Learn How to Program Altera Cyclone 10 LP FPGA Board with Quartus Prime Lite Software

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Learn How to Program Altera Cyclone 10 LP FPGA Board with Quartus Prime Lite Software

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Project
    • Creating a New Project
    • Selecting the Target Device
    • Configuring Project Settings
  3. Adding Source Files
    • Creating a New Source File
    • Saving the Source File
    • Setting the Top Module
    • Analyzing the Design
  4. Pin Assignment
    • Setting Pin Constraints
    • Configuring Clock Constraints
  5. Design Constraints
    • Adding a Synopsis Design Constraint Source
    • Saving and Compiling the Design
  6. Programming the Device
    • Selecting the Hardware Device
    • Programming the Device
  7. Conclusion
  8. Resources


Welcome to this Tutorial on creating a project based on the Cyclone FPGA. In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up the project, add source files, assign pins, apply design constraints, and program the device. Let's get started!

Setting up the Project

Before we begin, we need to set up the project with the necessary configurations.

Creating a New Project

To create a new project, open the Quartus Prime software and choose a suitable name and directory for your project.

Selecting the Target Device

Next, select the target device for your project. We will be using the Cyclone 10 LP FPGA, so make sure to choose the corresponding device model.

Configuring Project Settings

Configure the project settings according to your requirements. You can customize various parameters such as header files, source files, and main modules.

Adding Source Files

Now that we have set up the project, let's add the necessary source files.

Creating a New Source File

To create a new source file, go to the File menu and choose the New option. Select the appropriate file type for your source code.

Saving the Source File

Save the source file with a suitable name and extension. It is best practice to save the file with a descriptive name that reflects its purpose.

Setting the Top Module

Set the top module of your design to the source file you just created. This ensures that the correct module is targeted during synthesis.

Analyzing the Design

Analyze the design by running the analysis process. This will check for any errors or warnings in your code and provide feedback on its validity.

Pin Assignment

In this section, we will assign pins to our design to establish the desired connections.

Setting Pin Constraints

Configure pin constraints by accessing the pin settings. Specify the layout or the specific pins you want to assign for your design.

Configuring Clock Constraints

Define clock constraints by setting the necessary parameters for your clock source. You can adjust the voltage and strength of the clock signal to meet your requirements.

Design Constraints

Design constraints ensure that your design behaves as intended. Let's add a Synopsis Design Constraint Source to specify additional constraints.

Adding a Synopsis Design Constraint Source

Include a constraint source file that contains constraints for the clock and any other specific requirements. Save the file with the appropriate extension.

Saving and Compiling the Design

Save your design and compile it to check for any errors or warnings. This process will validate the design and ensure its integrity.

Programming the Device

Once the design is successfully compiled, we can proceed to program the FPGA device.

Selecting the Hardware Device

Choose the target hardware device, in our case, the Cyclone FPGA. This selection is crucial for programming the correct device.

Programming the Device

Program the device by generating a SOF file and using it to configure the FPGA. Follow the instructions provided and ensure a successful programming process.


Congratulations! You have successfully created a project based on the Cyclone FPGA. This tutorial covered setting up the project, adding source files, assigning pins, applying design constraints, and programming the device. Feel free to explore and expand your knowledge further.


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