Install ComfyUI on MacBook Pro for Stunning AI-Generated Images!

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Install ComfyUI on MacBook Pro for Stunning AI-Generated Images!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installing Ki as Standalone on MacBook
  3. Generating AI Images with Confu
  4. Conclusion

Installing Ki as Standalone on MacBook

Downloading the Confu Repo

To install Ki as a standalone application on your MacBook, the first step is to download the Confu repository to your computer. You can do this by using Visual Studio Code or any other text editor of your choice. Open a new terminal window and navigate to the directory where you want to store the Confu repository. Use the git clone command followed by the repository URL to clone the repo onto your computer.

Creating a Python Virtual Environment

Once you have the Confu repository on your computer, navigate to the repo folder using the terminal. Now, it's time to create a Python virtual environment specifically for Confu. Use the python3 -m venv command followed by the name you want to give to your virtual environment. This will create a new folder with the virtual environment files.

Installing Torch and Confu Libraries

With the virtual environment created, it's time to install the necessary libraries for Confu to function properly. One important library is Torch, which is required for the Confu application. If you are using a MacBook with an Intel processor, you will need to install the torch==1.1.0 version. To install Torch, use the pip install torch==1.1.0 command in the terminal.

Additionally, you need to install all the Confu-specific requirements. This can be done by using the pip install -r requirements.txt command in the terminal. Make sure you are in the Confu repo folder before running this command.

Starting Confu

After installing all the necessary libraries, Confu is now ready to be started. Open the terminal and navigate to the parent folder of the Confu repo. Activate the virtual environment by using the source venv/bin/activate command for MacOS/Linux or .\venv\Scripts\activate for Windows. Once the virtual environment is activated, you can start Confu by running the python command in the terminal.

Generating AI Images with Confu

Downloading and Locating Checkpoint Files

To generate AI images using Confu, you need to make sure you have the necessary checkpoint files. These files are needed for the AI model to generate accurate and high-quality images. By default, the checkpoint files should be located in the checkpoints folder within the Confu repo.

If you don't have the checkpoint files, you can download them using Hugging Face or any other platform that provides pre-trained models. Locate the downloaded checkpoint files and copy them into the checkpoints folder inside the Confu repo.

Running Confu to Generate AI Images

Once the checkpoint files are in place, you can now run Confu to generate your first AI image. Go back to the parent folder of the Confu repo and make sure the virtual environment is still activated. Run the command python in the terminal to start Confu.

If you are using a MacBook with an Intel processor, it is recommended to start Confu with the command python --no-pooling to avoid memory errors during the image generation process.


In this Tutorial, we have learned how to install Ki as a standalone application on a MacBook computer. We have covered the steps to download the Confu repository, create a Python virtual environment, and install the necessary libraries. We have also explored how to generate AI images using Confu by downloading and locating the required checkpoint files. With these steps, you can now unleash the power of Confu and create stunning AI-generated images.

⭐️ Remember to experiment with different models and settings to get the best results with Confu!

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