Battle of Processors: 386 40 MHz vs 486 25 MHz

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Battle of Processors: 386 40 MHz vs 486 25 MHz

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Comparison of Processors: 386 dx40 vs 486 sx25
  3. System Specifications and Components
  4. Benchmark Results
  5. Performance in Different Benchmarks
  6. Doom Time Demo Comparison
  7. Conclusion: Can the 386 dx40 Keep Up?
  8. Factors to Consider: Price and Performance
  9. Other Factors Impacting Performance
  10. Final Thoughts


In this article, we will be comparing two processors: the 386 dx40 and the 486 sx25. There have been reports claiming that the 386 dx40 is just as fast as the 486 sx25, so we will be putting these claims to the test. We will analyze the system specifications, benchmark results, and performance in various benchmarks to determine if the 386 dx40 can truly keep up with the 486 sx25. Let's dive in and find out!

Comparison of Processors: 386 dx40 vs 486 sx25

When it comes to processors, the 386 dx40 and 486 sx25 are two popular choices among computer enthusiasts. Both processors have their own strengths and weaknesses, but the question remains: can the 386 dx40 match the performance of the 486 sx25? In order to answer this question, we will be taking a closer look at the system specifications and benchmark results of both processors. By analyzing the data, we can determine if the 386 dx40 is capable of keeping up with the more advanced 486 sx25.

System Specifications and Components

To accurately compare the performance of the 386 dx40 and the 486 sx25, it is important to examine the system specifications and components of each processor. For the 386 dx40, we have the FX 3000 motherboard with 256k cache. On the other HAND, the 486 sx25 utilizes a BioStar motherboard with the same amount of cache. Additionally, the storage controllers differ between the two systems, with the 386 dx40 featuring a Goldar Prime 2 and the 486 sx25 utilizing a UMC based local bus controller. Both systems are equipped with the Tang ET 4000 graphics card, which is known for its fast performance. Furthermore, the 386 dx40 utilizes a 2GB compact flash card formatted with MS 6.22, while the 486 sx25 makes use of a floppy emulator with 30 floppy images. These system specifications play a crucial role in determining the performance capabilities of each processor.

Benchmark Results

In order to assess the performance of the 386 dx40 and the 486 sx25, benchmark tests were conducted on both processors. The results provide valuable insights into the capabilities of each processor and allow us to compare their performance.

The first benchmark test yielded a score of 9.33 for the 386 dx40 and 9.19 for the 486 sx25, indicating that the processors performed fairly evenly in this test. Moving on to the next benchmark test, we observed a score of 43.2 for the 386 dx40 and 54 for the 486 sx25. Here, the 486 sx25 exhibited a slight lead over the 386 dx40.

In the Landmark 2 benchmark, the 386 dx40 achieved a score of 62, while the 486 sx25 scored 84. The disparity between the two processors became more pronounced in this test. Continuing the comparison, the 3D bench test showed the 386 dx40 achieving 16.6 frames, while the 486 sx25 reached 18.5 frames. The 486 sx25 showcased a significant advantage in terms of 3D performance.

Finally, in the PC player benchmark, the 386 dx40 obtained a score of 3.6, whereas the 486 sx25 scored 4.0. These results clearly demonstrate that the 486 sx25 outperformed the 386 dx40 in this particular benchmark.

Performance in Different Benchmarks

Analyzing the performance of the 386 dx40 and the 486 sx25 in various benchmarks provides us with valuable insights into their capabilities in different scenarios. These benchmarks assess different aspects of system performance and can help us understand the strengths and weaknesses of both processors.

When it comes to overall performance, the 486 sx25 consistently outperformed the 386 dx40 in most benchmarks. While the differences varied, the 486 sx25 showcased a performance advantage ranging from 20% to 50% in different scenarios. This indicates that the 386 dx40 is not able to keep up with the 486 sx25 in terms of raw processing power.

However, it is important to note that the performance gap between the two processors is not massive. In some benchmarks, the difference may only be around 20%. Therefore, depending on the specific tasks and applications being utilized, the 386 dx40 may still be a viable option for certain users.

Doom Time Demo Comparison

No benchmark comparison would be complete without testing the processors' performance in Doom. Doom is a popular Game that heavily relies on a computer's processing power. By comparing the time demo performance of the 386 dx40 and the 486 sx25 in Doom, we can gain further insights into their gaming capabilities.

After conducting the Doom time demo comparison, it became evident that the 486 sx25 exhibited a significant performance advantage over the 386 dx40. While benchmark results suggested a 20% to 50% difference in performance, the gap widened in Doom, with the 486 sx25 showcasing a 40% to 50% advantage over the 386 dx40. This emphasizes the importance of processing power in gaming performance and highlights the limitations of the 386 dx40 in handling advanced gaming applications.

