M1 Mac vs. Intel PC: Ultimate Performance Comparison

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M1 Mac vs. Intel PC: Ultimate Performance Comparison

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Mac vs. PC: A Brief Overview
  3. Photo Editing Performance
    • Lightroom Test
    • Capture One Test
  4. Video Editing Performance
    • Davinci Resolve Test
    • Final Cut Pro Test
  5. Gaming Performance
  6. Price Comparison
  7. Conclusion
  8. Pros and Cons of Mac and PC
  9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Mac vs. PC: A Battle of Performance 💻💡


In the world of computers, the age-old debate between Mac and PC users continues to thrive. Each side boasts about the superiority of their chosen platform, leaving aspiring buyers overwhelmed and uncertain about which path to take. In this article, we aim to unravel the mysteries surrounding Macs and PCs by delving into their real-world performance. We will explore how these machines fare in photo editing, video editing, and gaming, to help you make an informed decision. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the Mac vs. PC showdown!

Mac vs. PC: A Brief Overview

Before we embark on our performance tests, let's take a moment to understand the core differences between Macs and PCs. Macs, powered by Apple's macOS, offer a sleek design, seamless integration across devices, and a strong emphasis on creativity. PCs, on the other HAND, run on Microsoft Windows and offer a wide range of hardware options, making them a popular choice for gaming and customization. With this background in mind, let's explore how these platforms perform in various tasks.

Photo Editing Performance

When it comes to photo editing, both Macs and PCs are capable of handling demanding software like Adobe Lightroom and Capture One. To assess their performance, we conducted tests on both platforms.

Lightroom Test: Importing files and making real-time edits in Lightroom proved to be a breeze on both Macs and PCs. However, when applying edits to a large batch of files, the PC showcased faster processing speeds.

Capture One Test: Similar to Lightroom, Capture One performed admirably on both platforms. While there was a slight delay in updating changes, it was negligible. In terms of exporting files, the PC outperformed the Mac, albeit marginally.

Overall, both Macs and PCs are well-suited for photo editing tasks. The slight differences in performance can be attributed to optimization and hardware configuration.

Video Editing Performance

For those venturing into the realm of video editing, both Macs and PCs offer robust solutions. We tested their capabilities using popular software such as Davinci Resolve and Final Cut Pro.

Davinci Resolve Test: When editing 5.9K, 10-bit footage in Davinci Resolve, both platforms struggled to maintain optimal performance. However, with some adjustments in settings, the PC managed to yield a playable frame rate, while the Mac fell short.

Final Cut Pro Test: Final Cut Pro, an Apple-exclusive software, showcased its prowess on the Mac by seamlessly handling multiple layers of high-resolution footage. The performance was notably better than Davinci Resolve on the same machine.

While both platforms can handle video editing, Final Cut Pro's optimization for Macs gives it an edge in terms of responsiveness and export speeds.

Gaming Performance

Although not the primary focus of this comparison, gaming capabilities hold relevance for many users. PCs traditionally excel in this domain, offering a wider selection of titles and customization options. Macs, powered by the M1 chip, offer impressive gaming performance at lower resolutions and reduced settings. While not on par with high-end gaming PCs, they can still deliver an enjoyable gaming experience.

Price Comparison

Price is undeniably a crucial factor when making a purchasing decision. In general, PCs provide more affordable options, allowing users to mix and match hardware components to suit their needs and budget. Macs, on the other hand, often come with a higher price tag due to their sleek design, integration, and unique hardware.


In conclusion, both Macs and PCs have their strengths and weaknesses, making it challenging to pinpoint an outright winner. For photo editing and general usage, the performance gap is minimal between the two platforms. However, when it comes to video editing, the Mac's optimization with Final Cut Pro provides a noticeable advantage. Gamers, particularly those seeking high-end experiences, are better off with PCs.

Pros and Cons of Mac and PC

Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding between a Mac and a PC:


  • Pros: Sleek design, seamless integration, optimized software (e.g., Final Cut Pro), strong community support
  • Cons: Higher price point, limited hardware customization options, compatibility issues with certain software and games


  • Pros: Wide range of hardware options, affordability, extensive gaming library, flexible customization options
  • Cons: Greater potential for compatibility issues, learning curve for newcomers, limited optimization for certain software (e.g., Final Cut Pro)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Which platform is better for photo editing, Mac or PC?
  2. Can Macs handle video editing as well as PCs?
  3. Are Macs suitable for gaming?
  4. Do Macs offer better integration with other Apple devices?
  5. Are PCs more cost-effective compared to Macs?
  6. Which platform is more customizable, Mac or PC?

Note: The answers to these questions will be added in the FAQ section.

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