Everything You Need to Know About AMD's RX 490 and UEFI vs. Legacy BIOS

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Everything You Need to Know About AMD's RX 490 and UEFI vs. Legacy BIOS

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. AMD's new RX Series
  3. Speculating the AMD RX 490
  4. The Purpose of Polaris
  5. Lifespan and Leakage of Liquid Coolers
  6. Accuracy of PCPartPicker's Wattage Estimates
  7. Stress Test Programs for CPU Cooler testing
  8. Understanding UEFI and Legacy BIOS
  9. The Benefits of UEFI
  10. What to do with the "Big Red Button"

🌟 Highlights:

  • AMD's new RX series offers affordable options for gamers.
  • Speculation on the existence of the high-end AMD RX 490.
  • Polaris architecture focuses on power efficiency and affordability, not high-end performance.
  • Liquid coolers have a lifespan of about five years, but leakage is uncommon except in rare cases.
  • PCPartPicker's wattage estimates can be accurate, but it is important to review component power tests.
  • Prime95 and 3DMark are useful stress test programs for CPU coolers.
  • UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is an advanced replacement for legacy BIOS.
  • UEFI offers better compatibility, faster boot times, and easier OS installations.
  • The "Big Red Button" is a reminder to subscribe and support the content creators.

💡 Introduction:

Welcome back to another episode of Ask GN! In this episode, we will be answering some of the best questions we received last week. But before we dive into the questions, I want to remind everyone that if you have any unanswered questions or new questions, please feel free to post them below, and we'll do our best to address them in the next episode. Now, let's get started!

💻 AMD's new RX Series:

One of the questions we received from a viewer is about AMD's new RX series. Don Joe asks, "In AMD's RX 480 presentation, they Mentioned that Polaris 10/11 will feature cards with a price range of $100 to $300. Since the RX 480 is priced at $199 to $230, do you think the $300 card is the RX 490? Can it challenge the GTX 1070 or even be better?" While the price range mentioned suggests the possibility of a $300 card, it doesn't necessarily mean that there has to be one. It's likely just a marketing strategy to offer a cleaner pricing structure. As for the RX 490, I have no official information about its existence or specifications at this point. While there are rumors circulating, I avoid putting too much trust in them as they can either be accurate leaks or complete fabrications. However, it's important to understand that the Polaris architecture is not aimed at high-end performance. AMD reserves their flagship products for the upcoming Vega architecture. Polaris focuses on power efficiency and affordability, targeting the mid-range gaming market.

💡 Speculating the AMD RX 490:

Considering the above discussion, it is uncertain whether the AMD RX 490 will be released. While rumors may suggest its existence, it is important to wait for official confirmation and specifications from AMD. Speculation can lead to inaccurate conclusions and false expectations. Until then, we can only wait for more information to be released.

🎯 The Purpose of Polaris:

It is important to remember that AMD's Polaris architecture is not designed for high-end competition. The main goals of Polaris are power efficiency and affordability. Polaris-based GPUs are primarily targeted towards mid-range gaming and laptop usage. Building a high-end GPU with Polaris would go against the intended design and purpose of this architecture. For those looking for high-end performance, AMD's Vega architecture is the one to watch out for.

❄️ Lifespan and Leakage of Liquid Coolers:

Moving on to a different topic, let's talk about liquid coolers and their lifespan. The viewer Charlie Waffles asks, "How likely are closed-loop liquid coolers, like those from Corsair, to leak? What is their average lifespan?" It is rare for closed-loop liquid coolers to leak, as long as they are properly manufactured and installed. The major concern with liquid coolers is not leakage, but rather the gradual permeation of liquid through the tubes over time. The lifespan of liquid coolers can vary, but most models are rated for around five years of use. However, it is worth noting that this lifespan applies to regular usage and not necessarily to storing the cooler on a shelf for an extended period. As the liquid permeates the tubes, introducing air into the system, the Pump's efficiency may decrease, resulting in higher temperatures. It is essential to keep an eye on component temperatures and consider upgrading or replacing the cooler if necessary. Overall, liquid coolers provide efficient cooling for a reasonable lifespan.

⚖️ Accuracy of PCPartPicker's Wattage Estimates:

Now let's address a question from Cyborg in 1994, who asks, "How accurate is PCPartPicker's wattage estimation? How close to the wattage limit can I get away with?" While I do not personally use PCPartPicker, I can provide some insights. PCPartPicker's wattage estimates can be useful as a starting point, but it is crucial to cross-reference them with component power tests. To determine the wattage required for your specific configuration, it is best to look at reviews of the CPU and GPU you plan to use. Many reviews, including ours, perform power tests and provide information on total system power consumption. By comparing the power consumption of different components, you can estimate the wattage you need. It is generally recommended to aim for around 50% load on your power supply to achieve peak efficiency. However, it is important to consider how often your system will reach peak loads. For typical usage, such as gaming, the power consumption is often lower than the maximum capacity of the power supply. Pushing your power supply close to its capacity for extended periods may lead to issues like voltage droop and excessive heat. Evaluating your specific usage Scenario will help determine the appropriate wattage for your power supply.

