AMD Super Resolution Technology Delay and Miscommunication on Website

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AMD Super Resolution Technology Delay and Miscommunication on Website

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. AMD's Super Resolution Technology Delay
  3. Miscommunication on AMD's Website
  4. Lack of Clarity on AMD's Driver Updates
  5. The Role of Davi Nigro in Uncovering AMD's Issues
  6. Complaints from Advanced Users of AMD Processors
  7. Defending the Public Against Poor Purchases
  8. The Controversy Surrounding DirectX 11
  9. The Impact of Driver Updates on Performance
  10. The Future of Gaming with AMD GPUs
  11. Game Performance with the Updated Vulkan API
  12. The Challenges of Implementing Variable Rate Shading (VRS)
  13. Conclusion


Hey folks, it's Vitor Cândido from the Candida Channel here, addressing an issue that has been a letdown for the entire AMD community. AMD's highly anticipated Super Resolution technology has not yet arrived despite the first driver release of the month on February 3rd. AMD even listed the technology's arrival date as January, along with a non-existent driver version, 2213. While January saw three driver updates, the third driver was just a repetition of the Second with a certification. This discrepancy has left us with only two drivers for January, with the highly anticipated 2213 driver nowhere to be found. It's possible that the technology is still under development, but we'll have to wait for further updates to find out. I apologize for the delay in bringing you this video and want to thank Davi, who has been supporting me on the channel and brought attention to the issues AMD faced with their DirectX 11 performance.

AMD's Super Resolution Technology Delay

AMD's Super Resolution technology has become a topic of frustration and disappointment for many users eagerly awaiting its arrival. Despite the promise of enhanced performance, the technology has yet to make its way into AMD's drivers. The first driver release of February, version 2221, still listed January as the arrival date for the technology on AMD's website. This miscommunication has left users Wondering when they will be able to take advantage of the much-anticipated Super Resolution feature.

Miscommunication on AMD's Website

The miscommunication regarding the release date of AMD's Super Resolution technology has caused confusion among the community. Even though the technology was not included in the February driver release, the date on AMD's website still indicates that it arrived in January. This inconsistency has led to frustration and disappointment among users who were eagerly awaiting the release of the technology.

Lack of Clarity on AMD's Driver Updates

AMD's driver updates have been a source of confusion for users, with the recent Super Resolution delay being just one example. The lack of clarity and communication regarding driver updates has made it difficult for users to stay informed about the latest features and performance improvements. This has added to the frustration surrounding the delayed release of Super Resolution and other technologies.

The Role of Davi Nigro in Uncovering AMD's Issues

Davi Nigro, a supporter of the channel and an expert in the field of computer technology, has been instrumental in uncovering some of the issues AMD has faced with their products. His video on the DirectX 11 performance of AMD processors shed light on a problem that had been ignored or downplayed by many. Thanks to Davi's insights and research, we have been able to understand the challenges faced by users of AMD processors and the impact it has on their gaming experience.

Complaints from Advanced Users of AMD Processors

Many advanced users who rely on AMD processors have been facing numerous issues and challenges. These users, often professionals or gamers, require the full power of their AMD GPUs for tasks like mining or demanding gaming experiences. However, they have encountered various problems, such as AMD's attempt to hide or downplay these issues on forums and even blocking certain users. It has become evident that there is a discrepancy between AMD's marketing claims and the actual performance and reliability of their products.

Defending the Public Against Poor Purchases

As a content creator in the tech space, I feel a responsibility to defend the public against poor purchases and misleading marketing claims. It is disheartening to see users purchase AMD GPUs with high expectations only to be disappointed by performance issues and lack of support. It is essential for consumers to be well-informed and make educated decisions when it comes to choosing their hardware. This requires careful evaluation of user experiences, feedback from experts, and independent tests to ensure the best value for their investment.

The Controversy Surrounding DirectX 11

One of the contentious issues that has plagued AMD and its users is the performance of their GPUs on DirectX 11. This long-standing problem, which had been raised by experts like Marcos from the Perfect channel as early as 2017, became a matter of intense discussion and controversy on forums. Users reported significant performance disparities between AMD and Nvidia GPUs on DirectX 11. These reports were often Hidden or dismissed by certain factions within the AMD community, causing frustration among users who were seeking answers and resolutions to their issues.

The Impact of Driver Updates on Performance

Driver updates play a crucial role in maintaining optimal performance and compatibility for GPUs. With each update, AMD aims to address issues, improve stability, and introduce new features. However, the recent Super Resolution delay and other miscommunications have highlighted the need for clearer communication and better coordination between AMD's development teams and its user base. Users rely on driver updates to enhance their gaming experience and expect consistent and well-tested releases that deliver on their promises.

