Experience the Power of Intel and Samsung in the iPhone 7!

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Experience the Power of Intel and Samsung in the iPhone 7!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. New Developments for the iPhone 7 2.1 Partnership with Intel 2.2 Samsung Partnership 2.3 New Smart Connector Feature 2.4 Two New Sensors on the Top
  3. iPhone 8 and the End of the S Cycle
  4. The Dropped Headphone Jack 4.1 Apple's Hybrid Wired Wireless Solution 4.2 Lossless Audio in the Le Eco Smartphone
  5. Conclusion

📱 New Developments for the iPhone 7

The release of the highly anticipated iPhone 7 is just around the corner, and as more information surfaces, excitement seems to dwindle. In this article, we will discuss several new developments for the iPhone 7 that have come to light. These developments include partnerships with industry giants, improvements in technology, and possible new features. Let's dive in and explore what the future holds for Apple's new flagship device.

2.1 Partnership with Intel

Amidst the numerous rumors surrounding Apple's potential shift to Intel processors, it is important to clarify that these rumors are unfounded. The efficiency of Intel processors is not yet on par with the existing ARM processors used in iPhones. However, there is another area where Intel aims to win over Apple's business – LTE modem chips. The partnership between Intel and Apple will involve the integration of a new LTE modem chip, the 7360 model, into the iPhone 7. This chip will allow for more LTE bands on the iPhone, resulting in higher download and upload speeds. With speeds potentially reaching up to 450 download and 100 upload, Apple users can expect a significant improvement in their mobile internet experience.

2.2 Samsung Partnership

It comes as no surprise that Apple and Samsung will continue their association in future iPhones. Last week, it was announced that Apple signed a contract with Samsung to produce 100 million units of their OLED panels, starting in 2017. Now, reports suggest that Apple will also revert back to Samsung for their flash NAND storage. This partnership had previously dissolved due to Samsung's inability to meet the strict electromagnetic interference shielding requirements for iPhones. However, Apple is now confident that Samsung can meet these standards, thanks to new coding technologies aimed at reducing interference. The renewed partnership between Apple and Samsung will ensure that the iPhone 7 boasts reliable and high-quality storage capabilities.

2.3 New Smart Connector Feature

One of the most intriguing additions rumored for the iPhone 7 Pro is the introduction of a new Smart Connector feature. While no mention has been made regarding the regular iPhone 7, the higher-end model is said to feature this innovative addition on its back. The Smart Connector could potentially pave the way for a new smart keyboard, but its applications extend beyond just that. With the versatility and flexibility of this new feature, Apple users can expect a variety of possible expansions and accessories in the near future. The integration of the Smart Connector in the iPhone 7 Pro certainly adds an exciting element to the overall user experience.

2.4 Two New Sensors on the Top

In a move that echoes the recent release of the iPad Pro, Apple might be introducing two new sensors on the top of the iPhone 7. This inclusion could result in a true tone display, similar to what is currently available on the iPad Pro. The true tone display greatly improves the visual experience by calibrating the screen to match the surrounding ambient lighting conditions. Instead of relying solely on sunset and sundown times, the new sensors constantly monitor the environment, ensuring optimal display performance at all times. If Apple includes this feature in the next iPhone, users can look forward to a more vivid and immersive visual experience.

📱 iPhone 8 and the End of the S Cycle

While anticipation grows for the iPhone 7, talk about its successor, the iPhone 8, is already making waves. Analysts suggest that Apple will abandon the traditional S-cycle naming scheme and instead name their iPhones numerically, starting with the iPhone 8 in 2017. This change allows Apple more freedom and flexibility in terms of design and feature upgrades. It is speculated that the iPhone 8 will bring significant innovations to the table, which could potentially revitalize the user experience. With rumors swirling about considerable changes in form factor, software, and hardware specs, the iPhone 8 promises to be a Game-changer. However, these predictions could potentially impact the sales of the iPhone 7, with some analysts expecting a decline.

