Powerful Review of Pentium g3220 with Intel HD Graphics

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Powerful Review of Pentium g3220 with Intel HD Graphics

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Specs of the Pentium g3220 and Intel HD Graphics
  3. Performance in Counter-Strike Source
  4. Performance in Half-Life 2
  5. Performance in Terraria
  6. Performance in Crusader Kings 2
  7. Performance in A Hat in Time
  8. Blender Benchmarks
  9. Conclusion
  10. Pros and Cons



In this review, we will be taking a closer look at the Pentium g3220 CPU and its integrated graphics, specifically the Intel HD Graphics. We will examine its specifications and performance in various games and benchmarks to determine its overall capabilities.

Specs of the Pentium g3220 and Intel HD Graphics

The Pentium g3220 boasts a range of impressive specifications. It features 8 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM clocked at 1333 and a 500 gigabyte hard drive. However, the main focus of this review is on its integrated graphics, the Intel HD Graphics. With these specs in mind, let's delve into how well it performs in different games.

Performance in Counter-Strike Source

Counter-Strike Source is a popular Game that many PC enthusiasts enjoy playing. To test the performance of the Pentium g3220 and its Intel HD Graphics, we set most of the game settings to medium, a few on high, and a few on low. We also enabled anti-aliasing at 2x MSA.

At a resolution of 1366 by 768, the average FPS was an impressive 89, making the game more than playable. Even at 1920 by 1080, the average FPS was 53, still providing a smooth gaming experience. Based on these results, we can confidently give Counter-Strike Source a rating of 9 out of 10.

Performance in Half-Life 2

Next, we tested the Pentium g3220 and its Intel HD Graphics in Half-Life 2, a game that shares the same engine as Counter-Strike Source. We used the same game settings as in Counter-Strike Source for a fair comparison.

At 1366 by 768 resolution, the game performed excellently with an average FPS of 92. Even at 1920 by 1080, the average FPS remained playable at 50. Based on these results and the fact that both games run on the same engine, we will give Half-Life 2 the same rating as Counter-Strike Source, a solid 9 out of 10.

Performance in Terraria

Moving on to Terraria, we faced some unexpected performance issues. The game, which is comparable to PS3 graphics, ran poorly on the Pentium g3220 and Intel HD Graphics. At 1366 by 768 resolution, the average FPS dropped to 47, lower than anticipated. The situation worsened at 1920 by 1080, with an average FPS of only 26. These performance discrepancies are rather disappointing, considering the game's compatibility with older platforms. As a result, we can only give Terraria a score of 4 out of 10.

Performance in Crusader Kings 2

Crusader Kings 2, being a map-based game, has different performance requirements compared to action-packed titles. We ran the game at a multi-sample level of two and tested it at both 1366 by 768 and 1920 by 1080 resolutions.

At 1366 by 768, the game performed well with an average FPS of 36. Even at 1920 by 1080, the average FPS dropped slightly to 24, which is still acceptable for a map game. Considering these results, we will give Crusader Kings 2 a score of 7 out of 10, taking into account its genre-specific performance requirements.

Performance in A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time presented some challenges for the Pentium g3220 and its Intel HD Graphics. With the performance preset and minimal shadow settings, we tested the game's performance at both 1366 by 768 and 1920 by 1080 resolutions.

At 1366 by 768 resolution, the average FPS was just 21, barely playable. Things worsened at 1920 by 1080, with an average FPS plummeting to 13, making the game essentially unplayable. These disappointing results gave A Hat in Time a meager rating of 2 out of 10.

Blender Benchmarks

In addition to gaming performance, we also conducted benchmark tests using Blender. On the Monster benchmark, the Pentium g3220 achieved a score of 7.85 7077. The Junk Shop benchmark yielded a score of 3.407061, while the Classroom benchmark produced a score of 3.007768. These benchmark results indicate that the CPU's performance is not particularly impressive.


After thoroughly examining the specifications and performance of the Pentium g3220 and its Intel HD Graphics, it is clear that this CPU is not a powerhouse when it comes to gaming. While it performed adequately in some games, it struggled in others, particularly those with higher graphics requirements. Considering its limitations, we cannot recommend purchasing this CPU unless it is available at an extremely low price.

Pros and Cons


  • Affordable price
  • Decent performance in less demanding games
  • Integrated graphics


  • Poor performance in graphically intensive games
  • Limited upgrade potential
  • Mediocre benchmark scores


  • Pentium g3220 and Intel HD Graphics performance review
  • Adequate gaming performance in some titles
  • Struggles in graphically intensive games
  • Limited upgrade potential and mediocre benchmark scores


Q: Can the Pentium g3220 handle modern games? A: The Pentium g3220 is not suitable for modern games with high graphics requirements. It may struggle to run them smoothly.

Q: How does the Pentium g3220 compare to other CPUs in its price range? A: The Pentium g3220 offers decent performance for its price, but there are newer CPUs available that provide better performance and value.

Q: Can I upgrade the Pentium g3220 in the future? A: The upgrade potential of the Pentium g3220 is limited as it uses an older socket type. It is recommended to consider modern CPUs for future upgradeability.

Q: Is the Pentium g3220 a good budget CPU for everyday tasks? A: Yes, the Pentium g3220 is capable of handling everyday tasks such as web browsing, light productivity, and multimedia consumption.

Q: Are there any alternatives to the Pentium g3220 with similar performance? A: Yes, alternatives such as the Ryzen 3 series or Intel's newer Pentium Gold CPUs offer better performance and value for money.

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