Generate Post-Configuration BSDL File for Intel Cyclone 10 FPGA

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Generate Post-Configuration BSDL File for Intel Cyclone 10 FPGA

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction - Why is the Intel Cyclone 10 Post-Configuration BSDL File Important?
  2. Understanding the Intel Cyclone 10 Post-Configuration BSDL File
    • 2.1 What is a Post-Configuration BSDL File?
    • 2.2 Purpose of the Post-Configuration BSDL File
  3. Prerequisites for Generating the Post-Configuration BSDL File
    • 3.1 Required Documents and Software
    • 3.2 Downloading the Post-Configuration BSDL Generator and Configuration BSDL File
  4. Step-by-Step Guide to Generate the Post-Configuration BSDL File
    • 4.1 Creating a New Working Directory
    • 4.2 Copying the Required Files to the Working Directory
    • 4.3 Launching Intel Quartus Prime Software
    • 4.4 Opening the Console and Changing Directory
    • 4.5 Running the Post-Configuration BSDL File Generator
    • 4.6 Verifying the Generation of the Post-Configuration BSDL File
  5. Common Error Messages and Troubleshooting
    • 5.1 "Download the Correct Post-Configuration BSDL File" Error
    • 5.2 "Multiple Pin Files" Error
  6. Conclusion

Understanding the Intel Cyclone 10 Post-Configuration BSDL File

The Intel Cyclone 10 Post-Configuration BSDL file plays a crucial role in configuring the Intel Cyclone 10 devices. In this section, we will explore what exactly a Post-Configuration BSDL file is and why it is essential for successful device configuration.

2.1 What is a Post-Configuration BSDL File?

A Post-Configuration BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) file is a script that is used to perform pin-level testing and configuration of the Intel Cyclone 10 devices. This file is generated by a tool called the Post-Configuration BSDL Generator which modifies a pre-configuration BSDL file based on the pin behavior specified in a pin file.

2.2 Purpose of the Post-Configuration BSDL File

The main purpose of the Post-Configuration BSDL file is to define the behavior of each pin in the design. It specifies whether a pin is an input or output pin, and if it is a differential pair, a LVDS pin, or an unused transceiver pin. The Post-Configuration BSDL file also includes information about the boundary scan cells, which are modified based on the pin attributes Mentioned in the pin file.

Prerequisites for Generating the Post-Configuration BSDL File

Before generating the Post-Configuration BSDL file for your Intel Cyclone 10 device, there are a few prerequisites that need to be fulfilled. Let's discuss them in detail.

3.1 Required Documents and Software

To generate the Post-Configuration BSDL file, you will need the following:

  1. Post-Configuration BSDL Generator: This tool is used to generate the Post-Configuration BSDL file based on the pin behavior in your design.

  2. Configuration BSDL File: This document can be downloaded from the Intel VHDL website. It provides the necessary information for the Post-Configuration BSDL Generator to modify the pre-configuration BSDL file.

  3. Intel Quartus Prime Software: This software is required to compile your design and generate the necessary output files, including the Speed File.

It's important to Gather all these prerequisites before proceeding with the generation of the Post-Configuration BSDL file.

3.2 Downloading the Post-Configuration BSDL Generator and Configuration BSDL File

To download the Post-Configuration BSDL Generator and the Configuration BSDL File, you can visit the Intel Support webpage. This webpage provides the necessary links and information for downloading these essential files. Make sure you have these files downloaded and ready for the next steps.

Step-by-Step Guide to Generate the Post-Configuration BSDL File

Now let's dive into the process of generating the Post-Configuration BSDL file for your Intel Cyclone 10 device. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure successful generation.

4.1 Creating a New Working Directory

To begin with, create a new working directory for your project. It is important to avoid spaces in the folder names to prevent any potential errors during the generation process.

4.2 Copying the Required Files to the Working Directory

Once the working directory is created, copy all the necessary files, including the Post-Configuration BSDL Generator, the Configuration BSDL File, and the Speed File, to the newly created working directory. This will ensure that all required files are in one central location for easy access.

4.3 Launching Intel Quartus Prime Software

Launch the Intel Quartus Prime software and navigate to the View tab. From there, select the Utility Windows option and choose the "Achill Console". This console is a powerful tool that allows you to execute commands within the software.

4.4 Opening the Console and Changing Directory

In the Achill Console, change the directory to the newly created working directory that contains all the required files. This step is crucial to ensure that the Post-Configuration BSDL Generator can access the necessary files.

4.5 Running the Post-Configuration BSDL File Generator

Once you have changed the directory, run the Post-Configuration BSDL File Generator by using the command "source seat and article". This command will initiate the generation process based on the information provided in the Configuration BSDL File and the Speed File.

4.6 Verifying the Generation of the Post-Configuration BSDL File

After the script has run successfully, verify that the generation process is complete. You should see a message stating that the new Post-Configuration BSDL file is ready to use. The generated file will have the prefix "post" in its name, signifying that it is the Post-Configuration BSDL file.

Congratulations! You have now successfully generated the Post-Configuration BSDL file for your Intel Cyclone 10 device. This file can be used to perform board-level testing and configure your device accordingly.

Common Error Messages and Troubleshooting

During the generation process, you may encounter some common error messages. Let's discuss these errors and how to troubleshoot them.

5.1 "Download the Correct Post-Configuration BSDL File" Error

One common error message prompts you to download the correct Post-Configuration BSDL file. In such cases, ensure that you have downloaded the correct Configuration BSDL file and that it is placed in the working directory. Also, make sure that only one Configuration BSDL file is Present in the working directory, as multiple files can cause errors.

5.2 "Multiple Pin Files" Error

Another common error occurs when multiple pin files are detected. To avoid this error, ensure that you have copied the correct pin file into the working directory and that only one pin file is present. Modifying the pin file can also lead to errors, so it is best to leave it unchanged.

By resolving these common errors, you can ensure a smooth and successful generation of the Post-Configuration BSDL file.


In conclusion, the Intel Cyclone 10 Post-Configuration BSDL file is a crucial component in configuring Intel Cyclone 10 devices. By following the step-by-step guide and ensuring that all prerequisites are met, you can generate the Post-Configuration BSDL file successfully. With this file, you can perform board-level testing and configure your device according to its desired behavior.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to Intel support or refer to the user guide provided with the Post-Configuration BSDL Generator.


  • Intel VHDL Website: [link](insert link)
  • Intel Support Webpage: [link](insert link)
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