Is the GT-1030 Worth It? Full Benchmark Analysis in 2022

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Is the GT-1030 Worth It? Full Benchmark Analysis in 2022

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Specifications of the GT-1030
  3. Test System
  4. Benchmarking Cyberpunk 2077
  5. Benchmarking Far Cry 6
  6. Benchmarking Watch Dogs Legion
  7. Benchmarking Halo Infinite
  8. Benchmarking Forza Horizon 5
  9. Conclusion
  10. Pros and Cons
  11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

GT-1030: A Detailed Benchmark Analysis in 2022 🎮

The GT-1030 is a budget-friendly graphics card that has gained popularity for its affordability and decent performance in certain gaming scenarios. In this article, we will conduct a thorough benchmark analysis of the GT-1030 to determine its capabilities and limitations in handling modern games. We will test its performance in popular titles such as Cyberpunk 2077, Far Cry 6, Watch Dogs Legion, Halo Infinite, and Forza Horizon 5.

1. Introduction

The GT-1030 is a graphics card that falls on the entry-level spectrum of GPUs. Priced at around 100 pounds, it offers an attractive option for budget-conscious gamers. However, its affordability often comes with trade-offs in terms of performance and capabilities. In this article, we will examine how the GT-1030 fares in various gaming scenarios and whether it is a viable choice for gamers on a tight budget.

2. Specifications of the GT-1030

Before delving into the benchmark results, let's take a closer look at the specifications of the GT-1030. This graphics card is equipped with 2 gigabytes of VRAM and utilizes DDR5 technology. While its memory capacity may seem limited compared to higher-end GPUs, it still offers potential for gaming at lower resolutions and settings.

3. Test System

To provide accurate and reliable benchmark results, we used a well-balanced test system. The system consisted of a Ryzen 1600 AF processor and 16 gigabytes of DDR4 RAM clocked at 3000 megahertz. These components, combined with the GT-1030, provided a suitable platform for evaluating the graphics card's performance in different gaming scenarios.

4. Benchmarking Cyberpunk 2077

We began our benchmark analysis by testing the GT-1030's performance in Cyberpunk 2077. The Game was run at 1080p resolution with low graphics settings. The average framerate achieved was 17 frames per Second, with a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 19. As expected, the GT-1030 struggled to handle this demanding title, making it unsuitable for smooth gameplay.

At a lower resolution of 900p with low settings, the GT-1030 performed slightly better in Cyberpunk 2077. The average framerate improved to 16 frames per second, with a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 21. However, these numbers still indicate subpar performance, highlighting the graphics card's limitations in handling modern, graphically intensive games.

5. Benchmarking Far Cry 6

Moving on to the popular title Far Cry 6, we tested the GT-1030's performance at 1080p and 900p resolutions, both with low graphics settings. At 1080p, the average framerate achieved was 37 frames per second, with a minimum of 11 and a maximum of 40. When we lowered the resolution to 900p, the average framerate remained similar at 33 frames per second, with a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 41.

From these results, it is evident that the GT-1030 struggles to provide a satisfactory gaming experience even at lower resolutions and settings. While the average framerate may reach playable levels, the significant fluctuations in performance hinder smooth gameplay.

6. Benchmarking Watch Dogs Legion

In Watch Dogs Legion, another modern and graphics-intensive game, the GT-1030 faced similar performance challenges. At 1080p resolution and low settings, the average framerate was 15 frames per second, with a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 73. Lowering the resolution to 900p slightly improved the average framerate to 19 frames per second, with a minimum of 11 and a maximum of 60.

These results indicate that Watch Dogs Legion is also unplayable on the GT-1030, even at lower resolutions. Although some users might experiment with resolution scaling to achieve a smoother gameplay experience, the graphics card's limitations are apparent.

7. Benchmarking Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite, a popular shooter game, was included in our benchmark analysis to assess the GT-1030's performance in this genre. At 1080p resolution and low settings, the average framerate achieved was 27 frames per second, with a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 43. When the resolution was lowered to 900p with low settings, the average framerate remained consistent at 27 frames per second, with a minimum of 19 and a maximum of 38.

While the GT-1030 showed slightly better performance in Halo Infinite compared to other titles, it still falls short of delivering the ideal 60 frames per second experience expected in shooters. Gamers seeking smoother gameplay would require a more powerful graphics card.

8. Benchmarking Forza Horizon 5

Lastly, we tested the GT-1030's performance in Forza Horizon 5, a popular racing game. At 1080p resolution and low settings, the average framerate achieved was 30 frames per second, with a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 39. Lowering the resolution to 900p yielded even better results, with an average framerate of 33 frames per second, a minimum of 25, and a maximum of 43.

Compared to the previous benchmarked games, Forza Horizon 5 showcased relatively more respectable results on the GT-1030. With an average of 30 frames per second at 1080p low settings, players can achieve a somewhat playable experience. However, it is important to note that these results may vary depending on individual preferences and gaming expectations.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, the GT-1030 with its 2 gigabytes of VRAM and DDR5 technology falls short when it comes to handling modern, graphically intensive games. While it may suffice for older or less demanding titles, it struggles to provide a satisfactory gaming experience in recent releases. With the availability of more powerful and affordable graphics cards, such as the RX 6500 XT or second-hand options like the GTX 970 or GTX 1050 Ti, the GT-1030 may not be the best investment for dedicated gamers.


  • Budget-friendly option
  • Suitable for older or less demanding games
  • Decent performance in racing games


  • Limited VRAM capacity
  • Struggles with modern, graphically intensive games
  • Subpar performance at higher resolutions and settings

10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can the GT-1030 handle games in 4K resolution? A: No, the GT-1030 is not designed for 4K gaming. Its performance would be significantly limited at such high resolutions.

Q: Is the GT-1030 suitable for video editing or rendering tasks? A: The GT-1030 is not optimized for heavy video editing or rendering tasks. For these purposes, it is recommended to invest in a more powerful graphics card.

Q: Can I overclock the GT-1030 to improve its performance? A: While overclocking may provide slight performance improvements, the GT-1030's limited power and thermal capabilities may hinder significant gains.

Q: Is the GT-1030 compatible with virtual reality (VR) gaming? A: Due to its limited processing power, the GT-1030 is not recommended for VR gaming. VR experiences require more powerful GPUs to ensure smooth and immersive gameplay.


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