Experience Fallout 4 on a $350 Gaming PC

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Experience Fallout 4 on a $350 Gaming PC

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Specs of the Custom-Built 350 Dollar Gaming Computer
  3. Medium Detail Gameplay and Performance Review
  4. Low Detail Gameplay and Performance Review
  5. Manually Adjusting Settings for Improved Performance
  6. The Impact of the Pentium G 4400 Processor
  7. Is Fallout 4 Playable on the Intel Pentium G 4400?
  8. Conclusion

🎮 Gaming on a Budget: Fallout 4 Performance Review

Welcome to Tech Deals Game, where we bring you honest and detailed performance reviews of popular games. Today, we'll be diving into the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4, played on a custom-built 350 dollar gaming computer. In this article, we will analyze the gameplay experience, frame rates, and overall performance of this budget gaming setup. So, grab your Pip-Boy and let's dive in!

1. Introduction

Fallout 4, developed by Bethesda Game Studios, is known for its immersive open-world gameplay and captivating storyline. But how well does it run on a 350 dollar gaming rig? In this performance review, we'll explore the capabilities of the Intel Pentium G 4400 processor and the Nvidia GeForce GTX 750Ti graphics card in handling this demanding game.

2. The Specs of the Custom-Built 350 Dollar Gaming Computer

Before we delve into the performance analysis, let's take a moment to review the specifications of the budget gaming computer we'll be using. This custom-built setup includes the following components:

  • Intel Pentium G 4400 Processor
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 750Ti Graphics Card
  • 8GB DDR4 RAM
  • 500GB HDD

Considering its low price tag, this budget gaming rig offers a decent level of performance and is capable of running many modern games.

3. Medium Detail Gameplay and Performance Review

To assess the performance of the 350 dollar gaming computer, we first started by running Fallout 4 at medium detail settings. Despite the entry-level specifications, the game was playable at a resolution of 1080p. However, we observed some lag and frame rate drops during gameplay, which affected the overall smoothness of the experience. While the average frame rate remained close to 60 frames per Second, it failed to provide consistently smooth gameplay.


  • Playable at 1080p resolution
  • Decent average frame rate


  • Lag and frame rate drops
  • Inconsistent smoothness

4. Low Detail Gameplay and Performance Review

In an attempt to further optimize the performance, we decided to switch to low detail settings in Fallout 4. This resulted in a marginal improvement in frame rates and reduced lag. However, the gameplay still felt jittery and not up to par with a satisfactory gaming experience. The Intel Pentium G 4400 processor seemed to be a limiting factor, as turning off various settings and lowering the resolution did not significantly enhance performance.


  • Marginal improvement in frame rates
  • Reduction in lag


  • Jittery gameplay
  • Suboptimal experience
  • Processor limitations impacting performance

5. Manually Adjusting Settings for Improved Performance

To push the boundaries of this budget gaming setup, we decided to manually tweak a few additional settings to achieve better performance. We turned off anti-aliasing, godrays, and ambient occlusion, and set all view distances to their lowest levels. While these adjustments had a minor impact on the overall performance, the stuttering and lag in the gameplay persisted.


  • Minor improvement in performance


  • Persistent stuttering and lag
  • Limited impact on overall performance

6. The Impact of the Pentium G 4400 Processor

During our testing, it became evident that the Intel Pentium G 4400 processor was the primary bottleneck in achieving smooth and responsive gameplay in Fallout 4. With only two cores and two Threads, this entry-level processor struggled to handle the game's demanding physics engine and AI calculations. Upgrading to a more powerful processor, such as an Intel Core i3, would significantly improve the gaming experience.


  • Entry-level performance at a budget-friendly price


  • Insufficient processing power for smooth gameplay
  • Limitations in handling physics and AI calculations

7. Is Fallout 4 Playable on the Intel Pentium G 4400?

Based on our testing, we cannot recommend playing Fallout 4 on an Intel Pentium G 4400 processor. While the game technically runs on this budget setup, the overall experience is far from satisfactory. The performance struggles, lag, and jittery gameplay detract from the immersive and enjoyable experience that Fallout 4 is known for.


  • Game technically runs on the setup


  • Unsatisfactory gaming experience
  • Lag, jittery gameplay, and overall performance struggles

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, if you're considering playing Fallout 4 on a budget gaming setup, it's important to manage your expectations. The 350 dollar computer, equipped with an Intel Pentium G 4400 processor and Nvidia GeForce GTX 750Ti graphics card, falls short in delivering a smooth and immersive gaming experience. While playable at low detail settings, the limitations of the processor hinder its performance. However, for casual gaming and less demanding titles, this budget setup can still provide enjoyable gameplay. Remember to consider upgrading to a more powerful processor for optimal performance in graphically intense games like Fallout 4.

Thank you for joining us in this performance review of Fallout 4 on a budget gaming computer. Stay tuned for more game reviews and performance analyses!


  • Fallout 4 on a 350 dollar gaming computer
  • Performance struggles and limitations
  • Intel Pentium G 4400 processor as a bottleneck
  • Playable at low detail settings but with lag and jittery gameplay
  • Consider upgrading to a more powerful processor for optimal performance


Q: Can I play Fallout 4 on a budget gaming computer? A: While technically playable, our testing reveals that Fallout 4 does not provide a satisfactory gaming experience on a budget gaming computer. Lag, stuttering, and overall performance struggles detract from the immersive gameplay.

Q: Is the Intel Pentium G 4400 processor suitable for gaming? A: The Intel Pentium G 4400 processor, being an entry-level chip, does not offer sufficient processing power for smooth and responsive gameplay in graphically intense games like Fallout 4. Consider upgrading to a more powerful processor for optimal gaming performance.

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