Intel Revolutionizes Bitcoin Mining with Blockscale ASIC Chips

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Intel Revolutionizes Bitcoin Mining with Blockscale ASIC Chips

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Intel's Entry into Bitcoin Mining
  3. Infrastructural Support from Intel
  4. Impact on the Bitcoin Market
  5. Intel's Product Release
  6. Engagement with Customers
  7. Block Jack's Absence
  8. Partnership with Argo Blockchain
  9. Hype's Reaction
  10. Delivery of Miners
  11. Collaboration with Epic Blockchain Technologies
  12. Intel's Contribution to Blockchain Technologies
  13. Mainstream Media's Perspective on Bitcoin
  14. Block Scale's Achievement for Intel
  15. Criticism of Bitcoin during Crypto Winter
  16. Conclusion

Intel's Entry into Bitcoin Mining

In recent news, Intel, the technological giant, has made its official entry into the world of bitcoin mining. Just six months after unveiling its ultralow voltage energy-efficient ASIC chip, the company is now shipping its first product, named Block Scale [🚀]. This development has raised questions about how the bitcoin market will react to Intel's infrastructural support and what it means for the ongoing chaos surrounding cryptocurrencies.

Infrastructural Support from Intel

Under normal circumstances, the involvement of a multinational company like Intel in the bitcoin market would be considered a tremendous boost. The potential benefits of Intel's expertise in architecture, graphics, and software, particularly through their Intel Architecture, Graphics, and Software (IAGS) divisions, cannot be overstated. However, the immediate impact of Intel's entry has been relatively muted. It remains to be seen whether this is only a short-term effect or if it will have long-lasting implications.

Impact on the Bitcoin Market

Roger Kaduri, the Senior Vice President of Intel's Custom Compute team, recently took to Twitter with an enthusiastic announcement. According to his tweet, Intel's AXG custom compute team is now shipping the Block Scale ASIC, their first product in the bitcoin mining business. He expresses excitement over seeing how companies like Argo GRID and Hive will adapt and enhance their operations around Block Scale and Intel's open design. It is worth noting that one notable absence from the list of customers is Block Jack, the company founded by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

The fact that Intel's blockchain accelerator is Slated to ship later this year, as indicated by Raja Kaduri [✈️], underscores their commitment to sustainability. Intel has engaged directly with customers who share similar sustainability goals, and among their first customers for this upcoming product are Argo Blockchain (formerly known as Square) and Good Infrastructure [🌱]. One mining company, Hype, was quick to react to the news and tweeted their pride in partnering with Intel. They eagerly anticipate utilizing the new A6 ASIC chips in their custom immersion mining rigs.

Partnership with Argo Blockchain

The partnership between Intel and Argo Blockchain [🤝] holds significant promise. Argo Blockchain, a green mining company, has been at the forefront of sustainable and environmentally friendly bitcoin mining practices. With Intel's entry into the bitcoin mining business and Argo Blockchain as one of its first customers, the potential for innovative advancements in energy-efficient mining is immense. Both Intel and Argo Blockchain are committed to responsible and sustainable technology development.

However, it is important to note that while Intel has made significant strides with Argo Blockchain, the absence of Block Jack from their customer list raises some questions. Is this a signal that Block Jack is losing its prominence in the bitcoin mining industry? Or is there another reason for their omission? Only time will tell.

Hype's Reaction and Future Deliveries

Hype, a company known for its advancements in green mining technology, expressed their excitement in partnering with Intel. They took to Twitter to state their pride in the collaboration and their anticipation of the enhanced mining capabilities facilitated by Intel's A6 ASIC chips [⛏️]. With the delivery of these miners scheduled over the next year, starting in the Second half of 2022, the overall hash rate for bitcoin mining is expected to increase significantly [📈].

Collaboration with Epic Blockchain Technologies

Another intriguing development in Intel's foray into bitcoin mining is their collaboration with Epic Blockchain Technologies. This new player in the market takes pride in producing ASIC rigs designed in North America [🌎]. As a result of this partnership, the mining industry can expect further innovation and customization in the field.

