of DirectX12 on Games

DirectX12 games are especially impacted by the Rising Mobile's limited VRAM and outdated drivers. These games might not start at all or automatically adjust to low-spec mode due to the device's inability to meet minimum requirements. As more game developers embrace DirectX12, it becomes imperative for AMD to address these limitations promptly and provide optimized drivers to ensure users can enjoy the full experience of DirectX12 titles.


The Rising Mobile by HP presents an overall positive user experience with its improved CPU and GPU performance. However, the device is hindered by the lack of updated drivers and limited dedicated VRAM. Addressing these issues promptly through driver updates and BIOS improvements will further enhance the Rising Mobile's appeal to users. With the right updates, the Rising Mobile can assert itself as a top contender in the market, offering a seamless and satisfying user experience.


Q: Does the Rising Mobile have a good gaming performance? A: Yes, the Rising Mobile performs well in gaming, surpassing AMD's previous laptop offerings. Its CPU and GPU capabilities make it suitable for CPU-heavy multiplayer games.

Q: Are there any compatibility issues with games on the Rising Mobile? A: Yes, the Rising Mobile faces compatibility issues with various AAA titles, especially those utilizing DirectX12. Outdated drivers and limited dedicated VRAM contribute to these compatibility issues.

Q: Can the limited dedicated VRAM on the Rising Mobile be increased? A: Currently, the Rising Mobile has a fixed amount of dedicated VRAM (256 megabytes) that cannot be changed in the BIOS. Users need a BIOS update from HP to address this limitation.

Q: What are the main drawbacks of the Rising Mobile? A: The main drawbacks of the Rising Mobile are the outdated drivers and limited dedicated VRAM, impacting gaming performance and compatibility with certain games.

Q: Does AMD plan to release updated drivers for the Rising Mobile? A: As an early adopter, it is common to experience driver-related issues. AMD has a history of releasing updates that address these issues, and it is expected that they will provide optimized drivers for the Rising Mobile in the future.


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