The Future of Gaming with AMD GPUs

Despite the challenges and setbacks faced by AMD, the future of gaming with their GPUs still holds promise. As the company continues to optimize its drivers and address performance issues, users can expect improvements in both efficiency and compatibility. AMD's commitment to technologies like DirectX 12 and Vulkan API demonstrates their dedication to providing a better gaming experience. As consumers, it is important to stay informed, test different drivers, and make educated decisions to ensure the best possible gaming performance.

Game Performance with the Updated Vulkan API

The updated Vulkan API has the potential to bring significant improvements to game performance on AMD GPUs. Vulkan's low-level access to hardware resources allows for more efficient utilization of the GPU and can lead to higher frame rates and smoother gameplay. However, the implementation of Vulkan in games can be complex, requiring developers to optimize their engines to take full advantage of the API's capabilities. With the right combination of hardware, drivers, and properly optimized games, users can expect a noticeable boost in performance when playing Vulkan-enabled titles.

The Challenges of Implementing Variable Rate Shading (VRS)

Variable Rate Shading (VRS) is a rendering technique that allows GPU resources to be allocated more efficiently by varying the shading rate across different parts of the screen. While VRS has the potential to improve performance by reducing the workload on the GPU, its implementation can be challenging for both developers and hardware manufacturers. The success of VRS depends on factors such as game engine support, driver optimizations, and the capabilities of the GPU itself. As the technology continues to evolve, users can expect further improvements in game performance and visual quality.


In conclusion, the delays and miscommunications surrounding AMD's Super Resolution technology have been disappointing for many users. It is crucial for AMD to improve its communication and coordination with users to ensure a smoother and more successful launch of future technologies. Despite these challenges, AMD's commitment to optimizing drivers and supporting technologies like DirectX 12, Vulkan, and VRS gives hope for a better gaming experience in the future. As users, we must stay informed, make educated decisions, and voice our concerns to drive positive change within the industry.


  • AMD's Super Resolution technology faces delays in its release.
  • Miscommunication on AMD's website regarding the technology's arrival date.
  • Lack of clarity in AMD's driver updates leaves users confused.
  • Davi Nigro brings attention to AMD's issues with DirectX 11 performance.
  • Advanced users of AMD processors face numerous challenges and issues.
  • The importance of defending the public against poor purchases and misleading marketing claims.
  • The controversy surrounding AMD's performance on DirectX 11.
  • The impact of driver updates on performance and user experience.
  • The future of gaming with AMD GPUs holds promise despite challenges.
  • The potential for improved game performance with the Vulkan API.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing Variable Rate Shading (VRS).
  • AMD must improve communication and coordination with users for successful technology launches.


Q: When will AMD's Super Resolution technology be released? A: The release date for AMD's Super Resolution technology remains uncertain due to delays.

Q: Are there any alternatives to AMD's Super Resolution technology? A: While AMD's Super Resolution technology has garnered much attention, there are alternative solutions available from other manufacturers, such as Nvidia's DLSS.

Q: How can users address performance issues with AMD processors? A: Users experiencing performance issues with AMD processors should ensure they have the latest drivers installed and consider reaching out to AMD's support for assistance.

Q: Can driver updates improve game performance on AMD GPUs? A: Yes, driver updates can improve game performance on AMD GPUs by addressing issues, improving stability, and introducing optimizations for specific games.

Q: Is Vulkan API supported by AMD GPUs? A: Yes, AMD GPUs support the Vulkan API, and users can expect improved performance and efficiency in games that utilize Vulkan.

Q: What is Variable Rate Shading (VRS), and how does it affect game performance? A: Variable Rate Shading (VRS) is a rendering technique that can improve game performance by reducing the workload on the GPU. VRS dynamically adjusts the shading rate across different parts of the screen, allowing for more efficient resource allocation.

Q: How can users stay informed about AMD's driver updates and technologies? A: Users can stay informed about AMD's driver updates and technologies by following AMD's official channels, engaging in tech forums, and keeping up to date with tech news websites.

Q: What can users do to optimize their gaming experience with AMD GPUs? A: Users can optimize their gaming experience with AMD GPUs by ensuring they have the latest drivers installed, optimizing in-game settings, and considering hardware upgrades if necessary.

Q: How can users address performance issues with DirectX 11 on AMD GPUs? A: Users experiencing performance issues with DirectX 11 on AMD GPUs should ensure they have the latest drivers installed, optimize in-game settings, and consider reaching out to AMD's support for assistance.

Q: What role does Davi Nigro play in addressing AMD's issues? A: Davi Nigro, a supporter of the Candida channel, has been instrumental in uncovering and bringing attention to issues faced by AMD, particularly regarding DirectX 11 performance. His insights and research have contributed to a better understanding of these issues and their impact on users.

Q: How can users voice their concerns and drive change within the industry? A: Users can voice their concerns and drive change within the industry by actively participating in tech forums, engaging with content creators and industry professionals, and providing feedback to hardware manufacturers. Participation and constructive criticism can help shape the direction of future products and improvements.

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