Intel CEO Bob Swan on Q1 earnings: China market challenges and strategic 5G shift

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Intel CEO Bob Swan on Q1 earnings: China market challenges and strategic 5G shift

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. China Market Performance
    1. Growth in Cloud Services
    2. Weakness in China Market
  3. Outlook for the Client Computing Group
    1. Revenue Expectation
    2. Supply Constraints
  4. Market Trends and Demand for Data
    1. Strong Demand for Data
    2. Lumpy Buying Patterns in the Cloud Market
  5. Focus on 5G Business
    1. Importance of 5G Market
    2. Leading in 5G Network
    3. Opportunities in Modems, Connectivity, and IoT
  6. Decision to Exit 5G Smartphone and Modem Market
  7. Capital Allocation and Stock Repurchases
    1. Investments in Capacity and R&D
    2. Strategic Acquisitions
    3. Dividend Distribution and Stock Buybacks
  8. Conclusion
  9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

China Market Performance

The Chinese market has played a significant role in the lowered guidance for the year. The demand for cloud services and enterprise communication services providers in China has contributed to our growth. However, we are currently experiencing weakness in the China market, which is expected to continue for some time. Last year, the demand for cloud services in China was significant, with a nearly 100% increase in the first nine months of the year. However, the consumption of this demand is expected to take longer, affecting all three segments of our business – data center, cloud, and enterprise and government communication services providers.

Outlook for the Client Computing Group

Our outlook for the client computing group remains unchanged, indicating a significant improvement in the Second half of the year. Despite the challenges faced in the first half, the client business had a notable quarter with a 5% increase in revenue. Although unit volume was down, the demand signals remained relatively strong. Our expectation for the second half is to improve the supply constraints that hindered our performance in the first half. We believe that by increasing our capacity, we will be able to meet the demand profile and capitalize on the consistent demand signals.

Market Trends and Demand for Data

The demand for data and the need for storage, processing, and analysis of data continue to be strong in the industry. Whether it is in the enterprise sector or the activities of consumers, the demand profile remains robust. However, the buying patterns in the cloud market can be lumpy, with periods of high purchasing followed by consumption. Despite this, the end market demand for data remains strong. Last year, our BCG business experienced substantial growth of 21%. We are currently in a digestion period, but we believe that the long-term prospects are favorable for our business.

Focus on 5G Business

The 5G market is of utmost importance to us and has always been a focus of our strategy. We anticipate leading in 5G, primarily in the network domain, as we foresee the convergence of communications, computation, and application networks at the service providers and telcos. This technological inflection point presents high-growth opportunities, and we are well-positioned to capitalize on them. Additionally, we are exploring opportunities in modems, connectivity at the edge, and the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices that will benefit from lower latency in a 5G world. However, in the smartphone arena, we have concluded that there is no path to profitability, and therefore, we have made the decision to exit the 5G smartphone and modem market.

Capital Allocation and Stock Repurchases

Our capital allocation decisions primarily revolve around investment in capacity to serve our customers' needs and significant research and development (R&D) investments. In 2018 and 2019, our capital expenditure (capex) reached Record levels, reflecting our commitment to growing the business. We also prioritize strategic acquisitions where they make sense and aim to provide attractive dividends to our shareholders. We take advantage of any disconnect between our perceived intrinsic value and stock valuation by utilizing our strong balance sheet for stock repurchases. Our approach to capital allocation has not changed significantly, and we remain focused on creating value for our investors.


Despite the current challenges we face in the China market and the decision to exit the 5G smartphone and modem market, we remain optimistic about the long-term prospects of our business. The demand for data, the convergence of technologies, and our position in the 5G network domain provide us with significant opportunities for growth. We will continue to focus on capital investments, strategic acquisitions, and delivering value to our shareholders. With our strong balance sheet, leading technologies, and commitment to innovation, we are confident in our ability to navigate the evolving industry landscape and drive long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the current performance of the Chinese market in terms of cloud services and enterprise communication services providers? A: The Chinese market has shown significant growth in demand for cloud services, with a nearly 100% increase in the first nine months of last year. However, we are currently experiencing weakness in the China market, which is expected to persist for some time.

Q: What is the outlook for the client computing group? A: Despite the challenges faced in the first half, we anticipate a significant improvement in the second half of the year. Our focus is on improving supply constraints to meet the strong demand signals we have observed.

Q: How is the demand for data and trends in the market? A: The demand for data and the need for storage, processing, and analysis of data remain strong. However, buying patterns in the cloud market can be lumpy. The end market demand for data is robust, and we believe the long-term prospects are favorable.

Q: Why did the company decide to exit the 5G smartphone and modem market? A: After careful evaluation, we concluded that there is no path to profitability in the smartphone market. Our focus will remain on leading in the 5G network domain, exploring opportunities in modems, connectivity at the edge, and IoT devices.

Q: How does the company allocate capital and prioritize stock repurchases? A: Our capital allocation decisions prioritize investments in capacity and research and development. We also consider strategic acquisitions and provide attractive dividends to shareholders. Stock repurchases are made opportunistically based on perceived intrinsic value.

Q: What is the company's outlook for future growth and success? A: Despite the challenges faced, we remain optimistic about the long-term prospects of our business. We believe in the strong demand for data and the convergence of technologies, which present significant growth opportunities. Our commitment to innovation and value creation for shareholders will drive our success in the evolving industry landscape.

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