Maximize Performance with Intel Xeon X5670 & GTX660!

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Maximize Performance with Intel Xeon X5670 & GTX660!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Upgrading to the Intel Xeon X5670
  3. The Specs of the X5670 CPU
  4. The Benefits of the X58 Platform
  5. Overclocking Potential of the X5670
  6. Comparing the X5670 to the Phenom 2 X4 980
  7. Gaming Performance with the GTX 660
  8. The Sad Demise of the GTX 660
  9. Exploring the SSE Support of the X5670
  10. RAM Configuration and Performance
  11. Benchmarking the X5670 with Cinebench
  12. Comparing Performance with the Phenom 2 X4 980
  13. Gaming Performance Comparison: Xeon vs Phenom
  14. Future Upgrades: The Radeon 7870
  15. Changes to the Channel Format
  16. What to Expect in Future Videos


Welcome back to our channel! It's great to have you here after a little break. We've had some exciting developments in our family with a new addition, but now we're ready to dive back into the world of technology. In today's video, we'll be discussing our recent upgrade from the Phenom 2 X4 980 to the Intel Xeon X5670 and how it has improved our gaming experience. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's get started!

Upgrading to the Intel Xeon X5670

After much consideration, research, and budgeting, we've decided to upgrade our system to the Intel Xeon X5670. This processor, released in 2010, offers six physical processor cores and supports Hyper-threading for a total of 12 Threads. It's known for its reliability and excellent performance, making it a great choice for both server and workstation environments. We were lucky enough to find a used X5670 on eBay for a great price, which made this upgrade even more appealing.

The Specs of the X5670 CPU

Before we delve into the details of our upgrade, let's take a closer look at the specifications of the Intel Xeon X5670. This processor is based on the Westmere-EP architecture and operates at a base frequency of 2.93GHz. With a maximum turbo frequency of 3.33GHz, it offers plenty of power for demanding tasks. One notable feature of the X5670 is its support for SSE 4.1 and 4.2 instruction sets, which provide enhanced performance in certain applications. However, it does not support AVX instructions, which may limit its compatibility with newer software.

The Benefits of the X58 Platform

One of the main reasons we chose the Intel Xeon X5670 is its compatibility with the X58 platform. This older platform, released in 2008, still holds up well for gaming and offers some unique benefits. The X58 platform supports triple-channel DDR3 memory, allowing for increased memory bandwidth compared to dual-channel platforms. While X58 motherboards can be a bit pricey, especially if you're looking for a specific brand or model, there are more affordable options available from Chinese manufacturers. Just be sure to do your research and read reviews before making a purchase.

Overclocking Potential of the X5670

If you're familiar with our channel, you know we love to push our hardware to its limits through overclocking. The Intel Xeon X5670 is no exception when it comes to overclocking potential. Many users have managed to achieve impressive clock speeds of 4.5GHz and beyond with this CPU. However, we prefer a more conservative approach to avoid excessive heat and ensure stability. Even with an all-in-one cooler, we found that 3.8GHz was the sweet spot for our X5670. It provided a significant performance boost without compromising the longevity of our system.

Comparing the X5670 to the Phenom 2 X4 980

Now, let's discuss the main reason for our upgrade: comparing the performance of the Intel Xeon X5670 to our previous CPU, the Phenom 2 X4 980. The Phenom had served us well, but it was starting to show its age, especially in newer games. We wanted to see if the X5670 could breathe new life into our system and provide a smoother gaming experience. So, we ran various benchmarks and tests to evaluate the difference in performance between these two processors.

Gaming Performance with the GTX 660

To assess the gaming performance of the Intel Xeon X5670, we paired it with our trusty GTX 660 graphics card. Unfortunately, during the testing phase, the GTX 660 decided to give up on us. It presented us with a black screen when we tried to start the system, indicating a hardware failure. This unexpected turn of events led us to start a new segment on our channel called the "Dead Graphics Card Society." We'll be exploring this topic further in future videos.

The Sad Demise of the GTX 660

It's always a risk when purchasing used computer parts, as you never know how much life they have left in them. In this case, our GTX 660 reached the end of its journey sooner than we had hoped. However, we're not giving up on it just yet. We're considering attempting a reflow to resurrect the card, and if successful, we'll share our experience in a future video. It's important to remember that buying used hardware comes with its pros and cons. While it can save you money, there's always a chance of encountering issues like this.

Exploring the SSE Support of the X5670

One advantage of upgrading to the Intel Xeon X5670 is its enhanced instruction set support compared to the Phenom 2 X4 980. The X5670 includes SSE 4.1 and 4.2 instruction sets, which offer improved performance in certain applications. These instructions allow the CPU to process data more efficiently, resulting in faster operation and better overall responsiveness. While the X5670 lacks AVX support, which is found in newer CPUs, the additional SSE features should still allow us to run newer games that utilize these instructions.

