How to Install the Latest Nvidia Driver on Linux

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How to Install the Latest Nvidia Driver on Linux

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Downloading the Nvidia Proprietary Driver
  3. Step 2: Checking the Graphics Card Model
  4. Step 3: Giving Execution Permissions to the Installer
  5. Step 4: Executing the Installer
  6. Step 5: Disabling the Open Source Driver
  7. Step 6: Restarting the System
  8. Step 7: Verifying the Installation
  9. Step 8: Customizing the Nvidia Settings
  10. Conclusion

How to Install the Nvidia Proprietary Driver on Linux

Installing the Nvidia proprietary driver on Linux can be a bit daunting at first, but once you understand the steps involved, it becomes a fairly straightforward process. In this Tutorial, I will guide you through the installation of the Nvidia proprietary driver on Linux, specifically focusing on the steps required to ensure a successful installation. Don't worry, it's not as difficult as it seems, and I'll demonstrate just how easy it is in this super simple video tutorial.

Step 1: Downloading the Nvidia Proprietary Driver

To begin, we need to download the Nvidia proprietary driver from the official Nvidia website. While there are repositories available for installing the driver, I personally prefer using the official driver from the Nvidia website for better performance. Additionally, most Linux distributions already come with a default open source driver for Nvidia graphics cards, but the proprietary driver often offers improved functionality. Open your favorite web browser and search for "Nvidia drivers Linux" to find the official Nvidia website.

Step 2: Checking the Graphics Card Model

Before proceeding with the installation, we need to determine the model of our Nvidia graphics card. If you're unsure about the model of your graphics card, don't worry. Linux provides a simple command that lists all the hardware components, including the graphics card. Open the application launcher and execute the command "lspci" to display a list of components. Look for the line that mentions your graphics card, and note down the model.

Step 3: Giving Execution Permissions to the Installer

Once the driver download is complete, you will have a file with a ".run" extension. By default, this file cannot be executed as it lacks execution permissions. To grant the necessary permissions, right-click on the file, select "Properties," and navigate to the "Permissions" tab. Check the box that says "Allow executing file as program." This can be done using the file manager in KDE Plasma, but the process is similar for other desktop environments.

Step 4: Executing the Installer

To install the Nvidia proprietary driver, we need to execute the installer file. Open a terminal in the directory where the installer is located. If you downloaded the installer to the Downloads folder, you can navigate to it using the command "cd Downloads." Once in the directory, execute the installer using the command "sudo ./." Enter your password when prompted and wait for the installer to start.

Step 5: Disabling the Open Source Driver

During the installation process, you may encounter an error stating that the open source driver conflicts with the proprietary driver. In this case, the installer will Prompt us to create a file that disables the open source driver, allowing the installation to proceed. Select "Yes" when prompted to create the file. Once done, close the installer.

Step 6: Restarting the System

After closing the installer, we need to restart the system to enable the newly installed proprietary driver. Go to the application menu and select "Restart" to reboot your computer. When the system boots up again, you may Notice that the resolution appears lower than usual. This is normal and happens because the open source driver is no longer active. We will correct this in the next step.

Step 7: Verifying the Installation

Upon reboot, you should verify whether the Nvidia proprietary driver has been installed successfully. Open the application menu and search for "Nvidia X Server Settings." Launch the application and explore the settings to view information about your installed driver. This is also where you can customize various options for your Nvidia graphics card.

Step 8: Customizing the Nvidia Settings

Once you have verified the installation, you can customize the Nvidia settings to suit your preferences. The Nvidia X Server Settings application provides options to tweak various aspects of your graphics card, such as resolution, multiple monitor setup, and power management. Take some time to explore and experiment with the available options.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed the Nvidia proprietary driver on Linux. Although the installation process may seem complex at first, it becomes much simpler once you are familiar with the steps involved. The proprietary driver offers improved performance and features compared to the default open source driver. Enjoy the enhanced capabilities of your Nvidia graphics card on Linux!


  • Learn how to install the Nvidia proprietary driver on Linux
  • Easy-to-follow steps for a successful installation
  • Improve graphics performance with the proprietary driver
  • Customize Nvidia settings for optimal experience


Q: Can I install the Nvidia proprietary driver using repositories instead of the official website? A: Yes, repositories are available for driver installation, but I recommend using the official Nvidia website for better performance.

Q: How do I check the model of my Nvidia graphics card on Linux? A: You can use the command "lspci" in the terminal to display a list of hardware components, including your graphics card.

Q: Why do I need to disable the open source driver during installation? A: The open source driver conflicts with the proprietary driver. Disabling it allows the installation of the proprietary driver.

Q: I am experiencing resolution issues after installing the Nvidia driver. What should I do? A: It is normal to have a lower resolution after installation. You can adjust the resolution using the Nvidia X Server Settings application.

Q: Can I customize the settings of my Nvidia graphics card after installation? A: Yes, you can use the Nvidia X Server Settings application to customize various aspects of your graphics card, such as resolution and power management.


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