AMD's Market Performance and Q3 Earnings Analysis

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AMD's Market Performance and Q3 Earnings Analysis

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Performance of AMD in the Market
  3. Third Quarter Earnings Results
    1. Potential Growth Projections
    2. Intrinsic Value per Share
  4. Factors Impacting AMD
    1. Acquisition of Zill Linux
    2. Slowing PC Sales
    3. Market Sluggishness for PCs
    4. Impact of China Lockdowns
  5. Financial Analysis of AMD
    1. Income Statements Comparison
    2. Balance Sheets Comparison
    3. Cash Flow Statement Comparison
  6. Discounted Cash Flow Model for AMD
  7. Competitor Analysis
  8. Conclusion and Personal Opinion
  9. FAQ

💥 AMD's Performance in the Market and Third Quarter Earnings Results

In this article, we will delve into the performance of AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) in the market and analyze the company's third quarter earnings results. Despite the significant decline in AMD's stock price over the past year, we will explore the potential growth projections and intrinsic value per share from a value investing perspective. Additionally, we will discuss the factors impacting AMD's performance, including the acquisition of Zill Linux and the slowdown in PC sales, while considering the effects of the China lockdowns on the company's revenues.

The Performance of AMD in the Market

Over the last year, AMD has experienced a decline of nearly 50 percent in comparison to the S&P 500, which has only seen a 15 percent decrease. This underperformance raises questions about AMD's potential for growth and its attractiveness as a long-term investment.

Third Quarter Earnings Results

AMD's third quarter earnings results provide valuable insights into the company's financial performance. By analyzing these results, we can ascertain the projected growth for AMD and determine the intrinsic value per share for potential investors.

Potential Growth Projections

One of the key indicators for AMD's future growth is the increase in net revenues from approximately $4.3 billion to $5.5 billion year over year. This represents a notable growth of about 29 percent. Furthermore, the gross profit has increased by 13 percent to approximately $2.3 billion. However, it is essential to consider the significant rise in operating expenses by 113 percent due to the one-time amortization expense for the acquisition of intangible assets from Zill Linux.

Intrinsic Value per Share

To assess whether AMD's stock is undervalued or overvalued, we can calculate the intrinsic value per share. Based on a conservative estimate of an 8 percent growth rate for the next five years, the intrinsic value per share is projected to be around $44, while AMD's share is trading at $73. This suggests that the stock may be trading above its intrinsic value, indicating a potential overvaluation.

Factors Impacting AMD

Several factors have contributed to the challenges faced by AMD and its decline in performance. Understanding these factors is crucial in comprehending the current market dynamics and their potential influence on the company's future prospects.

Acquisition of Zill Linux

AMD's acquisition of Zill Linux resulted in a 34 percent increase in share count to over 1.6 billion. While this acquisition expands AMD's capabilities, the dilution of shareholders and the negative impact on earnings per share cannot be ignored. It remains to be seen how this acquisition will contribute to AMD's overall profits.

Slowing PC Sales

The CEO of AMD attributes the slowing PC sales to the overall industry decline, including their main competitor, Intel, which reported a similar decrease in their third quarter earnings. Additionally, the COVID-19 lockdowns in China have further hampered AMD's revenues, exacerbating the challenges faced by the company.

Market Sluggishness for PCs

The demand for PCs has weakened due to changes in work dynamics caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. While remote work initially drove PC purchases, the return to office-based work and the longevity of PC products, which can last up to 10 years, have resulted in a sluggish market. This presents an ongoing challenge for AMD's revenue growth.

Impact of China Lockdowns

The lockdown measures implemented in China have put additional pressure on AMD's revenues. The restrictions have not only disrupted the supply chain but also reduced consumer demand for electronic devices, including PCs. These external factors have further contributed to the decline in AMD's performance.

Financial Analysis of AMD

Analyzing AMD's income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements provides a deeper understanding of the financial aspects associated with the company's performance.

Income Statements Comparison

By comparing the income statements for the third quarter of 2022 and 2021, it becomes evident that AMD experienced an increase in net revenues. However, due to the significant amortization expense for the acquisition of intangible assets, the net income for the year decreased by approximately 93 percent. This decrease can be attributed primarily to the amortization of intangible assets resulting from the recent acquisition.

Balance Sheets Comparison

The comparison of balance sheets reveals a substantial increase in total assets due to the acquisition-related intangibles and goodwill stemming from the recent acquisition. Additionally, the financing required for the acquisition led to an increase in total stockholders' equity, mainly driven by additional paid-in capital from the issuance of new shares.

Cash Flow Statement Comparison

AMD's cash flow statement analysis for the first nine months of 2022 shows an increase in operating cash flow. Furthermore, the company has prioritized returning value to its shareholders through the repurchase of common stock. The repurchased stock amounts to $3.4 billion, which exceeds the operating cash flow of $2.9 billion for the same period.

Discounted Cash Flow Model for AMD

To determine the intrinsic value per share, we utilized a discounted cash flow model for AMD. Analysts from Yahoo Finance project a growth rate of 16 percent compounded annually for the next five years. By conservatively halving this growth rate to 8 percent for the subsequent five years, and considering the free cash flow, cash on the balance sheet, and the number of outstanding shares, we estimate the intrinsic value per share to be approximately $44. This estimation indicates that AMD's current share price of $73 might be trading above its intrinsic value per share.

Competitor Analysis

Comparing AMD to its competitors in the computer and chip industry, specifically Intel and Nvidia, reveals areas where AMD is lagging. AMD exhibits lower profit margins, both gross and net, when compared to its competitors. However, AMD showcases a higher return on assets, indicating successful asset utilization. Based on this competitor analysis, Nvidia emerges as a more favorable investment choice due to its superior profit margins.

Conclusion and Personal Opinion

In conclusion, AMD's performance in the market has been lackluster, with a significant decline observed in its stock price. While the potential growth projections and intrinsic value per share offer insight into its investment potential, there are several challenges AMD faces, including the acquisition of Zill Linux, slowing PC sales, market sluggishness, and the impact of China lockdowns. Financial analysis further reveals the complexities of AMD's performance, highlighting the decrease in net income due to the acquisition-related expenses. Considering these factors, it is essential for potential investors to carefully evaluate AMD's prospects and determine if the current share price aligns with their investment goals.

  • Pros:
    • Strong net revenue growth year over year.
    • Increase in total assets and stockholders' equity.
    • Positive operating cash flow and shareholder value return through stock repurchases.
  • Cons:
    • Shareholder dilution and negative impact on earnings per share due to the acquisition of Zill Linux.
    • Slowing PC sales and sluggish market conditions.
    • Disruption and reduced demand due to China lockdowns.


  1. Is AMD's stock a good buying opportunity at its current share price?

    • While opinions may vary, based on the intrinsic value per share analysis, AMD's stock appears to be trading above its estimated value. Hence, caution is recommended when considering AMD as an investment choice at its current share price.
  2. How has the acquisition of Zill Linux impacted AMD?

    • The acquisition has resulted in an increase in share count and the amortization of intangible assets, leading to dilution of shareholders and a decrease in net income. The long-term impact on profits is yet to be determined.
  3. What are the reasons behind the decline in AMD's performance?

    • Several factors have contributed to AMD's underperformance, including the slowdown in PC sales, industry-wide decline, the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns, and increased competition from rivals such as Intel and Nvidia.
  4. How does AMD's financial performance compare to its competitors?

    • AMD exhibits lower profit margins compared to its competitors, Intel and Nvidia. However, it demonstrates a higher return on assets, indicating efficient asset utilization.


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