Get ready for the Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 architecture - a game-changer in performance!

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Get ready for the Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 architecture - a game-changer in performance!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of Gamer Beach
  3. Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 Architecture
  4. Performance of Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2
  5. Gaming Benchmarks
  6. Comparing Z1 Stream to Z1 STRING
  7. Potential Benefits of FSR3
  8. Conclusion


Welcome back to Gamer Beach! In this article, we will be taking a closer look at the Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 architecture and its performance. We'll explore the hardware specifications, gaming benchmarks, and compare the Z1 Stream to the Z1 String. Additionally, we'll discuss the potential benefits of FSR3 and conclude with our thoughts on this new release. So grab your favorite console, sit back, and let's dive in!

Overview of Gamer Beach

Before we delve into the specifics of the Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 architecture, let's provide a brief overview of Gamer Beach. Gamer Beach is a gaming-focused platform that caters to enthusiasts of all platforms and consoles. Whether you're a fan of high-end gaming PCs or prefer gaming on the go with portable consoles, Gamer Beach has got you covered. Our goal is to provide comprehensive reviews, benchmark tests, and gaming news to help you make informed decisions about your gaming setup.

Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 Architecture

The Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 architecture is the latest offering from Rise, a prominent player in the gaming hardware industry. This architecture features a 6-core, 12-thread CPU with a unique arrangement of performance and efficient cores. The CPU is accompanied by a 4-core, C4C efficient GPU, resulting in impressive gaming performance. The Z1 Phoenix 2 maintains a TDP of 15-30 watts, making it an attractive choice for low-power consumption devices, such as portable consoles and laptops.

Performance of Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2

Now, let's take a closer look at the performance of the Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 architecture. Initial tests indicate that the CPU performs lower compared to its predecessor, the Z1 Stream. In 3D Mark tests, the Z1 Phoenix 2 achieved scores that were approximately half of the Z1 Stream's scores. However, it is important to note that these tests were conducted at a TDP of 30 watts. We estimate that the CPU's optimal performance will be at around 20-18 watts, where it reaches its sweet spot.

Gaming Benchmarks

The most exciting aspect of the Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 architecture is its gaming performance. In gaming benchmarks, the Z1 Phoenix 2 delivers impressive results, especially considering its lower TDP compared to the Z1 Stream. Games such as Rail Central Starkies and Cyberpunk 2077 run at 720p on medium settings, achieving similar or sometimes even higher frame rates compared to the Z1 Stream. This can be attributed to the efficient CPU cores and higher CPU frequencies enabled by the reduced GPU size.

However, when it comes to more demanding titles like Metro Exodus and Horizon, the Z1 Phoenix 2 falls slightly short. While it still manages to provide playable frame rates at lower resolutions and settings, it struggles to maintain high performance. It's worth noting that these tests were conducted without any form of upscaling or rescaling. Utilizing technologies like FSR3 may help improve performance in such scenarios, but its effectiveness is yet to be determined.

Comparing Z1 Stream to Z1 String

The Z1 Stream and Z1 String are two variants of the Rise in Z1 architecture that cater to different price points. The Z1 String is expected to be priced around 100 euros higher than the Z1 Stream, but it offers improved performance. While the difference in GPU size between the two is noticeable, the Z1 String still manages to outperform the Z1 Stream in gaming benchmarks. This makes the Z1 String a compelling option for gamers looking for more power without breaking the bank.

Potential Benefits of FSR3

FSR3, or FidelityFX Super Resolution 3, is a technology that aims to enhance gaming performance without compromising visual quality. While the Z1 Phoenix 2 already delivers impressive results at lower resolutions, FSR3 could provide further advantages. By utilizing upscaling techniques, FSR3 may allow the Z1 Phoenix 2 to achieve better frame rates and overall performance. However, it remains to be seen how effective FSR3 will be on a GPU with limited resources like the Z1 Phoenix 2.


In conclusion, the Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 architecture offers a compelling option for gamers looking for a balance between performance and power efficiency. With its unique CPU and GPU configuration, the Z1 Phoenix 2 delivers impressive gaming benchmarks, especially considering its lower TDP. While it may not excel in demanding titles, the Z1 Phoenix 2 remains a solid choice for gaming at lower resolutions and settings. The potential benefits of technologies like FSR3 add an extra layer of excitement to this architecture. As always, we'll keep you updated with the latest news and developments in the gaming world. Stay tuned for more exciting content from Gamer Beach!


  • Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 architecture offers a balance between performance and power efficiency.
  • Impressive gaming benchmarks, especially at lower resolutions and settings.
  • Potential benefits of FSR3 technology for enhanced gaming performance.
  • Z1 Phoenix 2 outperforms its predecessor, the Z1 Stream, in gaming benchmarks.
  • Z1 String offers improved performance at a slightly higher price point.


Q: Is the Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 suitable for high-end gaming? A: While the Rise in Z1 Phoenix 2 performs well in gaming benchmarks, it is more suited for gaming at lower resolutions and settings. High-end gaming may require a more powerful GPU.

Q: Can the Z1 Phoenix 2 handle demanding titles like Cyberpunk 2077? A: The Z1 Phoenix 2 can run demanding titles like Cyberpunk 2077 at lower resolutions and settings, but it may struggle to maintain high performance levels.

Q: Will FSR3 technology significantly improve gaming performance on the Z1 Phoenix 2? A: FSR3 technology has the potential to enhance gaming performance on the Z1 Phoenix 2, but its effectiveness on a GPU with limited resources remains to be seen.

Q: Is the Z1 String worth the higher price compared to the Z1 Stream? A: The Z1 String offers improved performance over the Z1 Stream and may be worth the slightly higher price for gamers seeking more power.

Q: Can the Z1 Phoenix 2 be used for gaming on portable consoles or laptops? A: Yes, the Z1 Phoenix 2's low TDP makes it suitable for gaming on portable consoles and laptops with low power consumption requirements.

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