Learn How to Synthesize HDL Code and Program an FPGA with Intel MAX10 FPGA

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Learn How to Synthesize HDL Code and Program an FPGA with Intel MAX10 FPGA

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Synthesizing HDL Code
  3. Analysis and Synthesis Phase
  4. View Netlist
  5. RTL Viewer
  6. Synthesis of PCD to Seven Segment Display
  7. Reports and Optimization
  8. Top-Level Entity
  9. Analyzing the Current File
  10. Creating a Top-Level Entity
  11. Creating Schematics for Full Adder
  12. Creating Schematics for BCD to Seven Segment Display Driver
  13. Connecting Inputs and Outputs
  14. Assigning Input and Output Names
  15. Compiling the Top-Level Entity
  16. View and Verify the Synthesis Results
  17. Programming the FPGA


The concept of synthesis plays a crucial role in hardware design. Before proceeding with any project, it is essential to ensure that the HDL (Hardware Description Language) code is synthesizable. Synthesizable code can be set as a top-level entity and undergo compilation. The first phase of analysis and synthesis determines if the project is synthesizable. Once synthesis is successful, logical elements can be implemented, and the netlist can be generated. This article will guide you through the process of synthesizing HDL code, analyzing and visualizing the netlist, optimizing the design, and programming the FPGA for implementation.

1. Synthesizing HDL Code

The first step in any hardware design project is to check if the HDL code is synthesizable. Synthesizable code can be programmed onto an FPGA. In the analysis and synthesis phase, the project is evaluated to determine if it is synthesizable. Not all HDL code can be synthesized, so this initial phase is crucial. Once the synthesis process is complete, the project becomes synthesizable, and the logical elements required for implementation can be added.

2. Analysis and Synthesis Phase

During the analysis and synthesis phase, the synthesizability of the HDL code is determined. This phase involves evaluating the code and checking for any potential issues. If the analysis and synthesis process is successful, the code is considered synthesizable. At this point, the logical elements required for implementation can be added to the project.

3. View Netlist

After the compilation process is complete, it is possible to view the netlist. The netlist provides a schematic representation of the logical elements used in the design. By using an RTL viewer, the synthesized side of the artwork can be visualized. This allows for a clear understanding of how the design has been implemented. For example, a full adder can be described using logical elements, such as XOR gates and AND gates. The netlist provides a visual representation of these elements.

4. RTL Viewer

The RTL (Register Transfer Level) viewer allows for a detailed examination of the synthesized side of the design. It enables zooming, panning, and navigation through the design. By zooming in, specific components can be analyzed in detail. The RTL viewer provides a comprehensive overview of the design, including the logical elements used to implement it. For example, a counter can be viewed as a cascade of comparators with selectors. This visualization helps in understanding the design's architecture.

5. Synthesis of PCD to Seven Segment Display

The next step is to synthesize the PCD (Programmed Counter Design) to a seven-segment display. By setting the PCD as a top-level entity and compiling it, its correctness can be verified. This process confirms whether the HDL code is accurate and compatible with an FPGA. The synthesized side of the code can be viewed using an RTL viewer, providing insights into the design's implementation.

6. Reports and Optimization

During the synthesis process, various reports are generated to provide information about the design. These reports include details about logic elements utilized and other Relevant statistics. Optimization techniques can be applied to improve the design, such as reducing propagation delay times. While the example in this article uses a basic edition, a professional edition can lead to more optimized projects.

7. Top-Level Entity

Not all top-level entities are synthesizable. In some cases, the top-level entity serves as a test bench rather than a design entity. It is important to differentiate between the two. In scenarios where the top-level entity is not synthesizable, it is crucial to analyze its correctness. This involves selecting and analyzing the current file to ensure its accuracy as an HDL code.

8. Analyzing the Current File

To determine the correctness of an HDL code, it is essential to analyze the current file. This analysis checks for any errors or warnings, ensuring that the syntax level is correct. If no errors are found, it indicates that the HDL code is at least syntactically correct. The analyzer provides insights into the code's accuracy.

9. Creating a Top-Level Entity

To create a top-level entity, a new block Diagram schematic is required. This schematic serves as the container for the entire project. By saving it as a top-level entity, the design's hierarchy is established. The top-level entity is where other components, such as the full adder and the BCD to seven-segment display driver, are inserted.

10. Creating Schematics for Full Adder

To create the schematic for a full adder, the appropriate symbol file needs to be selected. By inserting the symbol of the full adder into the top-level entity, its functionality is incorporated into the design. This process involves integrating the required logical elements to implement a full adder.

11. Creating Schematics for BCD to Seven Segment Display Driver

Similar to the full adder, the BCD to seven-segment display driver also requires a schematic. By selecting the corresponding file and creating a symbol for it, the driver can be added to the top-level entity. This step ensures that the functionality of the driver is included in the design.

12. Connecting Inputs and Outputs

After creating the schematics for the full adder and the BCD to seven-segment display driver, the next step is to connect their inputs and outputs. This involves assigning the correct pins to the inputs and outputs. For example, the ABC inputs and the carry output are connected to specific pins or inputs of the driver. This step ensures that the connections between components are accurately established.

13. Assigning Input and Output Names

To facilitate communication between components, it is important to assign names to inputs and outputs. This simplifies the design process and ensures Clarity. By selecting a bus and assigning it a name, each input and output can be easily identified. For example, the inputs can be named BCD-in[3:0], and the outputs can be named x[7:0].

14. Compiling the Top-Level Entity

Once the connections and assignments are complete, the top-level entity can be compiled. This process ensures that the overall design is error-free and ready for implementation. By verifying the compilation results, any potential issues can be identified and resolved.

15. View and Verify the Synthesis Results

After compilation, it is important to view the synthesis results to confirm that the design has been correctly synthesized. This verification process allows for an in-depth examination of the synthesized blocks and their connections. By visualizing the synthesis results, any discrepancies or errors can be detected.

16. Programming the FPGA

Once the synthesis and verification processes are complete, the design can be programmed onto the FPGA. This step ensures that the design is implemented accurately and functions as intended. By selecting the top-level file and confirming the programming configuration, the FPGA can be programmed, and its functionality can be verified.


  • Synthesizing HDL code is the first step in hardware design projects.
  • Analysis and synthesis phases determine the synthesizability of the code.
  • Viewing the netlist provides a schematic representation of the design's logical elements.
  • The RTL viewer allows for a detailed examination of the synthesized side of the design.
  • Synthesis of specific components, such as the PCD to a seven-segment display, enables functionality verification.
  • Optimization techniques can be applied to improve design performance.
  • Creating a top-level entity and inserting components are essential steps in the design process.
  • Connecting inputs and outputs and assigning names ensure accurate communication between components.
  • Compiling the top-level entity verifies the overall design's correctness.
  • Programming the FPGA finalizes the implementation and functionality verification.


Q: What is synthesizable HDL code? A: Synthesizable HDL code is code that can be programmed onto an FPGA and undergo synthesis to generate a netlist.

Q: How can I view the logical elements used in my design? A: You can use an RTL viewer to visualize the synthesized side of the design and examine the logical elements used.

Q: What are the benefits of optimization in hardware design? A: Optimization techniques help improve design performance, such as reducing propagation delay times.

Q: Why is the top-level entity not always synthesizable? A: The top-level entity may serve as a test bench rather than a design entity and, therefore, does not require synthesis.

Q: How can I verify the correctness of my HDL code? A: You can analyze the current file to check for any errors or warnings, ensuring the syntactic correctness of the code.

Q: What is the purpose of programming an FPGA? A: Programming the FPGA implements the design and verifies its functionality.


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