Eliminate Dead Space Remake Crashes with This Nvidia Fix!

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Eliminate Dead Space Remake Crashes with This Nvidia Fix!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Problem with Dead Space Remake Crashes
  3. A Fix for Dead Space Remake Crashes
  4. Step 1: Downloading Nvidia Profile Inspector
  5. Step 2: Deleting the Dead Space Remake Profile
  6. Step 3: Downloading the Fixed Profile
  7. Step 4: Importing the Fixed Profile
  8. Applying the Changes
  9. Test and Results
  10. Conclusion

The Problem with Dead Space Remake Crashes

🎯 Dead Space Remake is a highly anticipated Game that has unfortunately been plagued with a frustrating issue - random crashes every five minutes. Many players have reported this problem on the EA and Steam forums, with no official fix from EA. But fear not! There is a solution that has worked for many players, and in this article, we will guide you through the process of fixing the Dead Space Remake crashes.

A Fix for Dead Space Remake Crashes

🎯 The fix for Dead Space Remake crashes involves downloading a program called Nvidia Profile Inspector and replacing the default game profile with a modified one. This fix has been shared by a user named blacksmith77k on the Steam forums and has been reported to be effective in eliminating the crashes. Follow the steps below to apply the fix and enjoy a crash-free gaming experience.

Step 1: Downloading Nvidia Profile Inspector

🔧 The first step in applying the fix is to download Nvidia Profile Inspector. This program allows you to modify the profiles of games and applications using Nvidia graphics cards. You can find the download link for Nvidia Profile Inspector on the Steam forums post Mentioned earlier.

Step 2: Deleting the Dead Space Remake Profile

🔧 Once you have downloaded Nvidia Profile Inspector, open the program and search for the Dead Space Remake profile. Select the profile and delete it. This step ensures that the modified profile can be imported correctly in the next steps.

Step 3: Downloading the Fixed Profile

🔧 Now, it's time to download the fixed profile for Dead Space Remake. This profile has been modified to address the crashing issue. Extract the downloaded file and locate the fixed profile within the folder.

Step 4: Importing the Fixed Profile

🔧 In Nvidia Profile Inspector, navigate to the profile section and click on the "Import Profiles" button. Browse to the folder where the fixed profile is located and select it. The fixed profile will be successfully imported.

Applying the Changes

🧩 Once the fixed profile has been imported, click on the "Apply Changes" button to save the modifications. This step ensures that the modified profile is active and will be used when running Dead Space Remake.

Test and Results

🔬 After applying the fix, it's time to put it to the test. Launch Dead Space Remake and play the game for an extended period to see if the crashes have been resolved. Many players have reported positive results, with no crashes occurring after applying this fix.


🏁 In conclusion, the fix for Dead Space Remake crashes can be easily implemented by replacing the default game profile with a modified one using Nvidia Profile Inspector. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can enjoy a crash-free gaming experience. Remember to always keep your drivers up to date and Seek community support if you encounter any further issues. Now, go ahead and dive back into the thrilling world of Dead Space Remake without the frustration of constant crashes.


  • Dead Space Remake crash issue causing frustration for players
  • Solution involves using Nvidia Profile Inspector to modify game profiles
  • Step-by-step guide to fixing Dead Space Remake crashes
  • Downloading Nvidia Profile Inspector and the fixed profile
  • Deleting the default Dead Space Remake profile
  • Importing the modified profile and applying the changes
  • testing the fix and enjoying a crash-free gaming experience


Q: Can this fix be applied to other games with similar crash issues?

A: The fix described in this article is specifically for Dead Space Remake. However, Nvidia Profile Inspector can be used to modify profiles for other games as well. It's always worth trying if you are experiencing crashes in any game.

Q: What if the fix doesn't work for me?

A: While this fix has been successful for many players, it may not work in every case. If you continue to experience crashes after applying the fix, it's recommended to seek further support from the game's community or technical support.

Q: Will applying this fix void any warranties or support from the game's developer?

A: No, applying this fix does not void any warranties or support from the game's developer. It is a community-sourced solution that has been found to be effective by many players.

Q: Is it necessary to update the fixed profile when new game updates are released?

A: It's always a good idea to check for updates to the fixed profile whenever a new game update is released. The community forums where the fix was shared are a good place to find any updates or modifications to the profile.


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