Conclusion: Can the 386 dx40 Keep Up?

Based on the benchmark results and performance comparisons, it is clear that the 386 dx40 is not able to keep up with the 486 sx25. While the performance gap is not massive, with differences ranging from 20% to 50%, the 486 sx25 consistently outperforms the 386 dx40 in most scenarios. This indicates that the 486 sx25 is the superior processor in terms of raw processing power.

However, it is crucial to consider other factors, such as pricing and personal needs, when making a decision between the two processors. In the past, the choice between a 386 dx40 and a 486 sx25 often came down to price. If cost-saving was a priority, then opting for the 386 dx40 might have been a reasonable choice. Additionally, the specific requirements and applications of the user should be taken into account when selecting a processor.

Ultimately, while the 386 dx40 falls short in comparison to the 486 sx25, it should be acknowledged that the 386 dx40 still offers impressive performance and can be a suitable option for certain users.

Factors to Consider: Price and Performance

When deciding between the 386 dx40 and the 486 sx25, it is important to take into account both price and performance. Both processors have their own advantages and limitations, and understanding these factors can help in making an informed decision.

In terms of price, the 386 dx40 may offer a more affordable option compared to the 486 sx25. This can be a significant factor for individuals on a tight budget or those looking to save money.

However, performance remains a critical consideration. If performance is a top priority, the 486 sx25 stands out as the superior choice. Its higher processing power and better performance in benchmarks and gaming applications make it an ideal option for users with demanding computing needs.

Ultimately, the decision between the two processors should be based on individual requirements, budget constraints, and the specific tasks that need to be accomplished.

Other Factors Impacting Performance

Apart from the processor itself, other factors can impact overall system performance. These factors include the motherboard, storage controllers, graphics card, and additional system components.

For the 386 dx40, the FX 3000 motherboard with its 256k cache provides a solid foundation for performance. However, the use of a Goldar Prime 2 storage controller may limit the system's capabilities compared to other options.

On the other hand, the 486 sx25 utilizes a BioStar motherboard and a UMC based local bus controller. These components, combined with the Tang ET 4000 graphics card, offer superior performance compared to the 386 dx40.

It is also worth mentioning that other factors, such as the choice of storage media and formatting, can impact performance. The use of a 2GB compact flash card and floppy emulator may limit the performance potential of both processors when compared to modern storage solutions.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the 386 dx40 and the 486 sx25 are two processors that cater to different needs and budgets. While the 386 dx40 falls short in terms of raw processing power and performance compared to the 486 sx25, it can still offer satisfactory performance for certain users. Factors such as pricing, specific requirements, and individual preferences play a crucial role in determining the ideal choice between the two processors. To make an informed decision, it is important to consider all Relevant factors and weigh them against personal needs and budget constraints.


  • Comparison of performance between the 386 dx40 and 486 sx25 processors
  • System specifications impact performance
  • Benchmark results indicate superior performance of the 486 sx25
  • Doom time demo highlights significant performance advantage of the 486 sx25
  • Consideration of price and individual requirements in making a decision
  • Other factors such as motherboard and storage controllers can impact performance
  • Final decision should be based on personal needs and budget constraints


Q: Can the 386 dx40 match the performance of the 486 sx25? A: While the 386 dx40 falls short in terms of raw processing power and performance compared to the 486 sx25, it can still offer satisfactory performance for certain users. The performance gap between the two processors can range from 20% to 50% in different benchmarks and applications.

Q: Are there any other factors to consider when choosing between the processors? A: Besides performance, factors such as price, specific requirements, and individual preferences should be taken into account when making a decision. The choice of motherboard, storage controllers, graphics card, and additional system components can also impact overall performance.

Q: Which tasks or applications would benefit from the 486 sx25's superior performance? A: The 486 sx25's higher processing power makes it ideal for tasks that require intensive computing, such as gaming, multimedia editing, and running resource-heavy applications. Users with demanding computing needs would benefit from the superior performance of the 486 sx25.

Q: Is the performance difference between the 386 dx40 and 486 sx25 significant? A: While the performance gap between the two processors is not massive, with differences ranging from 20% to 50%, the 486 sx25 consistently outperforms the 386 dx40 in most scenarios. The disparity becomes more pronounced in gaming applications, where the 486 sx25 has a 40% to 50% advantage over the 386 dx40.

Q: Can the 386 dx40 still be a suitable option despite its lower performance? A: Yes, the 386 dx40 can still provide satisfactory performance for users with less demanding computing needs or those on a tight budget. Depending on the specific tasks and applications, the performance gap between the 386 dx40 and 486 sx25 may not be a significant factor.


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