Is the 11900K a Scam? The Intel-AMD Battle and Q&A

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Is the 11900K a Scam? The Intel-AMD Battle and Q&A

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Becoming Financially Sustainable
  3. The Impact of Subscriber Numbers
  4. Buying Necessary Products for Reviews
  5. AMD's Concerns about Intel
  6. The Potential Impact of Intel's New Node
  7. Evaluating Intel's Strategy
  8. The Fallout from Intel's 11th Gen Launch
  9. The Reaction of the Tech Press to Intel's Choices
  10. The Impact on Relationships with Companies


  • The sustainability of content creation
  • The role of subscribers and views in generating income
  • The importance of product reviews in the industry
  • The potential threat of AMD to Intel's market share
  • The challenges and implications of Intel's 11th Gen launch
  • The importance of maintaining positive relationships with companies


In the world of content creation, particularly in the tech industry, financial sustainability is a critical factor. Content creators often rely on subscribers and views to generate income, allowing them to continue producing high-quality content. Additionally, the ability to purchase necessary products for reviews is essential to maintaining independence and authority in the industry. In this article, we will explore the journey of one content creator and examine how factors such as subscriber numbers, product availability, and industry dynamics influence their ability to sustain their Channel.

Becoming Financially Sustainable

Many content creators dream of turning their passion into a full-time job. However, the path to achieving financial sustainability can be a challenging one. For the individual in question, the road to full-time content creation began when they and their partner decided to dedicate themselves entirely to their channel. This commitment meant relying on the channel's income to support their lives and provide opportunities for growth.

The Impact of Subscriber Numbers

One might assume that reaching a certain number of subscribers or Patreon supporters is the key to financial sustainability. However, for this content creator, the journey was more complex. While subscriber numbers and Patreon support were important, the true measure of supporting their channel was the number of monthly views. Achieving a sustainable income required them to sustain around two million views per month.

Buying Necessary Products for Reviews

As content creators in the tech industry, purchasing necessary products for reviews is an essential part of their work. Initially, they relied on Patreon contributions to fund these purchases, which allowed them to maintain independence from industry influences. Over time, as their channel grew and additional sources of income emerged, such as expanded Patreon support and increased view counts, they were able to purchase the necessary products without financial constraints.

AMD's Concerns about Intel

Intel's dominance in the tech industry has faced challenges from competing companies, particularly AMD. With AMD's consistent advancements in terms of performance and productivity, Intel has had to address concerns about the impact this may have on their market share. The question of whether AMD should be worried about Intel's potential resurgence with the introduction of new nodes and improved performance is a valid one. While Intel's new nodes may offer performance improvements, the overall impact remains uncertain.

The Potential Impact of Intel's New Node

Intel's progression towards new nodes, such as 10 nanometer and 7 nanometer, has raised expectations for improved performance. However, the transition to new nodes is not a simple guarantee of better performance. There are various factors that influence the success of a new node, including architectural design, clock speeds, and even market conditions. The question of whether AMD should be concerned about Intel's advancements depends on how these factors unfold in practice.

Evaluating Intel's Strategy

The launch of Intel's 11th Gen series, specifically the i9-11900K, received significant criticism from both content creators and the wider tech press. The decision to release a product that not only failed to meet expectations but also fell short of its predecessor raised concerns about Intel's strategic choices. Some believe that Intel could have avoided this situation by either delaying the 11th Gen launch or offering official price cuts for their 10th Gen series.

The Fallout from Intel's 11th Gen Launch

The negative reception of the i9-11900K, along with other 11th Gen parts, led to questions about the potential consequences for content creators. Given the scathing reviews and criticisms of the product, some wondered whether this would lead to negative repercussions, such as being blacklisted by companies. While the content creators maintain that their reviews are honest and not motivated by personal gain, they recognize that negative reviews can strain relationships with companies.

The Reaction of the Tech Press to Intel's Choices

Intel's strategic choices with the i9-11900K launch met with widespread criticism from both content creators and the wider tech press. While the review landscape was not Universally negative, many reviewers echoed the sentiment that the product fell short of expectations and did not deliver the desired performance improvements. However, the potential for negative backlash did not result in widespread blacklisting, as many content creators continue to maintain positive relationships with companies in the industry.

The Importance of Maintaining Relationships with Companies

Content creators rely on positive relationships with companies to access necessary products for review and maintain credibility within the industry. While negative reviews can strain these relationships, the majority of companies understand the value of honest feedback and maintain open lines of communication with content creators. Blacklisting is rare, and most companies are willing to address concerns and work towards improvement based on constructive criticism.


Financial sustainability in the world of content creation is a complex endeavor. For content creators, factors such as subscriber numbers, view counts, and independence from industry influences play a crucial role in achieving stability. Intel's 11th Gen launch highlighted the challenges faced by both content creators and companies in the tech industry. While negative reviews can strain relationships, most companies understand the value of honest feedback and work towards improvement. Moving forward, content creators and companies must continue to navigate the dynamic landscape of the tech industry to foster growth, collaboration, and innovation.


Q: Can content creators sustain their channels through subscriber counts alone?\ A: Subscriber counts are a crucial part of generating income for content creators, but sustained success also relies on factors such as view counts and diversified revenue streams.

Q: How do content creators purchase necessary products for reviews without industry influence?\ A: Content creators often rely on Patreon support and view counts to fund the purchase of products for reviews, allowing them to maintain independence and authority in their content.

Q: Should AMD be worried about Intel's potential advancements in performance?\ A: While Intel's new nodes may offer performance improvements, the overall impact remains uncertain. AMD's strong position in the market and continuous advancements make it difficult to predict Intel's future competitiveness.

Q: Why is Intel cautious about overclocking headroom and component limitations?\ A: Intel's caution stems from factors such as silicon variants, efficiency considerations, and maintaining a positive brand image. Limiting overclocking headroom helps ensure product reliability and prevents performance regression.

Q: What should buyers consider when purchasing pre-built systems?\ A: Buyers should prioritize upgradeability by choosing pre-built systems that use standard components from reputable manufacturers, allowing for future upgrades and customization. Boutique builders often offer more flexibility compared to larger brands with proprietary components.


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