RAM Configuration and Performance

In addition to the CPU upgrade, we also made some changes to our RAM configuration. We installed 12 gigabytes of RAM, consisting of three 4-gigabyte modules running in triple-channel mode at a clock speed of 1333MHz. Despite our efforts, we couldn't get these modules to run stable at a higher clock speed of 1600MHz. This is something to keep in mind when configuring your own system and trying to optimize RAM performance. Sometimes, stability is more important than achieving a higher clock speed.

Benchmarking the X5670 with Cinebench

To quantify the performance improvements offered by the Intel Xeon X5670, we ran Cinebench, a popular benchmarking tool. Cinebench measures both single-threaded and multi-core performance, giving us an overall idea of the CPU's capabilities. The X5670 scored 499 points in single-threaded performance, which was slightly lower than our Phenom 2 X4 980's score of 514. However, in multi-core performance, the X5670 truly shines, scoring 3771 points thanks to its 12 threads.

Comparing Performance with the Phenom 2 X4 980

As Mentioned earlier, we were particularly interested in comparing the performance of the Intel Xeon X5670 to our previous Phenom 2 X4 980. In terms of single-threaded performance, the Phenom had a slight edge due to its higher clock speed of 3.7GHz. However, when it came to multi-core performance, the X5670 left the Phenom in the Dust with its 12 threads. This difference in performance is especially noticeable in tasks that can utilize multiple cores effectively, such as video editing or rendering.

Gaming Performance Comparison: Xeon vs Phenom

Now, let's dive into the gaming performance comparison between our new Intel Xeon X5670 and the old Phenom 2 X4 980. We tested both processors with the same graphics card, the GTX 660, to ensure a fair comparison. While we had planned to test several games, unfortunately, the GTX 660 failed before we could complete all the benchmarks. However, we were able to Gather some data from Skyrim and Batman: Arkham Knight, which we'll share shortly.

Future Upgrades: The Radeon 7870

Although our time with the GTX 660 was cut short, we're not letting that dampen our spirits. We're always looking ahead and planning our next upgrade. In this case, we have our eyes set on the Radeon 7870 graphics card. This card, which can be found on eBay for around £40, offers an upgrade from our previous GPU and should provide a significant boost in gaming performance. We're excited to give it a try and share our experience with you in future videos.

Changes to the Channel Format

Before we wrap up this video, we wanted to let you in on some changes that will be happening to our channel format. We've listened to your feedback and realized that a more focused approach would benefit both us and our viewers. As a result, we'll be releasing individual videos for each Game running on the X5670 and Radeon 7870. This way, you won't have to wait long periods between videos, and we can provide more in-depth analysis and commentary. We hope this new format will enhance your viewing experience and allow us to deliver content more efficiently.

What to Expect in Future Videos

With our new CPU and upcoming graphics card upgrade, we have plenty of exciting content planned for the future. If there's a specific game you'd like to see benchmarked with the X5670 and Radeon 7870, please let us know in the comments. We'll do our best to accommodate your requests and provide thorough testing and analysis. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing more gaming adventures with you soon!


  • Upgraded our system from the Phenom 2 X4 980 to the Intel Xeon X5670
  • The X5670 offers six physical cores, hyper-threading, and SSE 4.1/4.2 support
  • X58 platform provides triple-channel DDR3 memory and overclocking potential
  • The sad demise of our GTX 660 graphics card and introduction of the "Dead Graphics Card Society"
  • Benchmarking the X5670 with Cinebench and comparing it to the Phenom 2 X4 980
  • Gaming performance comparison between the X5670 and Phenom 2 X4 980
  • Future upgrade plans with the Radeon 7870 and changes to the channel format


Q: How much does an Intel Xeon X5670 cost on eBay? A: You can find a used Intel Xeon X5670 on eBay for around £20.

Q: What is the advantage of the X58 platform? A: The X58 platform offers triple-channel DDR3 memory support and has great overclocking potential.

Q: Can the X5670 run newer games? A: Yes, the X5670's SSE 4.1/4.2 support allows it to run newer games that utilize these instruction sets.

Q: How well does the X5670 perform in gaming compared to the Phenom 2 X4 980? A: The X5670 performs slightly better in multi-core scenarios due to its higher number of threads.

Q: What is the next graphics card upgrade? A: We plan to upgrade to the Radeon 7870, which can be found on eBay for around £40.

Q: What changes will be made to the channel format? A: We will be releasing individual videos for each game running on the X5670 and Radeon 7870 to provide more focused content and reduce wait times between videos.

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