Empowering the Next Generation of Innovators with Intel Skills for Innovation

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Empowering the Next Generation of Innovators with Intel Skills for Innovation

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction: The Importance of Technology Skills in Education
  2. The Growing Skill Gap and the Need for New Skills
  3. The Changing Job Landscape: Emerging Roles vs Declining Roles
  4. The Intel Skills for Innovation Initiative
    • 4.1 Intel AI for Youth
    • 4.2 Intel Skills for Innovation
  5. The Intel SFI Framework and Objectives
  6. The Seven Essential Mindsets and Skill Sets
    • 6.1 Social Emotional Intelligence
    • 6.2 Design Thinking
    • 6.3 Computational Thinking
    • 6.4 Simulation and Modeling
    • 6.5 Data Analysis
    • 6.6 Programming and Coding
    • 6.7 AI and Machine Learning
  7. The Intel SFI Implementation Framework
    • 7.1 Planning for Technology Integration
    • 7.2 Experiencing Technology for Skill Building
    • 7.3 Providing Tools and Programs for Effective Professional Development
    • 7.4 Ecosystem Support for Deployment
  8. Using Technology to Foster Higher-Order Thinking and Real-World Problem Solving
  9. A Closer Look: Experiencing Technology for Skill Building - Cyber Wellness
  10. Testimonials from Educators Using Intel Skills for Innovation
  11. Equipping Educators with the Necessary Skills: The Intel SFI Professional Development Suite
  12. Maximizing Technology Investments for Resilient Learning Environments
  13. Conclusion: Maximizing Skill Building with Intel Solutions

The Importance of Technology Skills in Education

In today's rapidly changing world, the role of technology in education has become increasingly crucial. As the Global Director for Public Sector and Education Sales at Intel, I am here to introduce you to the Intel Skills for Innovation initiative. This global effort recognizes the significance of technology in building resilient education systems and preparing students for the workforce of the future.

The Growing Skill Gap and the Need for New Skills

Currently, 6 out of 10 adults lack basic ICT (Information and Communications Technology) skills. This is alarming considering that the demand for highly skilled jobs has increased by 25 percent in the last 20 years. Globally, 69 percent of employers are struggling to find workers with the right Blend of technical skills and human strengths. There is a clear need for new skills such as critical thinking, communication, and creativity, which are on the rise. The job landscape is also undergoing a radical change, with 97 million emerging roles compared to 85 million declining roles in the next four years.

The Intel Skills for Innovation Initiative

4.1 Intel AI for Youth

To bridge the growing skill gap, Intel has launched two initiatives: Intel AI for Youth and Intel Skills for Innovation. These initiatives support the development of the right skill sets and mindsets for the future. While Intel AI for Youth provides a full curriculum to teach artificial intelligence (AI) and related skills to high school students and above, this presentation will focus on Intel Skills for Innovation (Intel SFI).

4.2 Intel Skills for Innovation

Intel Skills for Innovation integrates a wide range of skill-building activities into the current curriculum across all subjects and grades in K-12 education. The initiative aims to reinvent the role of technology in education, foster higher-order thinking and skills development, and apply curriculum concepts to real-world problem solving. By adopting the Intel SFI framework, schools can provide students with the necessary skills to thrive in the digital age.

The Intel SFI Framework and Objectives

The Intel SFI initiative focuses on three primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to reinvent the role of technology in education to improve education system resilience and bridge the industrial skills gap. Secondly, it seeks to foster higher-order thinking and skills development using technology. Finally, it aims to apply curriculum concepts and tie them to real-world problem solving.

The Intel SFI framework consists of seven essential mindsets and skill sets that are essential for future success. These include social-emotional intelligence, design thinking, computational thinking, simulation and modeling, data analysis, programming and coding, and AI and machine learning. Through the integration of these skills into everyday teaching and learning, students can develop the necessary cognitive and technology skills for the future.