🌀 Stress Test Programs for CPU Cooler Testing:

Moving on to CPU cooler testing, Nacho Chips asks, "I want to test the temperatures of my CPU with both the stock cooler and an aftermarket cooler. Which stress test program do you suggest?" When it comes to stress testing CPU coolers, there are a few programs that can effectively push your CPU to generate heat. Prime95 is a well-known stress test program that can load the CPU almost exclusively, making it a good choice for generating high heat scenarios. However, it is worth noting that there have been some reported issues with Prime95 and certain Intel processors, especially Skylake. It's uncertain whether these issues have been completely resolved with microcode updates. If you encounter any problems with Prime95, another option is using 3DMark. By running the CPU-intensive physics test at a high setting, you can create a semi-realistic yet synthetic load to evaluate your CPU cooler's performance. Additionally, programs like AIDA64 and HWMonitor Plus can provide accurate temperature monitoring during stress tests. Remember to monitor temperatures carefully and compare the results between the stock cooler and the aftermarket cooler to evaluate their effectiveness.

⚙️ Understanding UEFI and Legacy BIOS:

Let's talk about the difference between UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) and legacy BIOS. UEFI is an advanced replacement for legacy BIOS, offering a more versatile and efficient system interface. While legacy BIOS is still commonly referred to, UEFI has become the standard firmware in modern systems. UEFI provides several advantages over legacy BIOS, including faster boot times, more extensive hardware compatibility, and improved security. It also allows for easier installation and management of the operating system. Therefore, when installing a new hard drive or configuring your system, it is recommended to use UEFI mode rather than legacy BIOS.

🌟 The Benefits of UEFI:

When enabled, UEFI brings several benefits to your system. First, it allows for faster boot times compared to legacy BIOS. UEFI initializes hardware components in Parallel rather than sequentially, reducing the time it takes for your system to boot up. Second, UEFI offers better hardware compatibility, supporting newer technologies such as larger storage capacities and faster interfaces. Additionally, UEFI provides a more user-friendly interface for managing your system settings, including overclocking and power management options. Lastly, UEFI simplifies the installation process by supporting modern operating systems and allowing for easier partitioning of drives using the GPT (GUID Partition Table) format. Overall, UEFI enhances the efficiency and functionality of your system.

🛑 What to do with the "Big Red Button":

Lastly, we received a question about the "Big Red Button" from the previous video. The viewer asks, "You kept flashing that big red button. What should I have done with it again?" The "Big Red Button" is a reminder to support the content creators by subscribing to their Channel and joining their Patreon community. If you enjoy our content and find it helpful, we encourage you to subscribe and consider supporting us directly on Patreon. Your support allows us to continue creating informative and engaging videos for you. Thank you for watching!

❓ Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can I expect better performance from the AMD RX 490 compared to the GTX 1070? A: While there is no official information about the AMD RX 490, it is important to remember that the Polaris architecture is not intended for high-end performance. AMD reserves their flagship products for the upcoming Vega architecture. The RX series focuses on power efficiency and affordability rather than direct competition with high-end GPUs.

Q: Are closed-loop liquid coolers likely to leak? How long do they last? A: Closed-loop liquid coolers, such as those from Corsair and NZXT, are generally reliable and have low chances of leakage. Their average lifespan is around five years of regular use. However, over time, the liquid may permeate the tubes, reducing efficiency and increasing temperatures. Monitoring component temperatures regularly will indicate the lifespan of the cooler.

Q: How accurate are the wattage estimates provided by PCPartPicker? A: PCPartPicker's wattage estimates can provide a baseline, but it is important to cross-reference them with component power tests. Checking reviews that include power consumption tests for specific components will give you a more accurate idea of your system's wattage requirements.

Q: Which stress test programs are recommended for CPU cooler testing? A: Prime95 and 3DMark are popular programs for stress testing CPU coolers. Prime95 can push your CPU to generate heat, and 3DMark's physics test provides a semi-realistic synthetic load. Monitoring the temperatures with programs like AIDA64 and HWMonitor Plus will help evaluate the performance of the coolers.

Q: What is the difference between UEFI and legacy BIOS? A: UEFI is an advanced replacement for legacy BIOS. UEFI offers better compatibility, faster boot times, and an easier installation experience. It supports modern technologies and simplifies system management. It is recommended to use UEFI mode instead of legacy BIOS when installing or configuring your system.


Note: The above content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.

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