New GPU Releases: Radeon 6700, 6700XT, and More!

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New GPU Releases: Radeon 6700, 6700XT, and More!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Windows 10 Keys from UCD
  3. Office Keys from UCD
  4. Waiting for the Mining Crate to End
  5. Interested in the Upcoming 3080ti
  6. Discussion on the Current GPU Market
    • Limited Availability of GPUs
    • Premium Models vs Reference Models
    • Performance Comparison with Nvidia
    • VRAM and RAM Speed
  7. AMD's Strategy for Increasing Margins
    • Launching Two Versions of the 6700 XT
    • Price Speculation
    • Speculation on the Launch of a "Titan Class GPU"
  8. The Impact of Mining on the GPU Market
    • Story of a Russian Businessman
    • Nvidia's Claim to Combat Mining
    • Reality of Selling GPUs to Mining Farms
  9. Recommendation for Upgrading GPU
    • Waiting for the Crypto Bubble to Burst
    • Optimal Gaming Experience with OLED TV
  10. How to Purchase the 6700 XT
    • Buying from
    • Consider Joining Patreon for Hardware Reviews
  11. Conclusion

🖥️ Introduction

In this article, we will discuss various aspects of the GPU market and the upcoming releases from AMD. We will explore the availability and performance of different GPUs, as well as delve into the impact of mining on the market. Additionally, we will provide recommendations for gamers who are looking to upgrade their GPUs. Let's dive in!

💻 Windows 10 Keys from UCD

UCD has partnered with Cortex to offer global Windows 10 keys at an affordable price. These keys are currently available for just over $16. By using the discount code C20, you can further avail a 20% discount on your purchase. The keys provided by UCD are reliable and work without any issues. They are delivered quickly, allowing you to get started with Windows 10 hassle-free. Check out the links in the description and don't forget to apply the discount code C20 for additional savings.

📚 Office Keys from UCD

Apart from Windows 10 keys, UCD also offers office keys that work globally. These office keys allow you to access and use the Microsoft Office suite without any restrictions. Similar to the Windows 10 keys, the office keys provided by UCD are of high quality and are delivered promptly. Whether you need it for personal or professional use, these office keys will enable you to make the most of the Microsoft Office suite. Don't forget to explore the links in the description to learn more about these office keys.

⏳ Waiting for the Mining Crate to End

Like many others, I am eagerly anticipating the end of the mining crate shortage so that I can purchase some GPUs. While I have been fortunate enough to receive review samples of AMD's 6000 series from the company, I still await the opportunity to review Nvidia's GPUs. Specifically, I am particularly interested in the upcoming 3080ti, which has generated significant buzz in the gaming community. In the following sections, we will discuss the current state of the GPU market and shed light on some exclusive leaks regarding the upcoming releases.

🚧 Discussion on the Current GPU Market

The current GPU market is plagued by limited availability and soaring demand. This has resulted in inflated prices and frustrated consumers. However, despite these challenges, there are a few noteworthy aspects of the market that are worth discussing.

Limited Availability of GPUs

Both AMD and Nvidia have struggled to meet the demand for their GPUs. The scarcity of supply has created a highly competitive market, where obtaining high-performance GPUs has become a formidable task. As a result, many users have resorted to purchasing GPUs at inflated prices from third-party sellers.

Premium Models vs Reference Models

AMD is planning to launch two versions of the 6700 XT in March: ASIC A and ASIC B. While officially there will only be one 6700 XT, there will be premium models with ASIC A and reference models with ASIC B. The premium models are expected to offer slightly better performance, while the reference models will be more affordable. The difference in performance between the two ASIC versions is estimated to be around 5-8%, depending on factors such as cooling solutions.

Performance Comparison with Nvidia

The 6700 XT, particularly the reference model, is anticipated to offer performance on par with Nvidia's 3060 ti. However, the premium models may surpass the 3060 ti. With 12 gigabytes of fast and expensive GDDR6 VRAM, the 6700 XT promises an optimal gaming experience for mid-range GPUs.

VRAM and RAM Speed

The 6700 XT will feature 12 gigabytes of VRAM, utilizing the same GDDR6 memory technology found in the 6800 and 6900 series GPUs. This high-speed RAM, operating at 16 gigabits per Second, contributes to the overall performance and capabilities of the GPU.

💰 AMD's Strategy for Increasing Margins

AMD, like Nvidia, is focused on increasing profit margins in the current market landscape. They have taken an intriguing approach by launching two versions of the 6700 XT. While the cheaper models serve to attract consumers, they are unlikely to be readily available. On the other HAND, the more premium ASIC A models command a higher price tag. This strategy allows AMD to maintain an appearance of affordability while capitalizing on the high demand for GPUs.

One speculated outcome of this hybrid launch strategy is the potential release of a "Titan Class GPU" by AMD. This GPU, possibly named a 6950XT or 6900 XDX, is expected to compete with Nvidia's 3090 while being priced slightly lower. By offering a high-end alternative to Nvidia's flagship GPU, AMD aims to further capitalize on the current market conditions.

⛏️ The Impact of Mining on the GPU Market

The prevalence of cryptocurrency mining has contributed significantly to the scarcity of GPUs in the market. While companies like Nvidia claim to combat mining by reducing the hash rate on their GPUs, the reality is quite different.

Mining farms, particularly in Russia and China, continue to acquire GPUs from companies like Nvidia and AMD. These purchases are often made via special arrangements, such as joint projects or customized mining-focused orders. While these companies publicly appear to discourage miners, they are secretly profiting from the booming mining industry.

As a consequence, the focus of GPU manufacturers has shifted towards catering to mining farms rather than prioritizing the needs of gamers. This has led to inflated prices and limited availability, as companies prioritize profit margins over serving the gaming market.

🎮 Recommendation for Upgrading GPU

Given the current state of the GPU market, it is advisable to wait until the cryptocurrency bubble bursts before upgrading your GPU. The market works in cycles, and it is expected that there will be a period of high demand followed by a downturn. During the downturn, GPUs will be available at more reasonable prices.

In the meantime, gamers can still enjoy a splendid gaming experience by investing in an OLED TV. With options like the 48-inch LG OLED TV, which offers 4K resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate, gamers can enjoy immersive visuals with their existing GPUs. These TVs provide a transformative gaming experience, making the wait for a new GPU more bearable.

If you are determined to purchase the upcoming 6700 XT, I recommend checking regularly for availability. As AMD is likely to have a limited supply of GPUs at the MSRP, it is crucial to act quickly when they become available. Additionally, consider joining the Cortex Patreon to receive notifications and gain access to exclusive information regarding upcoming products.

📝 Conclusion

In conclusion, the GPU market is currently fraught with challenges, such as limited availability and inflated prices. AMD's launch strategy with the 6700 XT reflects the company's focus on profitability rather than affordability. Furthermore, the impact of mining on the market cannot be understated, as companies continue to profit from mining farm purchases.

To navigate this difficult market, it is wise for gamers to exercise patience and wait for the crypto bubble to burst. In the meantime, investing in an OLED TV can provide an excellent gaming experience. Finally, stay informed and act swiftly when purchasing GPUs directly from Despite the obstacles in the market, new GPU releases and exciting developments are on the horizon.

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