Maximize FPS and Gaming Experience in COD Modern Warfare 2 - Ultimate Guide

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Maximize FPS and Gaming Experience in COD Modern Warfare 2 - Ultimate Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Updating Graphics Drivers
  3. Optimizing Nvidia Control Panel Settings
  4. In-Game Settings
  5. OBS Settings for Streaming
  6. Conclusion


In this Tutorial, we will discuss how to optimize your gaming experience in Modern Warfare 2. Whether you have a mid-tier build or simply want to maximize your FPS, this guide will help you achieve smooth gameplay. We will cover updating graphics drivers, optimizing Nvidia Control Panel settings, adjusting in-game settings, and configuring OBS settings for streaming.

Updating Graphics Drivers

Before diving into the game settings, it's essential to ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers installed. Updating your drivers regularly can improve game performance, as game developers often release updates that optimize compatibility with the latest drivers. Open the GeForce Experience application and click on "Check for Updates" to ensure you have the latest driver installed.

Optimizing Nvidia Control Panel Settings

To further optimize your gaming experience, we will adjust the settings in the Nvidia Control Panel. Open the Nvidia Control Panel and make the following adjustments:

Image Scaling and Occlusion

Set "Image Scaling" and "Occlusion" to "Off." These settings prioritize performance over image quality.

Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering

Set "Anti-Aliasing FXAA" and "Anti-Aliasing Gamma Correction" to "Off." Set "Anti-Aliasing Mode" and "Texture Filtering" to "Application Controlled." This will allow the game to determine these settings.

Power Management and Frame Rate

Set "Power Management Mode" to "Maximum Performance." Set "Max Frame Rate" to a value that suits your GPU. For example, if you have an NVIDIA GTX 1650 Super, you can set it to 130 FPS.

Other Settings

Ensure that the remaining settings such as "Multi-Frame Sampled AA," "Threaded Optimization," and "Triple Buffering" are set to "Off" or "Application Controlled." Adjust the settings based on your hardware capabilities.

In-Game Settings

Now, let's move on to the in-game settings. These adjustments can significantly impact performance and FPS. Open the game and navigate to the settings menu. Make the following modifications:

Display Settings

Choose "Fullscreen Borderless" for better FPS compared to "Fullscreen Exclusive." Set the display adapter to your main GPU.

Graphics Settings

Adjust the quality presets according to your preference. Choose "Custom" to have more control over individual settings. Set "Upscaling" to a value between 30 to 50, depending on your graphics card. Lower values prioritize FPS over image quality.

Texture and Shadow Settings

Set "Texture Resolution" to "Very Low" and adjust other settings like "Shadow Map Resolution" and "Particle Quality" to their lowest or optimized values. Turn off unnecessary graphical effects like motion blur and depth of field.

Film Grain Setting

Ensure that "Film Grain" is set to zero. Enabling this setting can significantly impact FPS.

Other Settings

Make adjustments like turning off water caustics and screen space reflections. Set "Volumetric Quality" and "Deferred Physics Quality" to "Low." Experiment with different settings to achieve the desired balance between performance and visual quality.

OBS Settings for Streaming

If you're a streamer, optimizing OBS settings in line with your gaming settings is crucial. Open OBS and navigate to the settings tab:

Output Settings

Set the audio track for the game and additional audio sources. Choose "Nvidia NVENC H.264" as the encoder for optimal streaming performance. Set the bitrate based on your internet connection and preferred streaming quality. Ensure that the keyframe interval is set between two to four.

Video Settings

Set the "Downscale Filter" and "Common FPS Values" based on your native monitor resolution and desired streaming quality. Adjust other settings like "Preset," "Profile," and "Tuning" to achieve a balance between stream quality and PC performance.


By following these optimization techniques, you can maximize the FPS and overall gaming experience in Modern Warfare 2. Remember to regularly update your graphics drivers, fine-tune Nvidia Control Panel settings, adjust in-game settings, and optimize OBS settings for streaming. Enjoy smooth gameplay and achieve your gaming goals!


  • Learn how to optimize your gaming experience in Modern Warfare 2
  • Update graphics drivers for improved performance
  • Adjust Nvidia Control Panel settings to prioritize FPS
  • Fine-tune in-game settings for optimal gameplay
  • Configure OBS settings for seamless streaming


Q: How often should I update my graphics drivers? A: It is recommended to update your graphics drivers regularly, especially when new game updates are released. Check for driver updates weekly to ensure compatibility and performance.

Q: Can these optimization techniques be applied to other games? A: While the guide focuses on Modern Warfare 2, many of the principles can be applied to other games as well. However, specific settings may vary depending on the game and system requirements.

Q: Will optimizing settings impact visual quality? A: Optimizing settings can help improve FPS and overall performance but may lead to a slight decrease in visual quality. Adjust the settings based on your preferences and hardware capabilities to find the right balance.

Q: Are these settings suitable for high-end gaming rigs? A: The settings mentioned in this guide are primarily aimed at mid-tier builds or those aiming for high FPS on lower-end hardware. High-end gaming rigs may have more flexibility to maximize both performance and visual quality.

Q: Can these optimizations fix network or internet-related issues? A: The optimizations mentioned in this guide mainly focus on hardware and software settings. If you are experiencing network or internet-related problems, it is recommended to troubleshoot those separately.

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