Intel's Contribution to Blockchain Technologies

Intel's declaration to contribute to the development of blockchain technologies [🏗️] highlights their commitment to an open and secure ecosystem. With a roadmap focused on energy-efficient accelerators, Intel aims to advance blockchain technology in a responsible and sustainable manner. This shift in Intel's focus reinforces the potential of blockchain technology and its ability to revolutionize various industries.

Mainstream Media's Perspective on Bitcoin

Unfortunately, mainstream media often presents a biased and negative perspective on bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market. This prevailing sentiment has only been exacerbated in the current crypto winter, characterized by a prolonged period of low virtual coin values [❄️]. Rather than diving into Intel's energy-efficient intentions or acknowledging the company's successful execution of its low-load strategy, many mainstream articles choose to focus on the market's conditions.

Block Scale's Achievement for Intel

Amidst this atmosphere, it is crucial to applaud Intel for successfully shipping its Block Scale ASIC chips ahead of schedule [🏆]. Even though the tiny head start may seem nominal, it is undoubtedly an achievement for a company that has faced delays in multiple product releases. From the Sapphire Rapid Server chips to the discrete Art GPUs, Intel has had its fair share of setbacks. Therefore, the fact that Block Scale is now shipping Speaks volumes about Intel's dedication and ability to deliver on its promises.

Criticism of Bitcoin during Crypto Winter

The criticism and skepticism surrounding bitcoin during this crypto winter should not deter us from recognizing its potential. While the value of virtual coins may experience volatility, it is essential to remember the transformative power of bitcoin [💡]. This technology has the potential to change the world by providing a decentralized and secure financial system that transcends borders.


In conclusion, Intel's entry into the bitcoin mining business marks a significant development for both the technology giant and the cryptocurrency market. The support and innovation offered by Intel's energy-efficient accelerators hold immense promise for the future of bitcoin mining. With partnerships formed with industry leaders like Argo Blockchain and Hype and collaborations with emerging players like Epic Blockchain Technologies, Intel is poised to revolutionize the mining industry. As bitcoin moves forward amidst the criticism and skepticism portrayed in mainstream media, its transformative potential remains undeniable.


  • Intel has officially entered the bitcoin mining business with the shipment of their Block Scale ASIC chips [🚀].
  • The infrastructural support from a company like Intel could have a tremendous impact on the bitcoin market.
  • Argo Blockchain and Hype are among the first customers to partner with Intel, showcasing the potential for sustainable and innovative mining practices.
  • Intel aims to contribute to the development of blockchain technologies in a responsible and sustainable manner.
  • Despite criticism during the ongoing crypto winter, the transformative power of bitcoin should not be underestimated [💡].
  • Intel's successful shipment of Block Scale ASIC chips ahead of schedule demonstrates their commitment and capability to deliver on promises [🏆].


Q: How does Intel's entry into bitcoin mining affect the market? A: Intel's involvement in the bitcoin mining industry carries the potential for significant changes, including enhanced infrastructure and technological advancements. However, the immediate impact remains uncertain.

Q: Who are Intel's key partners in the bitcoin mining business? A: Argo Blockchain and Hype are among the first companies to partner with Intel, showcasing the promising future of sustainable and energy-efficient mining operations.

Q: How will Intel contribute to the development of blockchain technologies? A: Intel's commitment to contributing to the development of blockchain technologies is evident through their energy-efficient accelerators and their pledge to promote an open and secure blockchain ecosystem.

Q: Is bitcoin still a viable investment during the crypto winter? A: While the value of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies may experience volatility, it is crucial to recognize the transformative potential of bitcoin and its ability to revolutionize the financial system.

Q: How does mainstream media perceive bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market? A: Mainstream media often portrays a negative and biased perspective on bitcoin, particularly during periods of market downturns, which may overshadow significant advancements and potential opportunities.


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