Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming Motherboard: 2nd RMA Review & Ryzen 5 2600X Build

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Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming Motherboard: 2nd RMA Review & Ryzen 5 2600X Build

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. RMA Experience with Gigabyte Motherboard
  3. testing the Replacement Motherboard
  4. Comparison between Gigabyte and Asrock Motherboards
  5. Factors to Consider for Choosing the Primary Machine
  6. Decision to Install the Gigabyte Motherboard
  7. Installation and Configuration Process
  8. Additional Hardware Setup
  9. Fan and Cooling Arrangement
  10. USB Expansion and Cable Management
  11. Conclusion

🔍 Introduction

In this article, we will delve into my experience with the Second RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) of my Gigabyte motherboard. I will share my testing process, compare it with the previous motherboard, and discuss the factors influencing my decision on choosing the primary machine. Additionally, I will describe the installation and configuration process, as well as highlight the setup of additional hardware components. So, let's dive in and explore the journey of setting up my new motherboard.

🛠️ RMA Experience with Gigabyte Motherboard

Upon receiving the replacement motherboard from Gigabyte, I was eager to test it out and see if it resolved the issues I experienced with the previous one. However, upon checking the serial number, I noticed that it was not the same motherboard that I initially sent them. It seemed they had replaced it entirely.

⚙️ Testing the Replacement Motherboard

Excitement filled the air as I proceeded to install the processor and cooling fans on the replacement motherboard. With all the necessary connections made, I was ready for the moment of truth. Powering on the system, the fans started spinning, and I was greeted by the BIOS Prompt. A welcome sign indeed, as I had struggled to reach this stage with the previous board.

💻 Comparison between Gigabyte and Asrock Motherboards

Now, I faced a crucial decision: should I stick to my current ASRock B450M Pro4 as my primary machine, or should I transfer all my best hardware to the Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming and make it my new primary machine? To make an informed choice, I had to consider various factors between the two motherboards.

The Gigabyte X470 boasted more PCI slots and six SATA ports, compared to the ASRock's four. Moreover, the Gigabyte board was full ATX, while the ASRock was micro ATX, offering the advantage of fitting into a smaller case for those interested in building a compact machine. Additionally, the Gigabyte board featured two USB 3 headers and a USB 3.1 C header, while the ASRock had only one USB 3 header. Stability was also a major consideration, with the ASRock motherboard proving itself reliable in the past.

🤔 Factors to Consider for Choosing the Primary Machine

When faced with such a decision, several factors weighed heavily on my mind. The increased number of PCI slots in the Gigabyte motherboard provided potential for greater expansion and versatility. Additionally, the additional SATA ports offered more room for storage devices. On the other HAND, the compact size of the ASRock motherboard had its own appeal, making it an excellent choice for those prioritizing space optimization.

Both motherboards had their unique advantages and disadvantages, but the stability of the ASRock motherboard provided a certain level of reassurance. After careful consideration and evaluation, I finally made up my mind.

📝 Decision to Install the Gigabyte Motherboard

Taking all the factors into account, I decided to install the Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming motherboard in my primary machine. Although the ASRock motherboard had served me well in the past, the allure of greater expansion possibilities and additional features convinced me to make the switch. However, I still intended to utilize the ASRock board for another build in the future.

⚙️ Installation and Configuration Process

With the decision made, I proceeded to install the Gigabyte motherboard in its rightful place within the ATX case. This required swapping out the CPU, cooling fans, and RAM from the previous setup. Once everything was securely in place, it was time to install the operating system.

💡 Additional Hardware Setup

Windows installation went smoothly, and I proceeded to connect and configure additional hardware components. Optical drives, SSDs, and other devices were quickly detected and functioning as intended. Attention then turned to hooking up the front headers, including the microphone, headphones, USB 3, and USB 2 ports.

❄️ Fan and Cooling Arrangement

Proper cooling is vital for system performance and longevity. With that in mind, I meticulously arranged the fans within the case. The front fans were secured behind a filter, and top fans were mounted for effective airflow. Splitters were used to accommodate additional fans, ensuring an optimal cooling setup.

🔌 USB Expansion and Cable Management

To enhance USB connectivity, I installed a USB 3 hub into an available 5.25-inch slot, providing convenient access to multiple USB ports on the front panel of the case. Additionally, cable management was diligently carried out to ensure a clean and organized setup.

📝 Conclusion

In conclusion, the installation and configuration process of the Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming motherboard proved to be satisfactory, especially after the initial issues encountered with the previous Gigabyte motherboard. The decision to switch to the Gigabyte board was motivated by factors such as expanded functionality, additional connectivity options, and the desire for a larger form factor. The ASRock motherboard, though set aside for now, would find its purpose in a future build. With everything in place, it was time to enjoy the enhanced capabilities of my new primary machine.


  • Testing the replacement motherboard from Gigabyte.
  • Comparison between Gigabyte and Asrock motherboards.
  • Factors influencing the decision to choose the primary machine.
  • Installation and configuration process of the Gigabyte motherboard.
  • Setting up additional hardware components.
  • Fan and cooling arrangement for optimal system performance.
  • Enhancing USB connectivity and cable management for a clean setup.
  • The conclusion of the installation journey and future plans for the ASRock motherboard.


Q: Which motherboard did you choose as your primary machine? A: After careful consideration, I decided to make the Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming motherboard my primary machine.

Q: What factors influenced your decision? A: Factors such as expandability, additional features, and stability were taken into account when choosing the primary motherboard.

Q: Will you utilize the ASRock motherboard in the future? A: Yes, I intend to utilize the ASRock motherboard for another build in the future.

Q: How was the installation and configuration process? A: The process went smoothly, with the Gigabyte motherboard performing well after the initial issues with the previous one.

Q: What additional hardware components did you set up? A: I connected optical drives, SSDs, front headers (microphone, headphones, USB), and implemented a USB 3 hub for expanded connectivity.

Q: How did you optimize cooling in your setup? A: I carefully arranged fans and utilized splitters to ensure optimal cooling within the case.


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