Disappointing Results: Xeon E3 1230 Performance in 15 Games

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Disappointing Results: Xeon E3 1230 Performance in 15 Games

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Specs and Benchmarks 2.1 Overwatch 2 2.2 Super Punk 2077 2.3 Dying Light Enhanced Edition 2.4 Fortnite 2.5 BioShock Infinite 2.6 Fall Guys 2.7 GTA 5 2.8 Rocket League 2.9 Talon RTX 2.10 Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 2.11 CS: GO 2.12 BeamNG.drive 2.13 Battle Beard Remastered 2.14 Apex Legends 2.15 Cinebench R23
  3. Conclusion

Comparing Intel Xeon E3-1230 to Intel i5-3570: Which CPU Performs Better?

In this article, we will be comparing the performance of two popular CPUs, the Intel Xeon E3-1230 and the Intel i5-3570. These CPUs are known for their affordability and decent performance. We will be looking at various benchmarks and real-world gaming scenarios to determine which CPU is the better choice for different use cases.

1. Introduction

When it comes to choosing a CPU, it's essential to consider factors like price, performance, and compatibility with your specific needs. With the Intel Xeon E3-1230 and the Intel i5-3570 being similarly priced options, it can be challenging to decide which one is the better choice. In this article, we will dive deep into the specifications and benchmark results of both CPUs to help you make an informed decision.

2. Specs and Benchmarks

2.1 Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2, a popular multiplayer shooter Game, was one of the first titles we tested on both the Intel Xeon E3-1230 and the Intel i5-3570. Surprisingly, the i5 outperformed the Xeon in terms of average frame rates. However, the difference was marginal, and individual game settings could have influenced the results. Further exploration is required.

2.2 Super Punk 2077

Super Punk 2077, another highly anticipated game, showcased the Xeon's performance shortcomings. Even at 1080p on low settings, the Xeon struggled to deliver smooth gameplay, with average frame rates dipping to 40. On the other HAND, the i5 performed slightly better, providing a more enjoyable gaming experience.

2.3 Dying Light Enhanced Edition

In Dying Light Enhanced Edition, the Xeon demonstrated its capabilities. It provided an average frame rate of 99 and a solid 1% low of 69 on the very high settings. Although the i5 performed admirably on medium settings, the Xeon offered a superior experience overall.

2.4 Fortnite

Fortnite, a widely played battle royale game, exhibited the Xeon's superiority. On medium settings at 1080p, the Xeon delivered a smooth average frame rate of 85, while the i5 managed 69 frames per Second. The Xeon's 1% lows were also superior, indicating more consistent performance during intense gameplay.

2.5 BioShock Infinite

In BioShock Infinite, the Xeon managed to outperform the i5 in both average frame rates and 1% lows. With an average of 162 frames per second and a 1% low of 72, the Xeon proved to be the better choice for this game. However, it's worth noting that the i5 was slightly graphics card bound during the tests.

2.6 Fall Guys

Fall Guys presented a graphics card-bound Scenario, making it difficult to evaluate the CPUs' performance accurately. While the Xeon showed better on-screen text results, this doesn't account for the GPU bottleneck. Therefore, it remains inconclusive which CPU performs better in this specific game.

2.7 GTA 5

GTA 5 favored the higher clock speed of the i5 compared to the Xeon's slower clock speed. With a 10 frame per second difference in average frame rates and 1% lows, the i5 demonstrated better performance overall. Notably, both CPUs maxed out the crowd density setting, eliminating the performance advantage factor.

2.8 Rocket League

Rocket League proved to be an area where the Xeon struggled slightly. While it still managed a commendable 200 frames per second, the i5 outperformed it by 10 frames per second, especially in the 1% lows. Nevertheless, both CPUs provided an excellent gaming experience, with minimal differences.

2.9 Talon RTX

In Talon RTX, the Xeon delivered a higher average frame rate than the i5, showcasing its strength in this game. With 276 frames per second on the Xeon compared to 259 on the i5, the Xeon provided a slight advantage. However, the 1% lows remained similar, making the overall experience comparable.

2.10 Call of Duty Warzone 2.0

Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 results were neck and neck between the Xeon and the i5. The Xeon managed to stay slightly ahead in both average frame rates and 1% lows, but the difference was minimal. Both CPUs delivered a smooth gaming experience, with frame rates exceeding 30 frames per second.

2.11 CS: GO

In a short match of CS: GO, both CPUs exhibited similar performance, with the i5 slightly edging out the Xeon. The margin of difference was small, falling within the margin of error. Therefore, it can be considered a tie between these CPUs in terms of CS: GO performance.

2.12 BeamNG.drive

BeamNG.drive provided surprising results, as the i5 significantly outperformed the Xeon. The i5 obtained an average frame rate that was 20 frames per second higher than the Xeon in both average and 1% lows. While both CPUs were still playable, the i5 proved to be the superior choice in this game.

2.13 Battle Beard Remastered

In Battle Beard Remastered, both the Xeon and the i5 showcased similar performance on ultra settings at 1080p. The Xeon achieved a slightly higher average frame rate, while the i5 obtained a slightly higher 1% low. Overall, the performance was comparable, making the CPUs equally suitable for this game.

2.14 Apex Legends

APEX Legends provided one of the most surprising test results. The Xeon far outperformed the i5, obtaining 125 frames per second on average compared to the i5's 87 frames per second. The 1% lows on the Xeon were also significantly better, making it the recommended CPU for this game.

2.15 Cinebench R23

In the Cinebench R23 benchmark, the Xeon demonstrated superior multi-core performance over the i5. However, in the single-core test, the i5 had a slight advantage. Therefore, the choice between these CPUs depends on the intended workload and preference for single or multi-core performance.

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, the comparison between the Intel Xeon E3-1230 and the Intel i5-3570 reveals that both CPUs offer comparable performance in gaming scenarios. While the Xeon showcased strong performance in some games like Dying Light Enhanced Edition and Apex Legends, the i5 outperformed it in others, such as GTA 5 and BeamNG.drive. Additionally, the Xeon demonstrated better multi-core performance in the Cinebench R23 benchmark. Ultimately, the choice between these CPUs depends on individual preferences and specific use cases.

Thank you for reading and considering our comparison of the Intel Xeon E3-1230 and the Intel i5-3570 CPUs. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights to make an informed decision.


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