Is it the Right Time to Buy a Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti?

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Is it the Right Time to Buy a Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Hype Surrounding Nvidia's RTX 30 Series
  3. Comparison with Previous Generation (RTX 20 Series)
  4. Pricing and Value of the RTX 2080 Ti on the Used Market
  5. Benchmarking and Gaming Performance
    1. testing Methodology
    2. Results: Ray Traced Games
    3. Results: Other Games
  6. Is Now the Time to Buy a RTX 2080 Ti?
  7. Considerations for Different Resolutions and Use Cases
  8. The Impact on the Environment: Buying Used vs. New
  9. Conclusion

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The Hype Surrounding Nvidia's RTX 30 Series

Over the years, Nvidia has consistently improved their graphics card technology, but the release of the RTX 30 series has generated an unprecedented amount of hype. With early videos, specs, and benchmarks available, it is evident that this new generation is set to be one of the biggest leaps in performance in a long time. Comparatively, the previous generation's RTX 20 series did not receive the same level of excitement upon release. The 2080 Ti, the flagship card of that series, was only marginally more powerful than its predecessor, the 1080 Ti. The addition of ray tracing capabilities in the 20 series also failed to make a significant impact. However, with the introduction of the RTX 30 series, the market dynamics have dramatically changed.

Comparison with Previous Generation (RTX 20 Series)

The RTX 30 series, particularly the RTX 3080, showcases a monumental leap in performance when compared to the 2080 Ti. The 2080 Ti, which was once considered the pinnacle of graphics card technology, is now overshadowed by the sheer power of the new cards. Although both the 2080 Ti and the 3080 are powerful in their own right, it is clear that the latter outperforms the former by a significant margin.


  • A significant increase in performance compared to previous generation cards.
  • Future-proofing for upcoming gaming titles and resource-intensive applications.


  • Higher price point compared to the previous generation.
  • Limited availability and potential scalping issues for the new cards.

Pricing and Value of the RTX 2080 Ti on the Used Market

With the release of the RTX 30 series, the prices of the 2080 Ti on the used market experienced a significant drop. Prior to the announcement, the 2080 Ti was selling for around £1,000. However, overnight, its value was halved, plummeting to £500. This steep decline poses an interesting question: is now the right time to purchase a 2080 Ti on the used market? While the availability of the RTX 30 series remains limited, the prices of the 2080 Ti have slightly increased. This begs the question of whether it is worth investing in an older generation card or waiting for more availability of the new cards.

Benchmarking and Gaming Performance

Testing Methodology

To assess the performance of the RTX 2080 Ti, extensive benchmarking and gaming tests were conducted. All games were tested at a resolution of 3440 by 1440 (ultra-wide 1440p) on an Intel i7 8700K processor at stock clocks, with 32 gigabytes of RAM running at 3,000 megahertz. The system was powered by an EVGA 850 watt power supply, and games were stored on a Kingston NVMe SSD. All games were set to maximum settings, excluding motion blur. Ray tracing was enabled wherever possible and set to ultra settings.

Results: Ray Traced Games

The benchmarks for ray traced games such as Minecraft RTX, Control, Battlefield 5, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider showcased varying results. While these games did not achieve high frame rates with ray tracing enabled (averaging around 50-60 fps), it should be noted that most of these titles are story-driven games where playing at those frame rates is still enjoyable. It is possible to optimize the settings by adjusting options such as anti-aliasing, which can improve performance without significantly impacting visual quality.

Results: Other Games

For other games, the frame rates hovered around the 100 fps mark, with exceptions for fast-paced shooters like Valorant, where frame rates well exceeded 300 fps. This indicates that the 2080 Ti can deliver excellent performance for a wide range of games, even with ray tracing enabled. However, it is worth considering specific use cases and resolutions when deciding to purchase this card.

Is Now the Time to Buy a RTX 2080 Ti?

While the 2080 Ti remains a powerful graphics card that can provide good frame rates, especially at higher resolutions, it may not be the ideal time to purchase it now. The imminent availability of the RTX 30 series, coupled with the inconsistent availability and the presence of scalpers, has created an inflated market for used cards. As the availability for the new cards improves, the prices for the 2080 Ti on the used market are expected to drop further. Therefore, it is advisable to wait for lower prices or consider purchasing the newer generation for long-term future-proofing.


  • Limited availability and inflated prices.
  • Future price drops expected as availability of the new cards improves.

Considerations for Different Resolutions and Use Cases

When deciding on a graphics card, it is essential to consider the desired resolution and specific use cases. While the 2080 Ti may offer excellent performance at 1080p resolution, it is considered overkill for this resolution, especially with ray tracing enabled. However, for gamers who prioritize high-resolution gaming or VR experiences, the 2080 Ti can still deliver satisfactory results. Additionally, the card's hardware capabilities, such as its high video memory, make it an ideal choice for games that require substantial resources.


  • Ideal for high-resolution gaming and VR experiences.
  • Abundant video memory for resource-intensive games.


  • Overkill for 1080p gaming, especially with ray tracing enabled.

The Impact on the Environment: Buying Used vs. New

As the market evolves, it is crucial to consider the environmental impact of purchasing graphics cards. Buying used cards can contribute to reducing electronic waste, as these cards can be reused rather than discarded. While this may sound preachy, the current e-waste problem necessitates a shift toward considering more sustainable options. Therefore, keeping the option of purchasing a used RTX 2080 Ti in mind can provide a viable alternative for environmentally-conscious consumers.


  • Reduces electronic waste.
  • Aligns with sustainable consumption practices.


  • Limited warranty and potentially shorter lifespan compared to new cards.


  • Nvidia's RTX 30 series is generating unprecedented hype in the market.
  • The RTX 2080 Ti faces stiff competition from the significantly more powerful 3080.
  • The prices of the 2080 Ti have dropped dramatically on the used market due to the release of the 30 series.
  • Benchmarking tests demonstrate mixed results for ray traced games, but the 2080 Ti still delivers impressive performance in other games.
  • It may not be the optimal time to buy a 2080 Ti considering limited availability and potential price drops.
  • The 2080 Ti offers overkill for 1080p gaming but excels in higher resolutions and VR experiences.
  • Purchasing used graphics cards can contribute to reducing e-waste and promoting sustainable consumption practices.


Q: Should I buy a 2080 Ti now or wait for the RTX 30 series? A: It is advisable to wait for the availability of the RTX 30 series unless immediate access to a graphics card is necessary. The prices of the 2080 Ti are expected to drop further as the newer cards become more readily available.

Q: What resolution is the 2080 Ti best suited for? A: The 2080 Ti is best suited for high-resolution gaming and VR experiences. It may be overkill for 1080p gaming, especially with ray tracing enabled.

Q: Are there any environmental benefits to buying used graphics cards? A: Yes, purchasing used graphics cards reduces electronic waste by promoting reuse. This contributes to a more sustainable approach to consuming technology products.

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