🎧 The Dropped Headphone Jack

One of the most controversial decisions surrounding the iPhone 7 is the removal of the headphone jack. Apple seems to be looking towards a future without this ubiquitous feature and has applied for a patent that suggests a hybrid wired wireless solution. This solution would enable seamless transitions between wired and wireless audio options. While many view the removal of the headphone jack as a bleak move, it is important to note that Apple was not the first to release a smartphone without this port. Le Eco, with their Le2 series smartphones, beat Apple to the punch. These smartphones offer lossless audio through USB-C, providing an intriguing alternative for audio enthusiasts.

4.1 Apple's Hybrid Wired Wireless Solution

Apple's proposed hybrid wired wireless solution aims to counteract the inconvenience caused by the removal of the headphone jack. By seamlessly transitioning between the wired and wireless audio options, users can still enjoy their preferred listening experience. This solution reflects Apple's constant pursuit of innovation and adaptability, ensuring that users can adapt to the changing landscape of smartphone technology. While the absence of the headphone jack may initially seem like a drawback, Apple's hybrid solution promises to provide a convenient and flexible audio experience.

4.2 Lossless Audio in the Le Eco Smartphone

Interestingly, the Le Eco series of smartphones has already embraced the removal of the headphone jack. These smartphones feature lossless audio capabilities through USB-C, delivering high-quality sound without the need for a traditional headphone jack. While Apple may be tardy to this particular feature, it is worth acknowledging the efforts made by other manufacturers. This development highlights the ongoing competition and innovation within the smartphone industry and opens up new possibilities for audio enthusiasts.

🔚 Conclusion

In conclusion, the iPhone 7 brings forth a range of new and exciting developments. Partnerships with Intel and Samsung signify Apple's commitment to enhancing the overall user experience by integrating cutting-edge technology. The potential inclusion of a Smart Connector and true tone display adds versatility and visual excellence to the iPhone 7. However, the looming release of the iPhone 8 and its rumored groundbreaking features may overshadow the iPhone 7's Incremental improvements. With the removal of the headphone jack and the introduction of Apple's hybrid wired wireless solution, audio enthusiasts will need to adapt to the changing audio landscape. The future of Apple's iPhones is undoubtedly filled with innovation and possibilities, and users can look forward to the advancements that lie ahead.


  • New developments for the iPhone 7 include partnerships with Intel and Samsung, improving the LTE modem chip and storage capabilities.
  • The iPhone 7 Pro may feature a new Smart Connector, paving the way for expanded functionalities and accessories.
  • The inclusion of two new sensors on the top of the iPhone 7 could lead to a true tone display for a more immersive visual experience.
  • The iPhone 8 is expected to bring significant innovations, potentially revitalizing the user experience and sales.
  • The removal of the headphone jack paves the way for Apple's hybrid wired wireless solution, with Le Eco smartphones already offering lossless audio through USB-C.


Q: Will the iPhone 7 have improved internet speeds? A: Yes, thanks to the partnership between Intel and Apple, the new iPhone 7 will feature an improved LTE modem chip, allowing for higher download and upload speeds.

Q: Is Samsung back in the game with the iPhone 7? A: Yes, Apple has partnered with Samsung once again, this time for their OLED panels and flash NAND storage, ensuring reliable and high-quality components for the iPhone 7.

Q: What is the significance of the Smart Connector in the iPhone 7 Pro? A: The Smart Connector opens up possibilities for expanded functionalities and accessories, potentially including a smart keyboard and other innovative additions.

Q: Will the iPhone 7 have a true tone display? A: There are rumors suggesting that the iPhone 7 will feature two new sensors on the top, similar to the iPad Pro, which could result in a true tone display, providing a more immersive visual experience.

Q: What can we expect from the iPhone 8? A: The iPhone 8 is rumored to bring significant innovations and changes, potentially revitalizing the user experience. With possibilities of new form factors, software, and hardware specs, it promises to be a game-changer.


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