Mastering the AMD 178b: Unleash its Potential and Dominate the Battlefield!

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Mastering the AMD 178b: Unleash its Potential and Dominate the Battlefield!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About the AMD 178b Tier 6 French Wheeled Light Tank
  3. Understanding the Playstyle of the AMD 178b
  4. Utilizing the AMD 178b's Gun and Ammunition
  5. The Importance of Concealment and View Range
  6. The Reverse Speed Advantage of the AMD 178b
  7. Reading the Enemy Team and Making Strategic Decisions
  8. The Challenges of Playing on the Prar Rafka Map
  9. Balancing Passive and Aggressive Gameplay
  10. Tips for Successful Gameplay in the AMD 178b


Welcome to this video where we will be discussing everybody's favorite tank, the AMD 178b Tier 6 French wheeled light tank. In this gameplay commentary, we will explore the unique aspects of this tank and how to effectively play it to achieve remarkable results. Despite its reputation, the AMD 178b has the potential to be a highly rewarding vehicle when used correctly. By understanding its strengths and weaknesses and applying the right tactics, you can excel in battles and even achieve a three-mark rating. So, let's dive in and discover the secrets of mastering the AMD 178b!

About the AMD 178b Tier 6 French Wheeled Light Tank

The AMD 178b is a Tier 6 French wheeled light tank that is often overlooked due to its perceived shortcomings. However, don't be fooled by first impressions. While it may not have the agility and speed of the EBR 105, the AMD 178b has its own unique advantages that can be leveraged to dominate the battlefield. One of the key misconceptions about this tank is its role as an active scout. In reality, the AMD 178b should be played more like a standard light tank, utilizing its gun and limited view range to engage enemies effectively.

Understanding the Playstyle of the AMD 178b

To maximize your performance in the AMD 178b, it is crucial to understand its playstyle. Unlike other wheeled light tanks, such as the EBR 105, the AMD 178b lacks the maneuverability to perform active scouting maneuvers. Instead, focus on utilizing its gun and moderate view range to engage enemies from favorable positions. Don't rush into the frontlines without proper support; the AMD 178b shines when played strategically and patiently.

Utilizing the AMD 178b's Gun and Ammunition

Although not the most powerful gun in its tier, the AMD 178b's gun can still pack a punch when used effectively. The tank boasts good penetration on its high-explosive shells, allowing you to deal damage even to heavily armored targets. Make use of the 75mm of penetration on your HE shells to your advantage, especially against opponents who may underestimate your firepower. Remember to prioritize targets wisely and conserve ammunition for maximum impact.

The Importance of Concealment and View Range

One of the key factors that determine your success in the AMD 178b is concealment and view range. While the AMD 178b may lack in view range compared to other tanks, it compensates with its exceptional concealment capabilities. Fully optimize your crew skills and equipment to enhance concealment and squeeze every advantage out of this tank. Use the terrain and available cover to your advantage, relying on your camouflage to spot enemies before they spot you.

The Reverse Speed Advantage of the AMD 178b

A unique advantage of the AMD 178b is its excellent reverse speed. Unlike many other tanks, you can utilize this feature effectively to retreat from dangerous situations without the need for complicated maneuvers. When engaging enemies or poking ridgelines, consider reversing instead of turning, saving precious time and potentially avoiding unnecessary damage. This flexibility allows you to maintain your position while still reacting swiftly to changing battlefield conditions.

Reading the Enemy Team and Making Strategic Decisions

Successful gameplay in the AMD 178b heavily relies on your ability to read the enemy team and make informed decisions. Analyze the lineup and map layout to predict where enemies are likely to position themselves. Adjust your strategy accordingly, adapting your playstyle to exploit their weaknesses and capitalize on advantageous situations. Develop a sixth sense for the flow of battle, understanding when to be more aggressive or patient, depending on the circumstances.

The Challenges of Playing on the Prar Rafka Map

Playing on the Prar Rafka map presents unique challenges that require careful consideration and adaptability. This map often rewards passive gameplay due to its open nature and lack of reliable cover. However, striking a balance between passivity and aggression is essential to make a significant impact. Prar Rafka requires meticulous map awareness, reading the movement of both teams, and seizing opportunities without exposing yourself excessively.

Balancing Passive and Aggressive Gameplay

Balancing passive and aggressive gameplay is crucial for success in the AMD 178b. While the tank's limitations may tempt you to adopt a more conservative playstyle, sometimes a calculated aggressive move can catch opponents off guard. However, always assess the situation and consider the risks before committing to an aggressive maneuver. Remember that the AMD 178b's strengths lie in its versatility and adaptability, allowing you to switch between playstyles when necessary.

Tips for Successful Gameplay in the AMD 178b

To further improve your gameplay in the AMD 178b, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Utilize the reverse speed advantage to save time and avoid unnecessary damage.
  2. Prioritize targets based on their vulnerability to your high-explosive shells.
  3. Maximize concealment and view range through crew skills and equipment.
  4. Read the enemy team's movements and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  5. Understand the flow of battle and seize opportunities to make an impact.
  6. Strike a balance between passivity and aggression on maps like Prar Rafka.
  7. Adapt your playstyle to exploit weaknesses and capitalize on advantageous situations.

By implementing these strategies and tips into your gameplay, you can unlock the full potential of the AMD 178b and achieve outstanding results on the battlefield.


  • Learn how to effectively play the often underestimated AMD 178b Tier 6 French wheeled light tank.
  • Explore the unique advantages and playstyle of the AMD 178b.
  • Make use of the gun's penetration and ammunition to deal damage to opponents.
  • Understand the importance of concealment and view range for successful gameplay.
  • Utilize the excellent reverse speed of the AMD 178b to your advantage.
  • Read the enemy team and make strategic decisions accordingly.
  • Adapt to the challenges of playing on the Prar Rafka map.
  • Balance passive and aggressive gameplay for maximum impact.
  • Follow essential tips to improve your gameplay in the AMD 178b.


Q: How does the AMD 178b compare to other wheeled light tanks? A: While it may not have the same level of agility as the EBR 105, the AMD 178b offers unique advantages that can be utilized effectively in battles.

Q: Can the gun on the AMD 178b deal significant damage? A: Although not the most powerful gun in its tier, the AMD 178b's gun can still pack a punch when used effectively, especially with its high-explosive shells.


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