The Intel SFI Implementation Framework

To bring the Intel SFI vision to reality, Intel has developed an implementation framework. This framework consists of a four-step adoption plan, helpful resources, and a suite of programs that can be readily rolled out. The Intel SFI implementation framework integrates skill-building technology activities into the current curriculum, without suggesting a change of curriculum. By using technology tools, teachers can enable higher-order thinking skills and enhance learning outcomes.

The Intel SFI planning toolkit assists decision makers in aligning on a common vision and drafting an implementation plan. The Intel SFI starter pack provides pre-designed learning experiences, including 70 activities with over 140 hours of class time. Additionally, the Intel SFI professional development suite supports educators in embracing new ways of teaching through e-learning and in-person workshops. The deployment of the Intel SFI framework is made possible through Intel's wide network of technology partners and education service providers.

Using Technology to Foster Higher-Order Thinking and Real-World Problem Solving

In an ever-evolving job market, it is essential to prepare students for the future. The McKinsey Global Institute predicts a decrease in the use of physical and manual skills by 11 to 16 percent, while the use of technological skills is expected to increase by up to 60 percent. This highlights the need to integrate technology into education to foster higher-order thinking and real-world problem solving.

One of the starter pack activities included in the Intel SFI framework focuses on cyber wellness. In this activity, students are guided to use technology to raise their cognitive level while learning about digital citizenship concepts. By applying machine learning principles and using the Scratch programming application, students create a machine that reacts to kind or mean text input with appropriate emotions. This activity not only teaches technological skills but also promotes empathy, good online etiquette, and an understanding of machine learning concepts.

Testimonials from Educators Using Intel Skills for Innovation

Educators who have implemented Intel Skills for Innovation in their classrooms have reported positive experiences. They have found that the starter pack activities allow students to understand that they can solve real-world issues and make a difference with the use of technology. By engaging students through real-life examples and purposeful coding, educators have observed increased student engagement and motivation for learning. The Intel SFI initiative has enabled students to tackle real-life problems while building essential skills.

Equipping Educators with the Necessary Skills: The Intel SFI Professional Development Suite

To further support educators, Intel has developed the Intel SFI professional development suite. This suite consists of four levels of modules aimed at helping educators at any stage of their technology journey. The modules provide the necessary skills to create technology-infused learning experiences that maximize skill building. With more than 80 hours of e-learning and in-person workshops available, educators can enhance their teaching practices and effectively utilize technology in the classroom.

Maximizing Technology Investments for Resilient Learning Environments

To maximize the return on investment in technology, decision makers need to carefully consider their goals for integrating technology into education. Resilient learning environments require reliable, scalable, secured, and manageable solutions that promote collaboration. Educators need powerful devices that allow them to use software applications and engage in immersive, personalized, and adaptive learning experiences. Students require learning devices that go beyond content access and provide the performance and features needed for workloads in fields such as design, simulation, modeling, and data science. Intel, as the global leader of technology innovation, offers solutions to address these needs and help maximize skill building for the innovators of tomorrow.

Conclusion: Maximizing Skill Building with Intel Solutions

In conclusion, the Intel Skills for Innovation initiative is a comprehensive approach to integrating technology skills into education. By focusing on essential mindsets and skill sets, fostering higher-order thinking, and providing tools and programs for implementation, Intel is paving the way for a resilient and future-ready education system. Through the adoption of the Intel SFI framework and the support of Intel's technology partners, educators can equip students with the necessary skills to thrive in the digital age. To learn more and access valuable resources, visit the skillsforinnovation.intel.com website and join the growing community of educators worldwide.


  • The Intel Skills for Innovation initiative aims to bridge the skill gap and prepare students for the future workforce.
  • Seven essential mindsets and skill sets, such as social-emotional intelligence and AI, are integrated into the Intel SFI framework.
  • The implementation framework includes a four-step adoption plan, helpful resources, and professional development support.
  • Technology is used to foster higher-order thinking and real-world problem solving in subjects like cyber wellness.
  • Educators have reported increased student engagement and improved learning outcomes with the Intel SFI initiative.
  • Intel provides solutions and devices to maximize skill building and create resilient learning environments.
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