Discover the Exciting New Features in Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 2023.4 Release

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Discover the Exciting New Features in Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 2023.4 Release

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Updates in the GPA Front End
    • Overhauled Metrics Selection Mechanism
    • Expanded Ability to Modify VRS States
    • Enabled Shader Profiling of Mesh Shaders
  3. Upgrades to the GPA Framework
    • Upgrade to the gpa-stream-info Command
  4. Highlights of the Release
    • All-New Metrics Tab
    • Improved Search Algorithm
    • VRS Modifications
    • Graphics State and State View
    • Profiling of Mesh Shaders
    • Augmenting gpa-stream-info in the GPA Framework
  5. Conclusion
  6. Resources

🚀 Updates in the GPA Front End

In this section, we will explore the exciting updates made in the GPA front end for the Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers release of 2023.4. These updates aim to enhance the user experience and provide more comprehensive analysis capabilities. Let's dive in and uncover the key upgrades!

Overhauled Metrics Selection Mechanism

The Graphics Frame Analyzer now offers an all-new Metrics Tab that simplifies the process of selecting metrics. Previously, users had to manually "Pin" required metrics for calculation, considering the vast number of metrics available for discrete GPUs. With the new Metrics Tab, users can easily select individual metrics using checkboxes, or even deselect entire metric groups. This streamlines the selection process and allows users to focus on what is critical to them. Additionally, the search algorithm has been improved, enabling users to search for any part of a metric's name, just like they are used to in other software tools. The closest matches will be displayed, making it effortless to find the desired metrics.

Expanded Ability to Modify VRS States

In the 2023.4 release, the ability to modify Variable Rate Shading (VRS) states has been greatly expanded. Along with modifying the shading rate, users can now view and edit the list of states and their associated parameters. The "Graphics state" in the Resource Pane provides a unified view of both Pipeline State Object (PSO) states and non-PSO states. On the other HAND, the "State" view enables users to edit and modify the parameters by selecting the draw or dispatch call of interest from the API Log. The immediate results of the Altered states are displayed, allowing users to Visualize the impact of their modifications.

Enabled Shader Profiling of Mesh Shaders

Shader profiling is a crucial capability for understanding the performance and behavior of shaders. In the 2023.4 release, Intel GPA introduces the ability to profile mesh shaders, providing insights into the instructions and performance of these shaders. This feature empowers developers to optimize their mesh shaders and identify any potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement. With Intel GPA, you can now get a comprehensive understanding of the shader performance of mesh shaders in your applications.

🌟 Highlights of the 2023.4 Release

The 2023.4 release of Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers brings a multitude of exciting features and enhancements. Let's highlight some of the key improvements that will elevate your GPU analysis workflow.

All-New Metrics Tab

The introduction of the Metrics Tab in the Graphics Frame Analyzer is a Game-changer. It simplifies the process of selecting metrics for analysis by allowing users to easily check or uncheck individual metrics or entire groups. This eliminates the need for the previously used metrics "pinning" mechanism, making it much more intuitive and efficient. The improved search algorithm further enhances the selection process, enabling users to search for metrics based on any part of their names. Say goodbye to tedious metric selection and welcome a more streamlined and convenient experience.

Improved Search Algorithm

Intel GPA is known for its powerful analysis capabilities, and the improved search algorithm takes it a step further. Searching for specific data elements within your analysis is now a breeze. Whether you want to find all the Pixel Shader data elements or all the Raytracing data elements, the search algorithm will provide you with the closest matches. This eliminates the need for exact keyword matches and allows for more flexible and intuitive searching. With Intel GPA, you can quickly find and access the data you need, enhancing your analysis efficiency.

(Continue writing based on the provided Table of Contents)

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