Breaking News: AMD Confirms Exciting Hardware Updates and Windows 11 Issues

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Breaking News: AMD Confirms Exciting Hardware Updates and Windows 11 Issues

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. AMD's Confirmations 2.1 Zen 3 with 3D V cache 2.2 Zen 4 and AM5 Socket 2.3 PCIe Gen 5 Support 2.4 Focus on Firmware Optimization 2.5 Computer Vision Accelerators
  3. AMD's Laptop Chips 3.1 Van Gogh and Rembrandt 3.2 CVML Accelerator
  4. Chip Shortage and Hope for AMD
  5. Issues with Windows 11 for AMD Systems 5.1 Core Preference Issue 5.2 L3 Cache Latency 5.3 Fixes and Patches
  6. Intel's Alder Lake Memory Configs 6.1 DDR4 and DDR5 Comparison 6.2 Costly Mistake in DDR5 Adoption?
  7. Conclusion

AMD's Confirmations

AMD has recently provided several confirmations and updates regarding their upcoming hardware releases. In early 2022, we can expect the arrival of Zen 3 with 3D V cache, which is set to improve performance significantly. Towards the end of 2022, Zen 4 will hit the market, featuring the AM5 socket. While a new socket means a new motherboard, the good news is that the cooling configuration for AM5 remains the same as AM4, allowing users to keep their coolers.

Additionally, AMD clarified that Zen 3d, the new version of their CPU, will have compatibility with some AM4 motherboards, particularly those equipped with B550 and X570 chipsets. This would provide users with more options and flexibility when upgrading their systems. However, it is worth noting that some older motherboards may require beta BIOS updates from manufacturers like ASRock to support Zen 3d.

Furthermore, it was revealed that Zen 4 will support PCIe Gen 5, which is a significant upgrade from the previous generation. This will enable faster data transfer rates and improved performance for compatible devices. AMD also expressed their commitment to firmware optimizations, ensuring better power efficiency for their hardware.

On the topic of hardware accelerators, AMD Mentioned their work on computer vision accelerators, although the details were limited. We already know that certain chips, like Van Gogh and Rembrandt, are expected to incorporate these accelerators. However, it remains uncertain whether a full chip utilizing Van Gogh will be released for laptops. More information on the CVML accelerator can be expected when AMD announces their laptop chips in 2022.

Overall, AMD's hardware roadmap for 2022 looks promising, despite the ongoing chip shortage. The recent decrease in Apple's silicon order might provide some relief for manufacturers like TSMC, potentially allowing AMD to secure the necessary components for their upcoming releases.

Issues with Windows 11 for AMD Systems

Unfortunately, it seems that Windows 11 has caused some issues for AMD systems. One notable problem is the core preference system, which particularly affects processors with more than eight cores. This issue can impact the overall performance and efficiency of the system. However, AMD has announced that a fix for the core preference issue will be released on October 21st.

Additionally, AMD's processors have experienced slower l3 cache latency with the transition to Windows 11. According to recent tests, the l3 cache latency on Windows 11 is significantly higher compared to Windows 10. However, AMD has addressed this issue as well, and a patch to improve the cache performance is set to be released on October 19th.

It is essential for AMD users to stay updated with these fixes to ensure optimal performance on Windows 11. AMD's Prompt response in addressing these issues demonstrates their commitment to providing a seamless user experience.

Intel's Alder Lake Memory Configs

In recent news, information regarding Intel's Alder Lake memory configurations has surfaced, revealing some interesting details. The memory controller for Alder Lake's DDR4 support can handle up to 3,600 mega transfers per Second, which is a substantial improvement. Furthermore, tweaking the encore could potentially reach a speed of 38.66 gigatransfers per second in gear one.

However, when it comes to DDR5, the memory controller can only operate on gear two. Theoretically, this means that to see a performance improvement with DDR5, the transfer speed needs to be at least 8,000 mega transfers per second or higher. Considering the current prices of DDR5 memory kits, with a 32GB kit running for $350, opting for a DDR5 compatible motherboard for Alder Lake might not be a cost-effective decision.

It is crucial to wait for reviews and thorough testing to determine if the theoretical performance advantages of DDR5 Translate into real-world benefits. The comparison between DDR4 and DDR5 motherboards with the same CPU will be interesting to analyze. Ultimately, the decision to adopt DDR5 should be based on individual needs and budget considerations.


Q: Will Zen 3d be compatible with all AM4 motherboards? A: Zen 3d will be compatible with AM4 motherboards equipped with B550 and X570 chipsets. However, some older motherboards may need a beta BIOS update.

Q: What is the expected release date for Zen 3 with 3D V cache? A: Zen 3 with 3D V cache is anticipated to be released in early 2022.

Q: When will AMD announce details about their laptop chips with computer vision accelerators? A: AMD usually announces their laptop chips in 2022, providing more information about the CVML accelerators.


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