Loss of CUDA Support on Mac OS: Implications and Workarounds

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Loss of CUDA Support on Mac OS: Implications and Workarounds

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is CUDA?
  3. NVIDIA and Apple: A History
  4. The Removal of CUDA Support on Mac OS
  5. Implications for Professional Users and Content Creators
  6. Workarounds for Mac Users
  7. Transitioning to Windows
  8. Transitioning to Linux
  9. Switching Graphic Cards to AMD
  10. Using Applications that Support Metal
  11. The Future of Mac Pro and CUDA Support
  12. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss the recent news about NVIDIA and CUDA support on Mac OS. Unfortunately, starting from CUDA 10.3, Mac OS will no longer be supported. This decision has raised concerns among professional users and content creators who rely on CUDA for hardware acceleration in various applications. We will explore the reasons behind this change and its implications for Mac users. Additionally, we will provide some workarounds for those who still wish to utilize CUDA on their Mac systems. Let's dive in!

What is CUDA?

CUDA, which stands for Compute Unified Device Architecture, is a Parallel computing platform and API model created by NVIDIA. It allows developers to utilize the power of NVIDIA GPUs for general-purpose computing tasks. With CUDA, applications can benefit from hardware acceleration, resulting in improved performance and efficiency. CUDA has been widely utilized in fields such as video editing, special effects, 3D rendering, and more.

NVIDIA and Apple: A History

The relationship between NVIDIA and Apple has been a complex one. Apple has historically switched between AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards based on which one offered a better deal. At one point, Apple even used a batch of NVIDIA mobile graphic chips in their MacBook Pros, which unfortunately had to be recalled and cost Apple a significant amount of money. The proprietary nature of CUDA has made it challenging for Apple to integrate it into their systems for their own purposes. This has led to a battle of interests between the two companies.

The Removal of CUDA Support on Mac OS

In the release notes of CUDA 10.2, NVIDIA officially announced that it would be the last release to support Mac OS. Starting from the next release, Mac OS users will no longer have access to CUDA support. This news came as a disappointment to many professional users and content creators who heavily rely on CUDA for their workflow. The removal of CUDA support means that hardware acceleration for applications utilizing NVIDIA GPUs will no longer be available on Mac systems.

Implications for Professional Users and Content Creators

The loss of CUDA support on Mac OS has significant implications for professional users and content creators who heavily rely on CUDA for their work. Applications that previously benefited from CUDA's hardware acceleration will now face performance limitations on Mac systems. This can impact tasks such as video editing, special effects rendering, and 3D modeling. Professionals who have invested in NVIDIA GPUs specifically for CUDA-based applications may need to reassess their hardware and software choices.


  • Enables better performance and efficiency in CUDA-supported applications on compatible hardware.
  • Opens up opportunities for parallel computing tasks.
  • Provides support for video editing, special effects, and 3D rendering.


  • Loss of CUDA support on Mac OS limits hardware acceleration for applications on Mac systems.
  • Professionals may need to reassess hardware and software choices.
  • Transitioning to alternative solutions may require additional effort and investment.

Workarounds for Mac Users

While the removal of CUDA support on Mac OS is unfortunate, there are some workarounds available for Mac users who still wish to utilize CUDA or achieve similar functionality. Let's explore some of these options:

Transitioning to Windows

One possible workaround for Mac users is to transition to a Windows computer. Windows systems continue to support CUDA, allowing users to take advantage of hardware acceleration for CUDA-supported applications. This solution may require users to switch operating systems and potentially invest in compatible hardware.

Transitioning to Linux

Another alternative is to transition to a Linux-based operating system. Linux generally provides broader support for CUDA and NVIDIA GPUs. By switching to Linux, Mac users can continue to use CUDA and benefit from hardware acceleration. However, this solution may require users to familiarize themselves with Linux and its ecosystem.

Switching Graphic Cards to AMD

Mac users can also consider switching their graphic cards to AMD, which has better compatibility with Mac systems. While AMD GPUs do not utilize CUDA, they are designed to work seamlessly with Apple's Metal framework, which provides similar hardware acceleration capabilities. This solution may involve replacing existing NVIDIA GPUs with AMD counterparts.

Using Applications that Support Metal

For users who prefer sticking with NVIDIA GPUs and the Mac OS, it is crucial to look for alternative applications that support Apple's Metal framework. Metal is a low-level API developed by Apple, offering similar functionality to CUDA. Some applications, such as DaVinci Resolve 16, now support Metal and can take advantage of hardware acceleration on Mac systems with AMD or NVIDIA GPUs.

The Future of Mac Pro and CUDA Support

As we look towards the future, the fate of CUDA support on Mac systems remains uncertain. With the release of the new Mac Pro in 2019, Apple's focus seems to be on AMD graphics cards and Metal support. While there may be advancements and changes down the line, it is essential for professionals and content creators to stay updated on the latest software and hardware developments to make informed choices for their workflow.


The removal of CUDA support on Mac OS brings a new set of challenges for professional users and content creators who rely on CUDA for hardware acceleration. While this may be disappointing news, there are several workarounds available, such as transitioning to Windows, Linux, or utilizing applications that support Apple's Metal framework. The choice ultimately depends on individual requirements and preferences. As the industry evolves, it is crucial to stay informed about the latest trends and advancements in both hardware and software to adapt to the changing landscape.


  1. CUDA support on Mac OS is being removed starting from CUDA 10.3.
  2. Professional users and content creators heavily rely on CUDA for hardware acceleration.
  3. NVIDIA and Apple have had a complex relationship, with CUDA being proprietary and challenging to integrate into Mac systems.
  4. The loss of CUDA support will impact tasks such as video editing, special effects rendering, and 3D modeling on Mac systems.
  5. Workarounds include transitioning to Windows, Linux, or utilizing applications that support Apple's Metal framework.


Q: What is CUDA? A: CUDA stands for Compute Unified Device Architecture, and it is a parallel computing platform and API model created by NVIDIA. It allows developers to use NVIDIA GPUs for general-purpose computing tasks.

Q: Why is CUDA support being removed on Mac OS? A: The removal of CUDA support on Mac OS is due to the complexities between NVIDIA and Apple, with CUDA being proprietary and difficult to integrate into Apple's systems.

Q: What are the implications of the loss of CUDA support on Mac systems? A: The loss of CUDA support means that hardware acceleration for CUDA-supported applications will no longer be available on Mac systems. This can impact performance in tasks such as video editing, special effects rendering, and 3D modeling.

Q: Can Mac users still utilize CUDA? A: Mac users can explore alternative solutions such as transitioning to Windows or Linux, switching to AMD graphic cards, or utilizing applications that support Apple's Metal framework.

Q: What is Apple's Metal framework? A: Metal is a low-level API developed by Apple that offers similar functionality to CUDA. It provides hardware acceleration capabilities for applications on Mac systems with AMD or NVIDIA GPUs.


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